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One Place Where This Old Guy DID Have It Harder

Posted by Bob on November 2nd, 2009 under Coaching Session

Nowadays us old folks say “Don’t talk down to young people” a LOT less than the last generations did. The fact is that we spend a lot of our declining amount of effort trying to learn to handle the cell phones, and computers and Twitters and Googles and Blue Ray and so forth, all of which are as familiar to young people as driving a car was to us.

But there is one area where I can tell you “how easy you got it” that you an identify with.

Try to put yourself in my place back in the 50s. A converted Yankee asked me in the 80s, “Did any of you Southerners realize in the segregation days that the whole white race was threatened?” I told him we did, and he kind of sniffed.

You see, he was a Yankee, and he had been converted by realizing that the while race was threatened. Southerners, being a less sophisticated breed. I can’t complain since this conviction STILL makes a Southern accent a deadly weapon in Washington, where anybody with a Southern accent can cause himself to be underestimated.

The Mantra is not easy today, but its logic was understood by most intelligent Southerners. One Methodist bishop, as soon as the 1954 decision was made, endorsed it by saying that we must get used to the white race disappearing just as Jacob was willing to sacrifice his son Esau — I think I’ve got em right this time. He ignored the point of that tale, which was that Jehovah had banned human sacrifice.

But, being a bishop in the South, it never occurred to him to doubt what the stakes were. I also suspect he expected his people to know the Bible well enough to see he was talking in code.

The Mantra was easy, but back then it was impossible. How could two or three Negro children in a Little Rock school presage the end of a whole race?

One of the standard mantras of the “moderates,” Southern integrationists, was, “Integration has nothing to do with intermarriage.”

The Southern segregationists said, “It has to be fought here or our race will end.” My sophisticated Northern buddy thirty years later was the kind who laughed at that kind of talk.

So the integration decision led to the intermarriage decision and Immigration Reform. When Immigration Reform was being debated, Ted Kennedy said. “If it starts getting out of hand, we can change it.”

Yea, right. But people believed it then. They laughed when we said, “A little bit of integration is like a little bit of pregnancy.”

So it is true that the few decent older people like me DID have one thing harder than you. Any form of the Mantra used to be laughed at. Today it is fearfully suppressed.

Sic ‘em, brats!

  1. #1 by Dave on 11/02/2009 - 11:33 am

    It is funny how an incident can educate you about things.

    A few years ago, I met a young lawyer (blond blue-eyed) from one of Brazil’s smaller coastal cities. It was the first time she had been out of Brazil. I was shocked when I realized that she automatically assumed that because she was with a group of whites in America, they would automatically be pro-white.

    You cannot be white in Brazil and not feel threatened and she assumed we felt the same way in America.

    This incident led me to understand several key points that all too many on our side don’t get.

    Even if the nonwhite population in America were to fall under the influence of right wing culture (some sort of religious fundamentalism) they would not abandon Political Correctness.

    Political Correctness is durable among nonwhites. It is not going to give way under any circumstances among the nonwhite population and it is a delusion to think that is possible.

    Where Political Correctness is vulnerable is among whites and it is vulnerable to the extent that whites feel actually threatened. Those Southern whites who understood the Mantra back in the 1950’s had an understanding that had nothing to do with their education level or history per se: It had to do with the fact that they knew what being a white minority really meant and accordingly understood the reality integration threatened while their Northern neighbors were afforded no such insight as whites in the Northern states couldn’t imagine being a minority.

    Of course, now that is changing.

    Political Correctness will not survive among whites. The fall of Political Correctness among whites is ordained because whites everywhere will become minorities and come to feel actually threatened.

    The young Brazilian lawyer I met understood Political Correctness accurately. She understood it to be the ideological cover nonwhites use to steal from whites and to attack whites. It is really very blatant and only those who enjoy a underserved security can delude themselves otherwise.

    Nonwhite society is inherently corrupt. It always has been corrupt and it always will be corrupt. There is no such thing as a nonwhite politician whose first instinct isn’t corruption. Obama is a pure distilled and perfect example of this. Obama is a run of the mill nonwhite politician.

    Brazil is full of his kind. He is what a nonwhite politician always will be. He has no other goal but personal enrichment.

    Again, let me emphasize. Political Correctness is not going to fall among nonwhites. Our side needs to understand that in order to understand the nature of the war we are fighting.

    Robert Whitaker’s writings are for the world that is rapidly coming, where all whites are minorities and are under attack by the Politically Correct nonwhite majority masses.

    This has been and is to be a very long war, over several generations. But it will not be very long before Political Correctness finally falls among white people everywhere.

    The death of the evil Teddy Kennedy is a marker of this change. In the world to come, the evil that Kennedy represented will not be tolerated among white people.

  2. #2 by shari on 11/03/2009 - 8:48 pm

    It was Abraham, who was to sacrifice Issac. Esau was Jacob’s twin brother. Another problem. Well, anyway!

  3. #3 by Jason on 05/26/2013 - 8:33 am

    One Methodist bishop, as soon as the 1954 decision was made, endorsed it by saying that we must get used to the white race disappearing just as Jacob was willing to sacrifice his son Esau — I think I’ve got em right this time. He ignored the point of that tale, which was that Jehovah had banned human sacrifice.

    I had never thought of it in those terms – that they are demanding literal human sacrifice of every last White on earth. They won’t stop until there are no more of us left.

    Why this has been so hard to get through Normal White heads is a mystery to me. I think any other race would have long since realized it was under full genocidal attack.

    Whites, due to their superior creative intellect, actually do seem to have a flaw stemming from it: Most can’t imagine being under threat by another group.

    But that is because most Whites think of a battle between well-defined sides, not a slower multigenerational war that is a demographic attack using forced assimilation, integration and interbreeding until there simply are no more Whites left.

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