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Repetition and Reward

Posted by Bob on January 27th, 2010 under Coaching Session

One of the lessons of BUGS is REPETITION. We were being beaten by human tape recorders, and we made fun of them. We enjoyed the ego boost so much we didn’t ANALYZE why those tape recorders were beating people with functioning frontal lobes.

We answered this mindlessness by putting out tomes.

Once again, you have to ask “Why is this information being PRODUCED?” The tomes were produced largely for ego. Those who wrote and read them felt superior. Those like me who gave them simple, Occam’s Razor analyses were, in some way, insulting them. This is the Semmelweis Effect.

You can look up Semmelweis or other things I mention in our excellent Search blank on the right side. To sum up, Ignac Semmelweis found in the mid-nineteenth century that women were dying in doctors’ hospitals after childbirth because doctors were going straight from dissection to delivering babies.

Doctors had all sorts of explanations for this death rate, including the one we considered most advanced: psychosomatic symptoms. Semmelweis died in a madhouse because he could not convince them that the cause was so uninspiring.

In other words, doctors kept killing mothers and babies because the solution hurt their EGOS.

Liberals presented themselves as Great Intellectuals and respectable conservatives like Buckley groveled at their feet, as they do today, and put out untranslated French quotes and fake accents.. And that , boys and girls, is the entire history of the last fifty years in America.

It is time we stop messaging our egos and started WINNING. Hence the Mantra.

Besides repetition, another thing the winners on the other side are criticized for is their takeover of foundations and paying organizations of every kind. As one rightist said, “Anything in our society that is not specifically conservative becomes a liberal front, land some of our groups do too.”

My boss John Ashbrook, was a pale conservative if there ever was one, but the John Ashbrook Foundation is totally neoconservative property.

Now the EGO analysis of this is “Them Bad, Us Good,” but translated into French to soothe our egos.

My analysis is that THEY are doing something right and we are, as usual, kidding ourselves that we are anything but LOSERS if we don’t see that.

I won’t be here forever, so I want to leave a legacy not only of the virtues of repetition but also of the virtues of REWARD. The Holocaust industry is an INDUSTRY. It pays people to push it.

Therefore it will never die.

On the other hand, if you leave behind a tradition of sacrifice, sacrifice, and nothing but sacrifice. One leader, when he was asked if anyone could succeed him, he said something seen by many as pure genius: “Yes, but they are all dead.”

This is usually quoted to show what a Great and Unique Man he was.

To me this is the ultimate failure. It is nothing to be proud of if you leave no intellectual heirs. But if you think only in terms of eternal sacrifice and how idealistic you yourself are, you will not leave any heirs. You concentrate on your own ego, and you get your own ego.

Congratulations and welcome to the Dead and Sterile World this kind of thinking leads to.

This is why I keep emphasizing that when our reaction comes, we must build a FOUNDATION with it, and lots of foundations. It is not out of revenge I want us to have a rewards system looking into the present holocaust against whites. I have simply observed what WORKS.

We should have people PAID to root our ads and support for genocide. There is a VAST source of money in it, and we should exploit it. The superrich and their heirs, the huge companies that sponsor quiet encouragement of interracial coupling in their ads, these represent hundreds of billions if no trillions of dollars.

Stalinist murderers can brag about it. A kid who was fourteen conscripted by the SS to work as a guard is hounded the rest of his life. I want THEM hounded. I want what I am living through to be REMEMBERED.

And the only way the lesson will be remembered, as we have been shown, is to REWARD those who REMEMBER it.

This is not revenge with me, thought God knows those who are committing genocide deserve all they get. But this is a PRACTICAL matter.

Look around you. LOOK at the RESULTS of those who never ask for revenge against Communists and those who PAY for revenge against Nazis. Look at the Che Guevara t-shirts and for ONE, for God’s sake, let’s show a little less foaming resentment and a little more ANALYSIS.

I am not in this to leave a reputation as a genius, as so many seem to be. After I die a billion dollar memorial will do me no good. I have fought my whole life for something and my one concern is that it will go the way of the geniuses who single wish is that be called irreplaceable.

The Semmelweis Lesson: if it saves life, concentrate on washing your hands. The Whitaker Corollary: Be sure that in future people will get revenge that PAYS.

  1. #1 by Dave on 01/27/2010 - 11:09 am

    There is only loyalty among flesh and blood people and there is no such thing as abstract loyalty. Accordingly, there are only two kinds of people, those capable of loyalty and those that are not.

    That is why the fortunes of all these corporations that have marketing departments shoveling the standard interracial visions have already been concluded.

    Both individuals and organizations can only summon what exists to be summoned. These moronic marketing departments are summoning a customer that does not exist, never existed, and never will exist. That is how preposterously dumb they are.

    Look into all the wonderful photos and moving pictures of the real American landscape of the 1930s. I am astonished to see how often a swayback hay-burning horse tethered to an old wagon is in those photographs.

    Even in the 1930s the intersection of the 19th century and the 20th century was very apparent.

    All this interracial marketing is no different. It is a bizarre ideological affectation of a world that has already ceased to exist. It is an early 21st century curiosity, nothing more.

    We live in a weird world. Too many of us fail to see through it.

  2. #2 by BGLass on 01/27/2010 - 11:19 am

    Wow. Glad I discovered your blog. There IS saving grace, in that industries have to scramble when new inventions are introduced and eventually, well, there is always somebody who wants to pay more, and if communist critique of capitalism IS TRUE, it would at least mean that new products –ideologies or not— must be splashed out ad infinitum–right? The only thing constant is change.
    The repetition thing is good, I think. There was an African American pro-abortionist on t.v. last night. She was angry about an “advocacy” commercial, involving a white woman who was told to have an abortion, but didn’t, and now her healthy, happy kid is getting married. This interfered with a ‘woman’s right to choose.’ Many young women, especially in cities, NEVER hear a pro-life perspective. Even most churches sold that out. Nor ANY “advocacy” commercials (I’d never seen one.)
    So, there MERE EXISTENCE of exposure to another perspective might mess up the “pro-choice” you-must-abort-your-child plan, promoted by an endless stream of posters offering abortionists to call, assurances this is the right thing, etc. The t.v. pundit kept trying to point this out by reasoning. But the African American woman simply could NOT GET IT. Choice IS abortion. Period.
    A rubber room with a tape recorder might work: Indoctrination of one idea IS NOT a choice. A choice is between multiple things. It’s a very hard concept though—b/c it’s not a concept, it’s reality. Watching her “thinking” scared the hell out of me.

  3. #3 by BGLass on 01/27/2010 - 11:32 am

    Well, sadly, the marketing departments don’t think they’re dumb. They KNOW they are marketing to non-existent people. That’s why they CREATE CONSUMERS and CREATE MARKETS. They make a product, like a drug, then create a disease by placing themselves on the DSM boards that create diagnoses of disease, then create psychotherapy and name a standard ailment a disease, and call it “denial” if clients don’t agree they have this disease, that the marketer created to market the drug. It’s actually really smart–if you want to sell bizarre, useless, killing chemicals as a healing device. I think this idiocy is about 1/6th of the GDP of U.S. now, so much so the government is trying to think of its own smart angle to cash in on marketing killing as health. Looking at this, you can see why people would think (public school indoctrination aside) that “capitalism is the real problem”—since much of this is corporate-greed-driven. But restoration of racial integrity, where posterity matters, real history, reality, etc., would fix it without dismantling corporations. And that, they will never consider.

  4. #4 by Simmons on 01/27/2010 - 12:31 pm

    I must honestly defend marketers, I have called them the smartest people in the room, but they are seriously flawed and hence like our world they are graded on a curve (Evolution).

    They relentlessly focus group the rubes, and the rubes more often than not give them confusing signals. The rubes will spew the PC, but then on the other hand choose images that would belong only in a Victoria’s Secret ad campaign.

    Now imagine one Bugster in a focus group using language that even a college grad could understand on how decent men and women want to see racially healthy families comprised of normal people hawking useful products.

    This thread is way off Bob’s topic, but one suggestion place the word “responsible” and its offshoots into the popular venacular. It is the missing ingredient to actually begin to make the Left pay.

  5. #5 by Dave on 01/27/2010 - 2:29 pm


    The marketer fails because he cannot come to grips that people can be counted on to rise above principle.

    You are not going to get rid of their bearing no matter what you do.

    That’s why the nonwhites are stuck being Indians on the Indian Reservation. No amount of propaganda can get rid of that.

    Our problem is that too few whites understand this. They are mired in the cults and don’t know it.

    That’s where BUGS comes in.

    Your idea of labeling people as belonging to “PHD parties” is great.It is really first class.

    That’s the kind of stuff we gotta do.

  6. #6 by Simmons on 01/27/2010 - 3:14 pm

    Another thing the Genociders For Yaweh are responsible for, they want to deny every little brown indian, those billions their hope for a white future, bastards.

    Our Aryan forbearers were on to something We live in a Hindu nightmare and the deconstructionists of Race are out burning VS catalogs and Playboy magazines. Personally I would hate to be responsible for having to tell in the future some little indian that he has no chance for a white future because the Genociders For Yaweh and their faithless lib companions went on a campaign of extermination of hope.

  7. #7 by Dave on 01/27/2010 - 7:04 pm


    But the most important thing is to follow Robert Whitaker’s advice, “We didn’t ANALYZE why those tape recorders (Mommy Professor talking dolls) were beating people with functioning frontal lobes”.

    It broke my heart to see Nick Griffen put down by a young black man who gave Nick’s speech!

    This black man carried on saying, “Where am I going to go?” Nick should have replied, “Where am I going to go? You are in my peoples’ land, taking my peoples’ wealth and homes, wearing my peoples’ clothes, speaking my peoples’ language, and claiming my peoples’ heritage and posterity. Where am I going to go?”

    That’s OUR speech, not a black man’s speech! Yet Nick Griffen let the black man make it for him.

    That was a lesson to me I will never forget. And it is exactly what Robert Whitaker is talking about.

  8. #8 by Simmons on 01/28/2010 - 10:06 am

    Nick fell into the abstract hell hole of perfidy that confounds us to this day, regardless of our high IQs and low crime rates.

    Nicky ol’ boy its personal.

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