Archive for May 25th, 2010

Horus’ Report

This is just a brief update. We are getting a steady 200+ gigabytes of downloads a month. No matter what I do or say. And I put out a new mp3 every week (or every other week). The information is GETTING out there. The old white nationalists and conservatives are being outgunned by the younger new comers. Fresh blood! The old guys refused to obey and get on a consistent message. They are too damn thick headed. They are now getting over run by the new young people who are starved to make changes.

Now the White Nationalists are being forced via peer pressure to mention genocide. And it is about damn time. All you have to do is surf to see the young ones go to town. They are not posting on BUGS but they are reading it. That is a start. And they are posting the Mantra all around. I am trying to get them posting on BUGS more.

The Mantra and White Rabbit Genocide have been downloaded at least 400 times already for may. So we are steady as she goes. The stuff is definitely working. Also we have over 1200 downloads already for May alone……ON THE FIRST SHOW. So we are still picking up new listeners.
