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Read the Comments! and …

Posted by Bob on October 24th, 2008 under General

I kept repeating “Read the Comments!” before. While I am taking a break, the comments ARE the blog.

Jews insist that Jews did not crucify Jesus, the Romans did. Actually Jews convicted Jesus and then turned him over the secular authorities, the Romans. Pontuis Pilate made it clear that he had nothing to do with this, and he even tried to give them Barabus instead. In fact, nothing is more specific in blaming Jewish authorities than the detailed discussion in the New Testament of Pilate’s behavior.

On the other hand, Jews insist that the Church persecuted Jews during the Inquisition. Actually the Church never punished anybody. The innocent Church just convicted them and “turned them over to the secular authorities.” When a person was convicted of heresy the secular authorities had no more choice about what to do to him than Pontuis Pilate did. But no Jews excuses the Church from killing all those Jews.

Don’t hold your breath until someone besides me points this out. Don’t hold your breath until Poltiical Correctness gets consistent.


  1. #1 by shari on 10/24/2008 - 8:19 pm

    I think that this is what is happening with the “holicaust.” Fear, that if the truth gets out, something awful will happen, but the “truth makes free.”

  2. #2 by Dave on 10/24/2008 - 9:34 pm

    The Mantra is seed corn for culture.

    The inconsistency of Political Correctness goes far beyond its inconsistent ideological patter.

    For example, Israel devotes most of its funding for martial purposes, but Israel is not a martial culture. That is Political Correctness.

    In contrast Japan devotes hardly any funding for military purposes, but Japan is a marital culture. Furthermore, Japan officially outlaws military funding, the exact opposite of its real culture. That too, is Political Correctness.

    Don’t hold your breath looking for consistency.

    If it were Japanese troops (let us suppose they could have been hired in) that were ordered to make frontal infantry assaults on Hezbollah positions in Lebanon in the summer of 2006, even today’s generation of Japanese youth would have fought to their death right down to the last man (kid), no questions asked. In contrast, Israeli youth disobeyed explicit orders to attack Hezbollah positions and cut and ran rabbit instead. That again, is Political Correctness.

    This is just another way of saying that Political Correctness veils the conflict between culture and funded institutions (who pretend a culture).

    And culture trumps funding (the funded institution) every time. And the inconsistency between culture and funding is Political Correctness.

    The Mantra is seed corn for (real) culture. And you can only find consistency in (real) culture.

    Outside of real culture (not pretended culture), you will never find consistency.

    That is why the very foundation of Political Correctness is to veil what cannot be reconciled.

    That is what makes the Mantra important. It is seen corn for real culture and culture trumps funding (and the veil of Political Correctness) every time.

  3. #3 by Simmons on 10/25/2008 - 11:24 am

    Its why we ask questions to destroy the authority of the various cult(s). Its like asking what exactly is racism and racist and how do they apply to anything today. Or we ask the children of the left how was evolution accomplished without genetics and when did evolution stop exactly. As we could ask those jews who exactly meted out the punishments.

    PC should thank god it has respectables to furnish the cover it needs to be seen as legitimate.

  4. #4 by Prometheus on 10/26/2008 - 6:19 am

    “Mantra Thinking” is the antidote to “Politically Correct” thinking. The latter is a kind of thinking where what you think affects reality. If we BELIEVE that races are all the same in everyway except skin colour, then reality will match what we believe. Problem is, everyone has to play along to make the illusion work and for reality to be interpreted that way.

    We ‘racists’ dont play the game. The fact we dont go along spoils the illusion.

    Interesting when I used to talk to socialists how much they would disparage ‘facts’ and ‘knowledge’, as if factual information was NOT a means of determining the nature of existance. It didn’t matter if something was true. Thought was judged not on accuracy, but adherence to PC dogma.

  5. #5 by shari on 10/26/2008 - 10:25 am

    I think, that to use a biblical analogy, PC is both very weak, “clay” but also very strong “iron” right now. True, it’s silly, but the poison in men’s minds is strong, still. I think that is the explanation of the Obama cult. They really think that peace and safety is in ONE world. And of course, ONE world would mean that the whites have to go. They stand in the way. The mantra can be used as both a weapon and defence.

  6. #6 by Dave on 10/26/2008 - 3:16 pm


    That was a wonderful post. You captured Wordism perfectly. Wordists believe that it is our ideas and the sentiments attached to them that determine outcomes.

    To them the word “cat” comes first. To hell with that four legged furry product of nature over there. That creature just gets in the way of the word “cat” and its orthodoxy preventing the advent of a perfect world, and so must be” educated” to rid it of its error of actually being a “cat”, a flesh and blood reality that cannot be captured or described by words and sentiments.

    Kurt Vonnegut very successfully promoted this nonsense as the foundational paradigm of his ethics, so popular with the “anti-war” crowd, today hugely influential. His basic idea was “ideas are all that matter”.

    This pretty much describes public education today.

  7. #7 by Simmons on 10/26/2008 - 8:00 pm

    Without the word “racist” there would probably be no modern Left.

  8. #8 by Prometheus on 10/27/2008 - 3:54 am

    Spot on Dave. “Ideas are all that matter”. It is very obvious in our education system, where the correct outlook on issues is valued more than knowledge or academic ability. PC oriented people argue that having the correct moral perspective (ie, THEIRS) is what makes a good human being, NOT their knowledge, or their usefulness to others or ability to actually provide useful goods and services.

    In our world, you can get away with it because unemployed lefty arts students who promote liberalism don’t literally take food away from your childrens mouth. We can support PC ideals like a diverse neighbourhood because there are (were) neighbourhoods which were all white where we could live and preach from.

    The Australian government is actually considering LOWERING immigration due to the economic downturn. When push comes to shove, the vast majority of sheep will move away from PC, just as people are moving away from minorities and taking their children out of ‘diverse’ schools.

    PC says this doesn’t happen, so if we believe that white people don’t do this, then we can explain away the few known occurences due to some abberation, ie, “racist whites”.

    But there is one useful thing that knowledge and ‘mantra style thinking’ gives you. It’s the same advantage that good scientific theory gives. The ability to predict.

  9. #9 by Simmons on 10/28/2008 - 11:29 am

    Evolution eats ideologies like a whale eats plankton. The left creates an ideology of white self hatred someone adapts, evolves and the Mantra Man appears and old stumbling leftists join the fossil record.

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