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We Told You So

Posted by Bob on April 30th, 2010 under Coaching Session

A law is being passed in Arizona allowing someone to be held if he has no identification. The usual crowd is saying this involves racial profiling.

It does.

No one seems to have noticed that when a police radio describes someone as “a black male” that is racial profiling. The whole purpose of the description is to get policemen looking for black male. You can’t get more exact profiling than that.

To say that when you are looking for illegal aliens in the lower part of Arizona the chances are they will look Mexican is a given. But no conservative respectable, least of all Arizona state, is going to say that.

A university is throwing out a Christian group profiling homosexuals. The group requires that members of the organization subscribe to their beliefs, which include the Biblical disapproval of homosexuality.

Conservatives are yammering about this, but it is exactly what we predicted in the 1950s: Once discrimination is banned, where do you STOP?

The answer is:

You don’t.

  1. #1 by backbaygrouch4 on 04/30/2010 - 6:21 am

    You cannot have affirmative action without racially profiling job applicants.

    You cannot attain race balanced schools without racially profiling individual students.

    You cannot gerrymander Congressional districts to elect Blacks without racially profiling the electorate.

    You cannot discriminate against Whites without racial profiling.

    The sine qua non tool of cultural Marxists is racial profiling.

  2. #2 by BGLass on 04/30/2010 - 7:21 am

    In Marx, the term/category “Class” meant something. But b/c leftist thinkers don’t discriminate, the term lumbered on, attaching to all kinds of new things–like race and gender. I always think of that old movie, The Blob, when considering “thinking” on the left—how it sort of rolls and consumes without clear-cut discriminating categories.

    When race is simply made as if interchangeable with “class” or “gender”–the whole meaning is reduced. Eventually, everything just becomes “groups that feel bad and are owed something.” Self-importance based on supposed pain that is played up for a fee.

    Das Capital, even if you find much to criticize in it, was about 3000 pages. Now the political thinking is “we feel bad.” So books are about 80 pages. One imagines many professors and people in government now could not read Das Capital; this capacity to think in distinct categories, in discriminating ways, is so rare now across the board. And higher art forms s/a the character-driven societally-based novel have almost vanished.

    Now we just have short little books about dsyfunctional homes and bad mommies and daddies, and memoirs of how others made us feel bad due to some defect in ourselves that we explore endlessly.

    We discriminate, but only within the prescribed color-code. Everything is THAT superficial. Leftist can’t own their own motivations. And everybody has forgotten how to think.

  3. #3 by Simmons on 04/30/2010 - 12:29 pm

    Of course the only thing that holds the political left together is “racism.”

    “Anti-white bigotry is the liberal’s ‘racism.”

    Use that phrase even if your ego tells you not.

  4. #4 by Peter rabbit on 04/30/2010 - 1:42 pm

    If you haven’t already, please check out facebook pages like this one ( supporting Arizona’s immigration bill. There are so many opportunities to get the mantra out there to people who are discussing race.

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