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Tim to Dave

Posted by Bob on February 4th, 2009 under General


This stuff is running on empty. I have just recently read reports about the great job Whites did defending themselves when New Orleans went down. They banded together. They collected and cached weapons. They were outnumbered and did very well……until the white military took their weapons away….LOL (which is kinda your point).

My point is this. This kind of story tells me that inspite of all the media power against us. Inspite of so-called demographics. Inspite of decades of thorough brainwashing. Aryans are still Aryans. When given the oppty by nature they proved it. This gives me hope. They did good without even reading BUGS! Sooner or later they won’t have that military garbage collecting guns. There won’t be enough military and police. Furthermore, I have not heard of one story about the Military and Police shooting whites. On the other hand, they were capping brown hoodlums right and left.

On the Mantra front, I have found a new one in this economic opportunity for us. I have been asked like many of you:”What does this race stuff have to do with the economy right now?” Which is actually a serious question.

My response:”Right now China is in trouble as well. However China is 90+% Chinese and they will stick together and get through it some how for better or worse. In 1965 we were 90+% European and if this happened then—we could stick through it and stay together and figure it out. Now we cannot maintain posterity because of the anti-white immigration act of 1965. Our politicians cannot even get together on anything and we are collapsing. If China were to try to make itself NON-Chinese. Don’t you think they would collapse the place and not recover?”

I am still working on it. I always try to make my point…RACE, RACE, RACE. But I like to add a twist for current events and then stay on message.

What do you guys think?

  1. #1 by Tim on 02/04/2009 - 7:53 pm


    From the sound of it, Obama is just a useful idiot for National Socialists! You have to admit everything is in place that would amenable to our goals. Interesting. We know damn well that the “multiracial” aspect of his agenda will NOT work.

    “That is because WE WHITES IN AMERICA DON’T NEED GLOBAL TRADE. White America is entirely capable of shutting its doors to the outside world and meeting our needs largely internally despite what the Chicken Little’s say.”

    I agree with this. I believe Europe is also in this situation —especially with Russia. Germany and Russia together could also pull an America and be “an island unto themselves”.

    O’Reilly had a special last night (or maybe the night before?) on why he was being called a RACIST. He had on Juan Williams to tell him he was not a racist. They don’t get it. BUT WE DO!

    The Mexican/Immigrant groups are just getting more caustic. I love it. The NY times wrote a piece calling the O’Reilly type of Conservatives —get this—-White Supremacists!!! LOL. These groups backed by the likes of Soros are getting more and more pissed at White Folks. This causes more and more Vdare people like the ones that watch the Factor to become radicalized. The Soros type folks and the immigration folks do not yet realize that they have NO real power…..BUT power GIVEN. And there is a big difference.

    I love this stuff. Sooner or later we will have Bob (or some other bugser) on the Factor spouting the Mantra. We own the future. Here is the BUGS theme song. Tomorrow belongs to me.

  2. #2 by Dave on 02/05/2009 - 12:07 am


    The US and all the Anglo Saxon countries have run an asymmetrical trade policy since the end of WWII and the policy hasn’t changed since then. We opened our markets to Japan and the Third World, and they did not open their markets to us and will not, ever.

    We shall see if the current crisis changes this.

    It opened up the opportunity for nonwhite nations to borrow our currencies because they could earn our currencies to repay their debt through access to our markets. (Nonwhite nations have to open their markets for their currencies to compete with ours and as long as they don’t open their markets, we retain the privilege of extinguishing their claims on us by printing money.)

    So the tradeoff is they get to access our markets, and we get to devalue their claims if times get tough. But that is only half the story. The other half is that they extinguish their claims by setting up businesses in our countries (Honda and Toyota operations in the Southern US, for example). This adds to our capital stock, BUT FORCES MUTLICULTURALISM.

    And a powerful force it is, because domestic producers (white owned companies) become factor beneficiaries of nonwhite foreign companies operating on our soils. For the auto industry in the US, it is American workforces working in Japanese built plants. It is the same thing in agriculture, but flipped. The factor beneficiary in agriculture is the white landowner for an imported Mexican labor pool.

    The latter circumstance is far more dangerous to our race because an imported nonwhite labor force is pure political dynamite if that labor force doesn’t have a path to political rights. We must overthrow democracy to prevent this. In America, for example, if we don’t want Mexicans getting political rights, democracy has got to go.

    This is why Robert Whitaker is absolutely right. You cannot have a multiracial society and have a free society. The two are not compatible. That tells us a lot about where things are actually headed.

  3. #3 by Simmons on 02/05/2009 - 10:39 am

    Race and economy are intertwined in so many ways, I’ll start with the most obvious. As of now the ponzi scheme of debt is imploding creating a mega NOLA effect psychologically. Its every group for themselves to the point where Tainter’s work will be an obvious explanation and fix. The fix will be a reduction of America to “Race.”

  4. #4 by Simmons on 02/05/2009 - 10:46 am

    And the Third Worldization of our economy and the Asian bid for our dollars being flushed down egalitarinism’s toilet. You can follow this line of argument at v-dare today. In brief, the WSJ prints a fantasy about trillions for the “poor and minority” borrower, the Asians read this differently than the koolaid sippers in America. Race lurks beneath these troubled waters like Jaws.

  5. #5 by Simmons on 02/05/2009 - 2:13 pm

    Speaking of v-dare, I sent Peter an email, a one sentence rejoinder over his controversy with the NYTs, “perhaps they are just anti-white.”

  6. #6 by Tim on 02/05/2009 - 8:28 pm


    LOL that is good and obvious. Vdare won’t get it! Interestingly, I have been convinced this has to happen to shock the white folks. There is a sense of anger and it is growing. But we have to go through this. Europeans world wide are becoming ONE TRIBE.

    The challenge is and will be the first win. If we can win anywhere, it will be like a damn breaking. Our enemies know this. That is why they give the likes of Derek Black such a hard time in Palm Beach over a council seat! Talk about desperation. They know that once that leak starts in their anti-racist dam—-it will quickly turn into a flood.

    Liberals always talk about the inevitable future. Well that is one inevitable future that they are sure off. Their dam is old and crumbling. They constantly have to patch it. I love this. As they decay, we rise.

    Intellectually, this could not happen without BUGS. We will dominate in one form or another.

    Simmons, we will have the Moral Authority. We own the future. When this dam breaks. The flood may drown everyone around it. But we will have what we want. Because at that point everything will crystallize for Aryans. As the world disintegrates, Aryans consolidate.

    One sure fact that history points to time and time again. When Aryans make up their minds to do something….a new chapter in world history begins to be written.

  7. #7 by Simmons on 02/06/2009 - 2:03 pm

    Well the advantage we have is that they want to intergrate with us. This puts a premium on being white. Just ask an anti-white jew if he/she would like to look much less white or live in a colored country. Or a colored person why they would want to be near whites in the first place. Its hilarious listening to a non-aryan spout his spirit world mumbojumbo as to why they want to be white or live near whites, never mind the jew fixation on blonde.

  8. #8 by Dave on 02/08/2009 - 1:29 am

    The white skin I was born in is not a uniform, nor an identity.

    Only our race has the capacity for a genuine mentality. No other race does.

    Let’s not even consider the mentality of the Crips and the Bloods (not the run-of-the-mill idiots, the successful drug dealing business class). Or the mentality of the Taliban, destined for victory, failure assured. Why? Like all nonwhites there is no such thing as a real mentality among them. It’s all ritual, the love and desire for an esoteric “savvy”, their very own, highly valued, leading nowhere in the larger sense, but critically important to them internally.

    Look at the colored intellectuals crowding Obama and the nonwhite celebrations reaching deep into the brown skin hordes. It is all ritual. And Obama is a power object for them, invested with magical powers.

    That is why I am so critical of Pain’s approach, the Seminary. Leave the Madrassas to the Taliban. Leave the identity politics to the nonwhites. Our race should be encouraging nonwhites to don uniforms and to wear the masks of identity. The Madrassas are of a great advantage to our race. But tell that to the double digit IQ morons in charge over at the Pentagon, morons destined for defeat.

    Only our race has the capacity to truly let go, to need nothing to grasp. Only our race can discover and use the secret of invisibility, aware of an abundance of weapons inaccessible to any nonwhite or any advesary (white traitor).

    I want nonwhites to have NO ACCESS to our politics, thought processes, or methods whatsoever. I want to them to have no notion of us. WE NEED NOT BE ACCESSIBLE TO NONWHITES IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, FORM, OR MANNER. THEY NEED NOT KNOW ANYTHING (REAL) IN THE SLIGHTEST ABOUT OUR RACE.

    Going into battle wearing a uniform is yesterday’s news. Needing an identity is old, so very old and so very stupid. To hell with people who want to make a splash and to hell with people who want their presence known. T o hell with all those morons who paint themselves with neon colors for the benefit of the enemy, who stupidly make their organization public and who advertise their mentality (rituals), strategy, tactics, and goals in the effort to procure participation and support.

    This is the 21st century. We are on a whole new playing field. Wake up. There is a fundamentally different approach available for doing things and procuring our dominion.

  9. #9 by AFKANNow on 02/09/2009 - 2:35 am

    A fascinating thread, and I like the way Dave is pointing to the ultimate goal, our “Dominion.”

    I’ve been criticized for speaking favorably of Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic Analytical Model, but the larger issue is, the NRAM requires people accepting the idea that our Race is entitled to prevail, because we succeed, where all others fail.

    We simply must get the Idea that it is good, possible, and necessary, and then ,we can make it happen, regardless of where we are.

    My GOD! Look at Detroit, where the average cost of a house is less than the average cost of a new car!

    Linder made a very astute observation concerning our Race, when he noted:

    Give us back our Constitutional Right of Freedom of Association, take any state in the union, no matter how barren and inhospitable it is. Put up a big sign at the border saying “WHITES ONLY,” and watch the biggest land rush in American history take place. Come back in twenty years, and see a newer, brighter, Whiter nation that will lead the rest of the world in every damn thing!

    Simmons is right concerning the application of Tainter’s Model to the situation before us.

    We have to start thinking NOW about how we can make it all work on The Other Side of what it to come, and we MUST be prepared to define all issues clearly, in terms of the primacy of Race as an organizing principle, and, if necessary, shift to Fourteen Words mode, with an intensity that would make Dave smile.

    It’s BEEN War, and it’s time we took it seriously, as only we can.

    In the famous words of Alec Baldwin in “GLengarry Glenn Ross, “Get MAD, you sons of bitches, Get MAD!”

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