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The BUGS Oath

Posted by Bob on April 2nd, 2010 under Coaching Session

I just wrote an article entitled Inside the Beltway. It will be placed where BoardAd, as editor, decides to put it.

Since Inside the beltway said nothing BUGSers aren’t familiar with, I tried to make it worthwhile by giving an analysis specifically of drug regulation which you might not be familiar with. But that is not the reason I wrote it. I wrote Inside the beltway as an Introduction.

You see, the reason we have front page news about the Tea Parties is because some people are bitching about how the government works exactly as I said in that article. This is a lot like the British public suddenly coming out in mass shouting that there is such a thing as a Parliament.

The so-called Tea Parties are bitching about what every literate person has known since he reached the age of literacy.

You see, the Tea Parties end where the Mantra Thinking begins. They are screaming reality, that the government has no interest in them. Hell, anybody who ever held a policy-level job knows that.

Tea Parties are screaming out a reality. That is the opposite of Mantra Thinking. Mantra Thinking begins with reality.

A BUGS member takes an oath much like that in court: Reality, the whole of reality, and NOTHING BUT reality. I think we are all bemused by this phenomenon. Here huge groups of apparent adults are screaming about reality, protesting reality.

In politics, you look to where the loudest screaming is coming from. As Huey Long said, “The secret of leadership is to figure out where the public is going and get out in front.” The media follows the same rule.

But not BUGS.

They can meet, they can yell, Hell, they can even get violent, but it means nothing to us. Fox news went into predictable mode over the whole thing. Every commentator began to demand that this revolt not get violent, that it stay within the bounds of respectable opposition, which is the institution Fox represents.

To us it makes no difference whether they get violent or not.

We are dedicated to something the establishment fears a lot more than it does violence. But what we demand is as illegal outside the United States as any form of violence. In fact, for Thought Crime there is a minimum sentence. Violence can be negotiated by your counsel.

In the United States a person can demand and organize violence and be forgiven in a few years. David Duke will be Former Klansman David Duke for the rest of his life.

They are arresting militiamen, but militiamen are harmless to the powers that be. Militiamen go out with guns to enforce immigration laws but they denounce the “racism” which is the only reason for there to be immigration laws in the first place.

It is insane to have a law which forces a random sampling of humanity to be on one side of a border while another random sample is kept within that boundary. That is the reality Mantra Thinking begins with.

So long as the Tea Parties refuse to commit Heresy, no matter what they do they are irrelevant.

We begin where the Tea Party stops.

  1. #1 by Alan B on 04/02/2010 - 9:18 am

    The Mantra is simple and to the point and that is what makes it dangerous and effective. The Mantra removes the fog so the driver can see the road and not miss the turn up ahead.
    The Tea Party membership is on a wild ride on unfamiliar roads. Driving aimlessly in the fog is of no concern to the Tea Party passengers. The passengers feel safe, the driver has avoided the hazzards of the road, they are going somewhere and that is what matters.
    Update, locals find stranded bus passengers wandering aimlessy around the country side. Lost in the fog, their bus ran out of gas in the middle of no where. The bus driver had done his job,nobody got hurt and everybody was safe.
    All Aboard!

  2. #2 by Dave on 04/02/2010 - 9:57 am

    I wince every time a see a photo of Tea Partier’s in Yankee Doodle Dandy costumes.

    I supposed this is some sort of allusion to BELIEF in the Founders, but as long as you are in that head space, you are within RELIGION and remain in a TRANCE.

    Then it gets more pathetic and out runs John (I will betray anyone and anything as long as I calculate it benefits me) McCain and Sarah (I really need the money for my family) Palin to get out on stage in front and pretend that they are GREAT AMERICANS. The only real conviction McCain and Palin conveyed was their undying love, loyalty, and devotion to Israel, the essential requirement in their eyes that makes them GREAT AMERICANS.

    For McCain and Palin you can’t be a REAL AMERICAN without giving your entire loyalty and devotion to Israel above all else and that seems to be their basic message.

    All we need to remember is that this is just another one of the Establishments’ endless attacks on us.

    And of course, the role they have planned for us Is we are supposed to cheer and then cower.

  3. #3 by warweaver on 04/02/2010 - 10:27 am

    It is difficult to stand up for one’s views given the withering assault laid down on anyone who dares to stand his ground, publicly, on racial matters.

    I think for the first time the other day I didn’t bother denying I’m a racist when called out. It was a private conversation with my sister-in-law. I had forgotten what I should have said next: “In your OPINION I am a racist.”

    It doesn’t even take a lot of guts to do that. Nobody was around to hear that I didn’t deny it. And I still had to restrain myself from denying it. My instinct was to deny it. Most of us have been deeply socialized.

    I’m sure we’ve all been Peters; denied ourselves when the pressure is on to do so.

    So I understand the tea parties are racists. They want to be relevant and have lined up along the well-understood political battle lines. Can they really be blamed for having done so? It will take a wholesale reawakening to combat the deeply ingrained fear almost everyone has when confronted by the ‘evil’ specter of their own thoughts.

    I agree with Bob here, the tea parties aren’t relevant, and I note that he doesn’t dismiss them entirely. Perhaps they are simply Peters, and will go on to establish a new doctrine: racial awareness.

    Bob is one of the few people, with a mind anyway, publicly to advocate MANTRA viewpoints. His courage is impressive. It is a high standard – how realistic is it to expect the masses to take on the social, political, and economic risks certain to beset those rising up for racial truth and political courage?

    We can do what we can but our groups are tiny, the masses cowed. I come here for therapy, mostly.

  4. #4 by Dave on 04/02/2010 - 11:28 am


    It isn’t so much of “daring to stand your ground”.

    It is the awareness that you are confronting a militant and muscular dictatorship.

    Political skills have to evolve to a whole new level, and public demonstrations and street theater are not part of that.

    No election cycle is going to settle anything. And that is the Establishment’s biggest problem. Society has been racially destabilized and real political settlements are no longer possible. That is the function of an election, to craft a political settlement that will persist through the election cycle. An election these days settles nothing and the “political settlement” an election represents doesn’t last even for the congratulations and concessions speech hour on elections day eve.

    What this means is that the Establishment has really and truly screwed up. Once real political settlements are no longer possible your society has been cast to the winds.

    Your sister-in-law is clueless. She takes peace for granted and she could not be more wrong. Once more, she doesn’t have the slightest notion of what real war is and how that is the default condition of humanity.

    This is the same trance-like delusion the Tea Partiers are under. They don’t understand: They could win every election and seat they contested and it would not mean a thing.

    A society where no political settlements are possible is a society where no political settlements are possible. Absolutely everything devolves into militancy. But it is not the kind of militancy of the MSM and the popular imagination.

    It is much more hard-barked and earth bound than that. It is a world where it is not possible to be too cynical. Demonstrations, protests, movements, and campaigns have no role in this world.

    The entire ‘ante” has been upped and this is struggle on an entirely different level.

    The Tea Partier’s, the Libertarians, the mainstream of the Republican Party are babies. They are slobbering, gurgling babies.

    We are the beginning of a small faction that is growing up.

  5. #5 by shari on 04/02/2010 - 12:54 pm

    My little 80yr old mother preferences everything with “I don’t hate anybody but… then her mild opinion. So I say Of COURSE you don’t hate anybody. That’s how they get away with calling you and every white person a RACIST if they object to … I also said something like this to somebody who said ” I’m not the racist that you are.” I said, “that’s how they have gotten away with this for so long. Anyone who objects is called a RACIST.” Keep your focus on the mantra and not your feelings.

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