Archive for December 24th, 2008

The Mantra Itself

There may be an indication of how our Mantra developed in my piece below on the six-man race. When everyone is saying the color of the skin doesn’t matter, I begin to wonder why. I trust my instinct for truth. If “skin color CANNOT matter I immediately start looking for the reason why it not only MATTERS, but why skin color is BASIC.”

So I look for an obvious example of where skin color is everything and everybody accepts it. The first rule here is that whatever Political Correctness says is pure unadulterated crap.

So the contradiction is OBVIOUS. It is obvious that any serious Olympic race has a purely Negroid Swede, a pure Negroid Frenchman, a pure Negroid Nigerian, and so forth.

Immigration is precisely the same. All massive immigration is from countries made up of people with brown skin to countries made up of people with white skins.

That is the reason people get PAID to say that this obvious proposition is nonsense, evil, and silly. If something is silly, you don’t have to pay people to say it.

I have not completed the Six Man Mantra yet, but it tells you how OUR original Mantra was developed. To push its integrationist program they talked about an objective “Mixing of THE races” the way today’s PC’s talk about THE color of THE skin.”

It took me YEARS to realize that the problem was not “THE.” It was aimed at ONE race.

I put the Six- Man Race in Stormfront and got a dose of deja vu. Prometheus said that everybody knows that.

Which is what I got with the Mantra for years. Everybody KNEW that mixing THE races meant mixing only OUR race. The next instant they forgot it.

No, Prometheus, they don’t know it. I hope you were three sheets to the wind when you made that dumbass remark.

Clyde Wilson just joined Tom Fleming in saying skin color is not worth fighting about.

It’s all Culture. It’s all Complex.

Okeedoke. Let’s agree that no immigration will flow from “countries that HAPPEN TO HAVE brown skins” to countries that “happen to have whiter skins.”

Clyde and Tom and their owners would say, “You have GOT to be joking!”

Do you now understand that Mantras take work to develop and work to push?




I just finished Buchanan’s “Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War.”

The mental and moral failings of 20th century leaders resulted in our present plight.

But compared to the incompetence and empty phoniness of those who are “advertised” as leaders, even THEY look substantial. The repressed REAL is coming out. I think it will happen fast


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Merry Christmas and Thanks!

I haven’t been here for a few days and the first thing I saw was our BUGS bee with his Santa hat.

Actually our bee looks a hell of a lot more like a “BAH, HUMBUG!” type. Like our bee, we are a hard-bitten lot, but we are willing to get on the good side for a good REASON.

That Santa hat reminded me of how much I appreciate initiative. I appreciate Lord Nelson and Prometheus when they trap some poor anti-white bastard with the Mantra and won’t let go.

I am lost in admiration of my techs who do EVERYTHING.

I know that my comment writers who answer my critiques rationally are UNIQUE.

The longer you have been in this movement the more you understand that last point. For over fifty years I have hit the enemy without pulling punches, but the second I started talking to people on our side, I had to walk on eggs.

You know what I mean. On Stormfront I attack the other side viciously, but when I make the slightest criticism of SFers’ opinions, or when they THINK I am doing that, they go ballistic. One minute I’m their comrade, the next minute I’m a Jew in disguise.


So, for the sake of unity I walked on eggs. Fifty years of walking on eggs makes you WEARY.

Or as we say down South, “Tarred all over.”

I think only I really truly, fully appreciate BUGS in this respect. My job here is to tell you lessons like this that one learns from being in the fight for a long time and this is one of them.

Think about it. This is the only place on our side that I have EVER been where nobody suddenly says, “You said THAT to insult me.” Or”So, you are really on the enemy’s side!

Just lately, Dave and Pain were saying unkind things about each other. You all know that this is where the Moderator is supposed to step in on Stormfront.

Pain says Dave is full of the Stuff That Makes the Little Flowers Grow. Dave says he has a very low opinion of Pain. In each case the BUGS Commenter was saying what he thought was true.

Pain even asked Dave if he was a nigger.

My techs could have cut that out. They didn’t. By BUGS rules, Dave doesn’t feel like he needs protecting. By OUR rules, Dave would have taken a lot more offense at the idea he needed shielding than at anything Pain could say.

And Pain would hate coddling more than any insult.

We are in a war for our racial survival. Isn’t it time we put all the personal nonsense in perspective?

I did not make that decision NOT to Moderate Pain and Dave. The techs who do EVERYTHING did that. The powers Bob has installed at BUGS ALL understand these rules.

It is hard for you to remember what a contrast this is to the exchanges we are used to elsewhere in our movement. Anywhere else one of the two would have whined about The Moderator not protecting him from this Evil Lie and threatened to pull out.

Pain and Dave have their outspoken differences, but each of them would be SICKENED by the very thought that he need protection.

What I want you to remember is that this is ONLY place where this rule is taken for granted.

Pain thinks Dave is full of it. Dave will survive he blow. Dave thinks Pain is a nobody. Pain will make it though this attack without needing to apply for disability.

In fact, in the BUGS world, both would take it as an insult if I considered it my DUTY to protect one of them.

Let me repeat that:

“In fact, in the BUGS world, both would take it as an insult if I considered it my DUTY to protect one of them”:

Then take a look at Stormfront and try to realize what a RELIEF this is to me.

Before SF it was WORSE.

This is a part of the Mantra message. The question is not whether Dave will worry enough about Pain’s ego or vice-versa. The point is that they each say what they think is TRUE.

This is not a normal reaction. Normals get insulted and flee. That is the normal reaction.

But if I called YOU Normal, the BUGS Bee would become a Lynching Bee.

I never thought I would EVER find a place like this where everybody understood that we are not hunting heretics, we are not seeking ego boosts.

ALL we want is truth, with a small t.

You don’t just know that, you PRACTICE it.

For that, I thank you.


Don’t worry.

After Christmas we’ll be back to “Humbug, you low-life son of a bitch!”!
