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Posted by Bob on December 6th, 2008 under General

I cannot afford to be a practitioner of philosophy simply because I have too many people I must deal with. That forces me into a very pragmatic state of mind and into a sober assessment of my own capabilities.

I am one those people who is often up in the middle of night resolving pressing issues that MUST be resolved quickly because I have no choice but to resolve them quickly. And resolving them successfully is not an elective, it is a requirement because the consequences of my failure are very onerous not only for myself but for many others also. And it is the counting of those many others that wears upon me.

In that there is arithmetic of real power. That is why I know that stating a goal is not a strategy. In fact, in my work, I have learned not to state goals, but rather to shape the cadences of how things really get done and accomplished, which in my own experience usually resolves itself into the skillful selection and use of tools in a social context (which another way of saying a context of salesmanship).

There is no distinction between a capability and a strategy. The two are the same thing. To the extent that religion and ideology support the acquisition of a capability, is the extent to which religion and ideology are justified. But these must not be permitted to slide into the role of furnishing consolation.

That is the lesson the Stormfronters don’t understand.

The value of BUGs is that it is a means of learning a sound way of thinking. Sound ways of thinking lead directly to the acquisition of capabilities, a panoply of understandings in the form of words and phrases that furnish of foundation for the reuniting of white people and making that reuniting real.

Robert Whitaker is the “king of the hill” in this. No one else is really doing it, which is what makes his work so very important.

  1. #1 by Simmons on 12/07/2008 - 12:34 am

    BUGS thinking is the asking. “What do they really mean in exact terms?” In the Mantra’s case it boils it down to genocide when debating the fate of whites with an anti-white.

    BUGS thinking is how I work on the respectables and the semi-respectables to make them useful. I tell them they must ask the libs to explain themselves in exact terms, not trading points in the shadow boxing “old forms” as AFKAN would put it.

    Witness the debate over Evolution, we now have a couple of respectables asking the libs the very question I gave them to ask, “When exactly did Evolution stop?”

    I’ve been working on V-DARE to invite Morris Dees or Abe Foxman for an interview where as they can ask them the BUGS type questions, but they have as yet to completely break from the “old forms” finding some comfort in trading points with their antagonists.

  2. #2 by Prometheus on 12/07/2008 - 4:03 am

    Dave says :The two are the same thing. To the extent that religion and ideology support the acquisition of a capability, is the extent to which religion and ideology are justified.

    Prometheus says:

    Religion and ideologies are justified when they are useful to real people. They rarely are designed to be useful, only meant to be useful.

  3. #3 by shari on 12/07/2008 - 9:26 am

    I have been sending the mantra in response to pieces on v-dare as well. The shortened version often is very appropriate. I think there is some real stirring, there, concerning white genocide.

  4. #4 by AFKANNow on 12/10/2008 - 2:14 am

    in reply to Simmons:

    you wrote:

    Witness the debate over Evolution, we now have a couple of respectables asking the libs the very question I gave them to ask, “When exactly did Evolution stop?”

    in reply:
    I’m going to steal that line; it’s great, and makes a great bumper sticker?

    “When Did Evolution Stop?”‘


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