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The Aryan Suicide Syndrome

Posted by Bob on November 3rd, 2009 under Coaching Session, Musings about Life, Religion

It is only after discussing Zoroaster many times here that I have slowly gotten some idea of why Zoroastrianism is important to our history. I got a communication from a seminary student who explained to me that only “amateurs” thought that Z had any influence whatever on Christianity. He explained that all the writings relating to it and the entire literature of Persia had been burned by the Moslems when they conquered Persia hundreds of yeas AFTER the New Testament was finalized, so it could have had no effect on those who wrote it.

This is way most people view history. The religion of the only empire Rome met and did not conquer could not have influenced the Bible because its literature was destroyed AFTER the Bible was written.

Practically nobody has the slightest historical perspective. Mommy Professor tells them only amateurs or Ignunt people say something and it is not true and that’s all she wrote.

Thinking is not allowed..

It has been noted that the Magi are in the New Testament. They are described as star gazers or We Three King, but at the time the New Testament was written if you had described them as anything but Zoroastrian clerics it would have been EXACTLY like trying to describe a Rabbi as something other than a Jew.

Manichaeism is a heresy described by the Church as being too much a renunciation of life. A Church which welcomed the Trappists at their most extreme condemned the Manicheans. Manichaeism bears the name of Mani, the man who tried to synthesized the two great monotheistic religions of his day

The two great religions of Mani’s pre-Islamic world were Christianity and Zoroastrianism, respectively the established religions of Byzantium and Persia. Not only does Manichaeism have a constant historical influence on Christianity, it is probably the most consistent source of heresy in Christian history.

The reason this is important is because, taken with Indian history, it shows a death wish lodged deep in the Aryan soul. The Hindu and Buddhist ideal is to stop being reborn, to escape the Wheel of Life as one is born again and again and again forever. The Manichaeism seeks to end human life by declaring all procreation a sin. This latter idea is what Mani drew from Zoroastrianism.

There is another parallel between the deterioration thought among Aryans in both India and in Persia. The name “caste” system was adopted in English because it was a direct translation of the Sanskrit name for the system, which means “color.” The Buddha had “eyes the color of the blue lotus” because the caste system had done its job of protecting the Aryan race for over a thousand years before Gautama Buddha came along.

But Buddha rejected the caste system for his Wordism, and presumably that was a fashion of his day as it is in ours.

Zoroastrianism made the same deterioration. Originally no one was allowed into the faith unless he was an Aryan. By the time of Mani, apparently, Zoroastrianism was against the procreation of ANY race, including the one Z meant to protect.

This is all hidden by the fact that no one even mentions the titanic gaps between the Old Testament and the New on the subject of sex. There was no condemnation of sex, and certainly not of procreation, in the Old Testament.


Jesus never said a word against procreation, only adultery.


Yet St. Paul was advising all young women not to marry, not to procreate.

Chastity has been a monomaniacal obsession with the Church throughout its history.

PCs don’t want to talk about any of this because it shows a continuity of ARYAN thought. The alliance of fundamentalism and PC is shown her once again. People like the seminary student are trained to ignore this giant gap and the natural need one would have to explain it if one THOUGHT about it.

This is not a conspiracy, it is a dovetailing of two types of hypnosis that have a common interest in preserving the rather weird version of history we have.

Our present religion of white self-hatred is directly related to the self-torture and self-denial that we got from the Wordist perversion of Zoroastrianism through Christianity. There is no other source for it.

Once you mention it, you can’t deny it. PC has whites feeling wildly virtuous for their “self-sacrifice” in hating their own. You can’t cure a disease if you do not diagnose it. And you can’t diagnose the Aryan self-hatred syndrome if you try to hypnotize yourself into not seeing it.

  1. #1 by Dave on 11/03/2009 - 10:16 am

    The practical manifestation of the Aryan suicide syndrome is that whites cut nonwhites slack that they shouldn’t, especially when it comes to money.

    Everywhere nonwhites are left to their own self-governance, nonwhites dig their own moat, furnishing a healthy separation.

    But whites should not let them get their hands on white money. This is a major failure among white people. It is a suicidal failure.

    Let the nonwhites dig their own moat. Make damn sure the flow of funds is cut off.

  2. #2 by shari on 11/03/2009 - 10:47 am

    St. Paul was a pharasee of pharasees. Something he couldn’t entirely straighten out after his conversion,apparently. How could he? I was taught that the bible is entirely without error, whole cloth. That the only alternative,was to deny this and consider it bunkum,whole cloth. I have now come to think that the bible is truer than we think. That problems or errors have been left,for reasons. That we are soon to discover those reasons,and that it’s going to be as life from the dead.

  3. #3 by Simmons on 11/03/2009 - 11:20 am

    Dave’s response on another thread is the answer to this post by Bob. Once reality of being a minority hits the willful suicide syndrome is suddenly not so attractive to the cowards that infect our race. Myself I think it best we allow the missionaries to be boiled in the cannibal’s pot, they might even make good martyrs to the cause.

    Once we have done the right diagnosis such as the above work we can go about prosecuting our offensive. I’ll hazard a guess that Mantra think has metastisized far beyond our comprehension. Sure there are some PHD holdouts who know that the next IQ study will unleash the praise they think they deserve, but soon I think they will start including the word genocide in their reports because they know what sells.

    As for PCers and Fundies, just mention to a PCer that the Fundies share the same hatred of genetic research into eugenic science they do and you will see a person completely destroyed. It’s fun.

  4. #4 by Dave on 11/03/2009 - 2:38 pm


    We all know that a white who gives herself to a nonwhite man is doomed. It is really is a suicidal act.

    But BWs point is how connected this all is. It is equally suicidal for whites to allow their money to be taxed for integrated schools. That too, really and truly is suicidal.

    All these things are connected.

  5. #5 by Simmons on 11/04/2009 - 10:20 am

    Fate comes straight out of the blue. These white libs will soon come to hate East Asians or they will drop this egalitarian nonsense and send the darkies back to the ghettos.

    While white libs have fantasies where every supermodel produces a mullato the Asians have no such death wish, and I presume behind their smiley oriental faces they hold the white libs in so much contempt that “hate crime” charges could be filed against the Asians.

    One day the suicidal white libs will figure out what dupes they are in the eyes of their Asian competitors, and the resulting mental/emotional breakdown will be a delight to see.

  6. #6 by Jason on 05/26/2013 - 1:25 am

    Fantastic piece. My concern is to what extent is Aryan Suicide hard-wired into the genes? Even if it is, all is not lost.

    There could be gene therapies in the future. And perhaps culture can compensate.

    Does it truly stem just from a bad set of ideas that kept getting transmitted down through history? If not genetic, there must be a reason it stays alive.

    Perhaps something inherent in the nature of White social dynamics? I have no answer, but something this damaging that has persisted for thousands of years deserves thoughts.

    The importance is hard to overstate. If the early Aryans of Egypt, Peria and India had survived and kept their societies, by now we would be traveling to the stars and have healthy lifespans of several centuries.

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