Archive for September 13th, 2009

Fool Me a Hundred Times and I’m a Drooling Idiot

“Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.”

The first job requirement for a respectable conservative is that he treat leftists with respect. He is talking to somebody who identifies with the position that said:

Criminals were merely innocent victims of society; that Stalin’s trials were honest; that all the thousands of Communist spies in America found in KGB files were innocent; that 83% of the time when a citizen tried to hold a gun on a criminal the criminal took the gun and shot him with it; that Castro was no Communist; that all races have equal average IQ and that to indicate otherwise was nothing but Hitlerism; that integration had nothing to do with intermarriage; that socialist economies were efficient, with statistics to prove it;

And so on, ad infinitem.

The fact is that nothing the left does ever WORKS, so every leftist program is based on misstatements.

In order to make a living as a RESPECTABLE conservative, you must treat leftists as honorable people. Each new assertion must be taken very seriously. Then you make your living pointing out that “They’re WRONG this time!!!”

In other words, you cannot be a RESPECTABLE conservative without being an absolute idiot.

Which is a little unfair to drooling idiots. By the fifth time someone tells a drooling idiot that they can put their hand in the fire without hurting it, the idiot will refuse.

As long as the money rolls in, RESPECTABLE conservatives will never refuse. And the sub-idiots who make up their following will pay them to keep it up.
