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Wordism Divides People More Than any Border Can

Posted by Bob on June 4th, 2010 under Coaching Session

An open society is not a society. By definition, a society is defined by its constituting a segment of humanity that adheres to a special set of rules. Those who do not adhere to that set of rules are outside of that society.

One guy I know was talking with a rabbi and said that the Jewish refusal to eat pork was based on dangers they had known about pork in Biblical days. The rabbi replied, “No. We don’t eat pork because we are JEWS.”

Jews are the only group for whom their society is not considered temporary. Blacks can have black identity for now, but in the long run they are supposed to become Multicult. But Jews are expected to go on forever.

Hitler, you know.

Mommy Professor says that Jews will always be a separate people, but the rest of mankind will be united under their Wordist Multicult.

Modern biology shows us that nothing is more unnatural than for an interbreedable social species to become a single society. So as national borders weaken Wordist borders are substituted for them.

As Lawrence Brown pointed out in some detail in Might of the West, this has happened before. In the Levantine Civilization of the Middle East, religions became what we would call nations. The Jews had their own courts and Moslems had their own legislation and the Orthodox Church had its own state institutions.

The Emperor controlled the Church in the East. So the concept of Church-State relations is alien to that society. Until the rise of Islam the dominant nation in that society was the Orthodox Church. But it was dominant in the same sense that a powerful European state can dominate Europe. The smaller countries continue to function as countries.

Islam allowed other Jehovist faiths to continue within its dominion. This was not so much a doctrine as it was a treaty between nations. If a country in Europe is dominant for a long period of time it may absorb other countries around it. But it does not begin by absorbing everything that it dominates.

People talk about the enormous Tolerance Islam has for other faiths because they do not understand history. You may as well give Napoleon credit for his Tolerance in allowing Prussia to remain a separate country after its defeat and occupation.

Like Napoleon, Islam was dealing with the nations of Christianity and Judaism. The cost of wiping them out on the spot would have been enormous. They were absorbed.

This policy was especially obvious in the case of Persia. All of Persia was Zoroastrian, but there were also Zoroastrians outside of Persia proper. Mani was in Iraq. But when Islam conquered the homeland of Zoroastrianism, it had to make a treaty with it.

This caused a lot of trouble. Persia was the first country to go straight to Islamic rule which had not previously been Christian. In every other country Islam conquered, the Church had destroyed the pagans as an organized force. It also allowed Jews to remain. So to that point Islam made a treaty with the nations of Christianity and Judaism, both of which recognized Jehovah.

Iran was a new thing entirely. Islam allowed Zoroastrians, like Christians and Jews, to practice their national religion. A lot of Moslems felt about this the way the Allies at the Treaty of Vienna in 1815 felt about recognizing a former Napoleonic marshal who was heir to the thrones of Norway and Sweden. He was not Legitimate.

But officially Islam accepted the Zoroastrian Holy Book as Revealed Truth, and so the Zoroastrian religion was allowed to continue to exist, and still has a few adherents in Iran today.

But that was not Tolerance. It was a Treaty recognizing the nation as it existed in the Levantine world at that time, as a religion.

We all know about the Khazars. Their pagan nationality was not recognized by Islam and they had to accept some form of Jehovism, so they became Jews. But a religion with two thousand years of dominance in Iran could not be brought down at a cost acceptable to its Islamic conquerors, any more than the Legitimists at the Treaty of Vienna were willing to invade Norway or Sweden to take down the last non-Legitimist monarchial settlement left from Napoleon’s rule.

This was not tolerance. It was recognition that a sovereign if small country had made its choice.

Western historians cannot imagine different nationalities existing inside the same borders, so they glory in the Tolerance of Islam. This is essential to the claim made by each branch of Wordism that it is Universal and will Unite Humanity.

Levantine history shows that Wordism can separate people as totally and far more brutally than any border could ever do.

  1. #1 by BGLass on 06/04/2010 - 8:58 am

    Judaism produces a problem when Jews want to conquer others, since usually, when tribes conquer, the conquered adopt gods from the conquerers or otherwise make a treaty, as you describe, so the conquered carry on with their own gods while in proximity to other groups.

    But Judaism says—“there is one god, and that god chose only us.” And EVERYBODY can’t be a chosen elite.

    So, in this weird case: what belief system would you give the conquered? As far as I know, only Jews tried to make up a godless religion from scratch in just a few years, as a way of not sharing their god and ALSO not making treaties to co-exist.

    Freudian-Marxism, second-generation-communism, PC– by whatever term, seems a solution to not absorbing others, since the system can only accommodate so many Madonna/Campbell Brown-converts as chosen-adherents.

    Few people talk about how weird it was to EVEN TRY to come up with a godless Religion, Only for the Others— or what made the production of a religion so NECESSARY for THEM–for the creating group. But the Freudian end is to help gentiles process the emotional and psychic world, but without THE GOD. And the Marxist end explains why self-described elites need to collect all the money (value) in the world and oh-so-wisely dispense it.

    But “Tonto wants his own Tonto.” Gentiles like their own gods.
    And they like Real Gods to be part of The Religion.

    This whole attempt at “PC” was underwritten by shamefully horrible and transparent motivations— not to mention a deeply degraded sense of the human subject (as if other humans should content themselves with something so godless, illogical and obviously destined to produce ill effects in living).

    It’s a sad commentary on those who attempted to create it.

  2. #2 by BGLass on 06/04/2010 - 9:03 am

    Also, I’m sure goy and goylem/golem have the same root, the golem being the god-less “man” of clay who does Jewish bidding, literally made from mud, thus muds. If one considers a soul-less creature, “pc” might be the exact right religion for it.

  3. #3 by shari on 06/04/2010 - 9:46 am

    It occures to me that an oil spill is a good metaphor for a wordist’s multicult. It not only will not mix, it kills and destroys. It’s exactly what they have attempted.

  4. #4 by Epiphany on 06/04/2010 - 7:35 pm

    And, remember, Communism is the
    most infamous form of Wordism there
    ever was!

  5. #5 by Epiphany on 06/04/2010 - 7:40 pm

    Besides, the History of the Second World War, as taught in school– and depicted in movies and television shows– is actually really a form of Wordism all its own. That is what I realize now. The term, “Wordism” is a good term for it. After all, there is an entire dogma and doctrine about the Second World War, and not only The Holocaust, that one dares not question or contradict at all.
    There is some leeway with the Cold War, though, one can ask questions– and, for some odd reason, we are not required to get all patriotic about that conflict. Oddly, there is even a guilt complex about the conflict in Vietnam– or, at any rate, U.S. military involvement therein.
    Still, if one believes what They want you to, They have complete control.

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