Archive for July 11th, 2010

Don’t Lose the Victory!

In the real world, there is a saying, “If you want to drop a subject, appoint a committee on it.”

It is VERY important to me that when the Mantra takes hold, you will NEVER let them forget the anti-white campaign.

Right now the Internal Revenue Service pays a reward to anyone who exposes tax fraud. For the least indication, like where to look, you get one percent of the total take. If you put the whole case in their lap, you can up to five percent.

Before the Libertarian howl goes up, let me remind you that police cannot work without informants.

People do not write letters blaming ninety year old men for Nazi atrocities because a committee sends them to do it. They do it for MONEY. Norman Finkelstein coined the term The Holocaust Industry, but it is not news to any of us.

And it WORKS.

I will be dead long since, but this is critical to me. I am trying to save my race, and if you are not practical about it, you will be heading down the old respectable conservative “Liberals are fine people, honestly mistaken“ line.

We have lived our lives under the anti-white regime that never takes that attitude toward any pro-white.

And it WORKS.

The active anti-whites will be mostly dead by then. But their hundreds of billions or trillions in assets will still be here. For the next century and more, anyone who looks up and finds racial crimes the way Wiesel does with Nazis will get his percentage of the take.

Above genocide against US will be a crime that will be paid for on and on and on. Informers will be looking this up pretty well forever.

And that money pouring in will be used to tell about it, to warn against it, to encourage whites to have children.

We learned NOTHING from the Cold War, because it is militantly forgotten and forgiven. We live in a post-Hitler world pushing white genocide because it was NOT forgotten.

If white leaders can refuse to use the Mantra, I can easily see them taking the easy way out and joining the establishment with all forgotten and forgiven. They would be happy there and join in the steady slide back into anti-white action precisely as post-Cold War America is sliding back into socialism.

Like America, we might not lose a war, but we ALWAYS lost the peace afterwards. There is a reason for that. Don’t do the same thing over and over and expect different results.

When you win the war is the time you must continue it, or you will lose it again.

PAID informers for traitors.

