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Political Tennis

Posted by Bob on May 2nd, 2010 under Coaching Session

Profiling is an integral part of law enforcement. A profiler is paid to notice trends.

A border IS discrimination in exactly the same way that criminal profiling is discrimination.

Colonialism means that you presume to speak for other people’s welfare.

You cannot be rational about criminal profiling and avoid race.

You cannot be rational about a border and avoid race.

The only way any government can avoid colonialism is by presuming to speak ONLY for its OWN people’s interests. The best example of this is in the Preamble to real US Constitution, which said the Constitution was set up by us, and for ourselves and OUR posterity.

If you proposed the preamble to the US Constitution in any European country, you would be violating the law.

In Europe the US Bill of Rights is considered as subversive as Hitler and Stalin considered it.

The whole question of immigration, for example, is nonsense if you talk about nondiscrimination.

If you are going to set an imaginary line around an area, the area has to have some reality. But the very idea of a “border” is nonsense if everybody in it insists that They Are the World.

The American media did not call it a Soviet Empire, because Empire meant an area was held for some one else’s benefit. The Soviets held onto Eastern Europe for Idealism, for The People’s benefit, and for Self Defense.

Freedom is discrimination. It means you do not have to justify what you want.. Freedom simply means that you can claim something because YOU want it. All the things we call dictatorship or tyranny simply mean that someone else decides what you will have because they know better than your prejudices do.

Is there a pattern to what I have been writing? No, it simply goes round and round, showing that everything that is Holy today, nondiscrimination, a Government of Laws and not of Men, Freedom, are all perfect self-contradictions.

The Old Church persecuted Galileo and Copernicus with Doctrine. Nothing has changed at all.

Wordism keeps talking about all these Great Ideals, Freedom and Nondiscrimination, and each Wordism finds its own niche and makes a living for a lot of people. As these groups and their bureaucracies gain and lose power, Freedom begins to win for while, then Nondiscrimination gains a foothold.

You call it Republicans and Democrats. The Nothing but Freedom and then Nothing but We are the World. It is ball game, a tennis match. The public sits there and its heads move all together, left and right, three hundred million of them.

Tennis fans never watch themselves. But when you watch them they look ridiculous.

I have been watching voters a long, long time.

They look ridiculous.

  1. #1 by BGLass on 05/02/2010 - 9:51 am

    Ever since some folks tried to make the U.S. into spoils, seems like, the whole question has become Legitimacy. Who belongs in a non-nation? The new, grand Anti-nation? The real definition of Nation is ethnic/racial, after all, (and so even without land, or concrete borders, WE do, in fact, remain a nation.)

    The whole scene –that this legitimacy is the topic of conversation– should tell people the “country” is spoils. Or some say the mass/societal expression of Have-Notism, or Judaism as lately defined (the average citizen as in diaspora, an exile, landless, wandering, and all but white previous “colonists” having “home countries [that means racial nation, but you can’t say so]; they are the world citizen, etc.

    Everybody deserves the country. Everyone is “Entitled.” Subtextually, people are always arguing for this “right” of legitimacy. A government site I read told Mexicans, ‘if anyone asks where you’re from, you do not have to tell them!’ [implicit in this is the idea that previous citizens may be trying to de-legitimize you].

    The Southerners want to go back to the Constitution, before the bank in 1913, and so they are legitimate. The Irish Catholics who arrived and fought for the North say the union was important and they fought for it, and the constitution is being stepped on, so they are legitimate b/c they fought; the blacks were slaves, so they suffered here, and fought, too, and well, that’s something!

    But nobody notices, the whole point is they are trying to make themselves LEGITIMATE. The whole point is Staking The Claim—like we’re in a gold rush. Who can claim rights and be deserving.

    Meantime, this chipping away of the original population (in order to do so) has left little to take.

    Who was here first? Who has rights to live here? Imo, it just seems “immigrants” from the day before never like the newer ones. EVERYBODY agrees that those herebefore the American Revolution —who are not EVEN immigrants, damn them!— are out on their sorry butts, lol. I know no one in that population who has ever voted.

    On t.v. the other day, Krauthammer remarked -re Stevens leaving SC– the WASPs were all gone. (They really aren’t of course). But he looked sort of happy, yet uncertain; he’s often noticeably prejudiced in the way of Jews and Canadians, which he is— and he looked like he was wondering where on earth he’d actually landed, and what, exactly, he’d just become the King of, since folks like me no longer even EXISTED.

    Another subtextual conversation is who will be within the (landless) borders of the Settler Peoples. Who will the displaced settlers acknowledge as “on their side” in this new order? Will they let in others who are ideologically nationalists but displaced themselves and so on.

    People are trying to claim that, too.

  2. #2 by BGLass on 05/02/2010 - 10:27 am

    P.S., about borders and legitimacy: As much vitriol as I’ve heard dumped –even by other whites, sadly– onto rednecks, I’ve yet to meet one who has felt So Illegitimate as to change a family name. I’ve not met one single redneck named “Levy” or “Cohen,” and none with reconstructive surgery they felt would make them “fit in.”

  3. #3 by Dave on 05/02/2010 - 11:02 am

    The multi-racial deed forged on behalf of “The People” has long been completed, and those who have forged this deed shall reap what they have sowed.

    Having ceded the world to “Mankind”, they must now confront the world’s true inheritors for a wholly unexpected wildness lies in wait. Robert Whitaker calls this wildness, “The Prison Yard.”

    Let me expand with just one example: An Establishment fool said to me, “Illegal immigrants are a great benefit to the economy. Their illegal status permits very low wages to be forced upon them providing a captive labor force that would not otherwise be available. This creates a much more dynamic economy for America than if illegal immigration were suppressed.”

    Being a member in good standing of “The Prison Yard”, my personal DNA is far too violent for such words to pass before me. And I know I am not alone in my violent reaction. Something in my heart snapped at hearing these words and at the level of the very cells of my body I underwent an instantaneous cellular-level transformation. I am far too much a bully to countenance such a preposterous weakling capable of making such an idiotic statement. Also, an idiot like that is red meat to me. He gets his policy, but I get the world. Needless to say, an idiot like that will never know what hit him. And by the way, I won’t need to hit him personally. I will let those illegal immigrants whose labor is being exploited and who are being denied their political rights do that for me.

    You see this is precisely what the Establishment doesn’t realize. They don’t understand who it is they are ceding the world to and what that means for them personally. That’s because they are utterly clueless about the real dynamics of the “who gets the world” game. The game works entirely differently than they think it works. The Establishment thinks the game works in the halls of academia, in caucus rooms, in the offices of labor lawyers, in the offices of lobbying organizations, and other such places, when in fact it transpires in “The Prison Yard”. That is why the Establishment, no matter what it does, in the end gets whacked.

    And as regards the voters and voting in general, the voters have got to be GODDAMNED DUMB.

    They are voting, aren’t they?

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