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Don’t Lose the Victory!

Posted by Bob on July 11th, 2010 under Coaching Session

In the real world, there is a saying, “If you want to drop a subject, appoint a committee on it.”

It is VERY important to me that when the Mantra takes hold, you will NEVER let them forget the anti-white campaign.

Right now the Internal Revenue Service pays a reward to anyone who exposes tax fraud. For the least indication, like where to look, you get one percent of the total take. If you put the whole case in their lap, you can up to five percent.

Before the Libertarian howl goes up, let me remind you that police cannot work without informants.

People do not write letters blaming ninety year old men for Nazi atrocities because a committee sends them to do it. They do it for MONEY. Norman Finkelstein coined the term The Holocaust Industry, but it is not news to any of us.

And it WORKS.

I will be dead long since, but this is critical to me. I am trying to save my race, and if you are not practical about it, you will be heading down the old respectable conservative “Liberals are fine people, honestly mistaken“ line.

We have lived our lives under the anti-white regime that never takes that attitude toward any pro-white.

And it WORKS.

The active anti-whites will be mostly dead by then. But their hundreds of billions or trillions in assets will still be here. For the next century and more, anyone who looks up and finds racial crimes the way Wiesel does with Nazis will get his percentage of the take.

Above genocide against US will be a crime that will be paid for on and on and on. Informers will be looking this up pretty well forever.

And that money pouring in will be used to tell about it, to warn against it, to encourage whites to have children.

We learned NOTHING from the Cold War, because it is militantly forgotten and forgiven. We live in a post-Hitler world pushing white genocide because it was NOT forgotten.

If white leaders can refuse to use the Mantra, I can easily see them taking the easy way out and joining the establishment with all forgotten and forgiven. They would be happy there and join in the steady slide back into anti-white action precisely as post-Cold War America is sliding back into socialism.

Like America, we might not lose a war, but we ALWAYS lost the peace afterwards. There is a reason for that. Don’t do the same thing over and over and expect different results.

When you win the war is the time you must continue it, or you will lose it again.

PAID informers for traitors.


  1. #1 by backbaygrouch on 07/11/2010 - 7:18 am

    Care must also be taken to keep track of the Pardon Industry. The Jewish terrorists who violated American laws stealing and smuggling arms to the Irgun and the Stern Gang, like Rahm Emanuel’s father, have carefully, below the radar screen, procured pardons for crimes that were not going to be prosecuted. But they are fully conscious of their crimes and want to take no chances. There is a streak of yellow in the bravest of them.

    Jewish Senator Arlen Specter. it has been revealed recently, has been working sub rosa to get a finding from the FBI and the NRC that Zalman Shapiro did not divert nuclear materials to Israel and that if they were diverted he did not know about it despite the fact that the funding for his nuclear waste processing firm, NUMEC, came from the Mossad. He doesn’t want to take a chance that for the first time in history a Jew may be guilty of betrayal. Furthermore he wants to stop wetting his bed every night from fear.

    On the way out the door Bill Clinton gave his Jewish CIA head, John Deutch, a blanket pardon for crimes unspecified. Only John Deutch knows his treacheries for sure but he did not want that pardon to cover up his innocence. He’s afraid.

    We are not up against Macho Men. Our opponents are mostly, connivers, sneaks, liars and cowards. They wee, among other things, in their pants a lot. By their damp stains and fecal odors ye shall know them.

    The people behind the genocide of White America know their crime, live with their guilt and are scared. Keep an eye out for those squirming. Consider it a major clue.

  2. #2 by Dave on 07/11/2010 - 10:46 am

    Eight hundred thousand nonwhites live rent free in HUD housing in the City of Chicago alone.

    This is the tangible and operational footprint of Communism’s campaign of anti—white genocide writ large, the stark footprint of the anti-white genocidal campaign waged by Communism nationwide. Its essence is free housing for nonwhites.

    The economic ruin of America was wrought by HUD, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Home Loan banks. Each of these government financial institutions is a pillar of Communist siege works in America.

    Millions of nonwhites now in default on their government guaranteed mortgages are squatting rent free in homes built under the bond of the white population in America. This in all probability will be allowed to continue indefinitely, yet another flanking Communist assault upon us.

    Communism has to be faced down in its tangible operational manifestation and the foundational element is free housing for nonwhites.

    Siege craft is the military art of overcoming siege works, the offense art of overcoming enemy fortifications, bunkers, and bulwarks.

    Free housing for nonwhites is Communist siege work, siege work aimed at defending the encroachment of nonwhites in white lands, aimed at appropriation and occupation of white property and land, supported by tariffs on the white population for the destruction and ruin of the white presence using white people’s own money against them.

    One of the long poles of siege craft is the abolition of any form of free or government subsidized housing. All out assaults need to be mounted against any form of squatting.

    A nonwhite population deprived of free or subsidized housing is a nonwhite population deprived of the siege work that permits its main base of anti-white operations.

    It is absolutely essential that anti-white siege work be overcome. It is essential for the reestablishment of segregation. It is essential for ending nonwhite trespass on white owned property. It is essential for ending the tax robbery of the white population for white destruction. It is essential for reversing the fundamental arithmetic of nonwhite political dominion in white lands. Finally, it is essential for the defeat of Communism, the real enemy in the background.

  3. #3 by Tim on 07/12/2010 - 2:25 pm

    “If white leaders can refuse to use the Mantra, I can easily see them taking the easy way out and joining the establishment with all forgotten and forgiven. They would be happy there and join in the steady slide back into anti-white action precisely as post-Cold War America is sliding back into socialism.”

    The Neocons are giving the leader of the Republican party absolute hell. It seems the token African went off message in regard to the war in Afghanistan. In fact, he turned the message on it’s head. Neocons are trying to have him removed for this. And they are just following the basics.

    The Neocons are successful because they follow the basics. If there is a message to be on. THEY WILL ALL BE ON IT. Night and Day. Parasites cannot afford to ignore the basics. That is why they are always so successful in the short run.

    Mr. Steele’s job is to be on message. THAT is his only job. They pay a ton of money to people to develop the message for the Republicans. Firing him for back siding them on the Afghanistan message may seem cold. But it is just standard operating procedure.

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