Archive for June 5th, 2010

PC and Prohibition

It is useful to point out to people that the reason Hitler failed to take over Germany in the 1930s was because they had Hate Laws. This is why their tactic was not to say someone was a Jew, but rather to give the entire name to show they were Jewish.

A lot of people back then noted that Hitler was he only major politician who couldn’t say what he meant. Communists could call for blood in the streets but, as in America today, you had to hire them anyway. Today you cannot fire someone for advocating violent class revolution but you can fire someone for having a Confederate flag INSIDE their lunch box.

There were many Jews in the Fascist Party until Mussolini became attached to Hitler about 1938. It was a law and order party, not a racist one. Latins are traditionally only interested in church and language, not race.

The Lega Norda just elected the first black mayor of Rome, her black half being American. She’s an Obama Democrat, but there are precious few Europeans who AREN’T Obama Democrats.

As I keep saying, Canada, Australia and Europe are politically American blue states. The population of the blue states is dropping the way the population of Europe is.

In the immediate future, I expect the European right to get more and more what the Brits call “wet.” This means moderate but with the straight weakness thrown in. Even “wets” like the term a lot less than Republicans moderates like their word.

But in a Europe where the Mantra keeps getting repeated, even though the BNP has lost the guts to repeat it, the goal of saving our race becomes the major target of the rank-and-file. White areas become more militantly white. But only if we keep hitting the rank-and-file with the Mantra.

European media simply cannot BELIEVE that a continent whose whole history for a human lifetime has been HITLER is now voting for nationalist parties again. NR quoted one poll showing that 20% of British voters would CONSIDER voting for the BNP.

They TELL pollsters that! There is a LOT of difference between what people will do in the ballot box and what they tell pollsters who all look like they just stepped out of Political Correctness HQ.

We don’t have resources to put into any politics, least of all Europe’s. But we are also not interested in electing anybody. We have no IMMEDIATE interests, and 99% of all political resources go into immediate or near-term political results.

On the PC side the 1% aimed at the long-term has been co-opted. It now provides jobs for people to get people together for a Revolution. This has gotten so out of favor that the World Council of Churches doesn’t even send supplies to Red Terrorists any more.

We are the only game in town, in the Global Village, so to speak. Anti-shark hunters are out there in multimillion dollar boats getting paid to protect sharks. A million student “radicals” demanding Revolution are old hat and always run into the embarrassing fact that everybody now knows that their only evolution is a bureaucrat-ridden nightmare that will collapse of its own accord.

The Mantra is classic and it is unique. All we need is for a good proportion of whites to become aware of their right to survive. Anti-discrimination will go the way of Prohibition. IF we do OUR work.
