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Form, Substance, and Reality

Posted by Bob on August 21st, 2010 under Coaching Session

We all know that there was a Greek philosopher who came up with the concept of atoms.

Here is the way I understand it. The Nicene Creed says that the Son is of one Substance with the Father. Centuries before that philosopher and Aristotle had a run-in over this fundamental concept.

The heretic said that if you slice a bit of cheese in two and the one of those two pieces in two, and then one of THOSE pieces in two and on and on and on, you would get to piece that was no longer cheese. You would get down to a piece so small it was part of the building blocks of all matter.

Aristotle said this was nonsense. He pointed out that all the Authorities agreed that all matter had its own Form and Substance. The different things were each a matter of substance, not a redistribution of a common set of atoms.

The Atomic Philosopher was very lucky he lost the debate then and not after the Nicene Creed was established. The killing point at Nicaea was whether there was a Trinity, in which God was in three FORMS, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, but one Substance.

In other words, the Arian Heresy said that Jesus was not God. They simply stated this in their own terms.

A Protestant chemist I knew went into a Catholic Church Mass, got some bread and chemically analyzed it. He said he had disproven Transubstantiation because the bread had no protein in it.

I didn’t try to explain to him that, just as those at Niceae had use their own physics, so had he. He would have been insulted to hear that he was on the same level as the Christians he despised who said that if there was Evolution, there was no God.

Christians would be insulted to know that the Creed they so deeply say they believe in they don’t understand.

Our whole history is screwed up this way. We try desperately to show a continuum between what we call Classical Thought and our present sciences. History is totally unaware of the Levantine Civilization which had a totally different way of thought and a different chemistry and physics that would have made no sense to us or to Aristotle.

One recent discovery about dinosaurs was that some of the different species we had named were actually species we already know, but at their pre-adult phases. A little THINKING might have told us that not all animals are of the same construction when they are young as when they are adult, but it didn’t come up.

Ironically, nothing is changing more rapidly today than history.

Just as all of our present ideologies developed when we firmly believed that no animal held territory, that no animal had a class system, that no animals would ever give his life to defend his group, we now insist that all men always thought basically alike.

Why? Men who are fundamentally different is heresy. Everything the white man has comes from All Mankind.

We are right back with “substance” and the Nicene Creed.

  1. #1 by backbaygrouch on 08/21/2010 - 6:59 am

    Way back there was a set up on TV in which a guy would tell a joke in English to a Frenchman who would tell it in French to an Italian, to a German, to a Spaniard and then back to English. Of course nothing of the joke survived, which was the joke. Comparing the thoughts between thinkers of differing civilizations, races and millennia is compounded interest on the routine. It cannot be done.

    As to Divine Mysteries, such as the Trinity, their ability to be comprehended can be illustrated by a tale told of the greatest Western theologian, St. Thomas Aquinas. He was walking along a secluded beach pondering the complexity of the Trinity when he happened upon a Child running down to the water with a small bucket, filling it , and pouring it into a hole He had dug. The Doctor inquired of the Child what was the purpose. The Child explained that He had dug a hole for the ocean and that He was putting it in the hole. Bemused by the seeming folly of the Child, the Doctor suggested that this might be a very difficult task. The Child replied, “”It would be far easier for this small hole to contain the ocean than it would be for a human mind to contain the Nature of God.”

    Mommy Professor thinks he can reconcile the vastness, the variation of the Universe with words, interchangeable words at that, into a simple formula. Today it is called Political Correctness, previously Communism and before that any number of other sacred con jobs under various labels. But he cannot. The bucket between his ears is not big enough to carry the water.

  2. #2 by Epiphany on 08/21/2010 - 7:25 am

    Now, things are coming together.
    I really think that it is most
    stupid of the Professors to
    prattle on their garbage, as they
    do. Philosophy sounds especially
    nonsensical, too.

    People usually wake up,
    after they have found out that
    their college degrees do not
    have anything useful about them
    at all. We can keep on working
    on coming up with all sorts of
    counterarguments to those of
    the “Politically Correct.” Their
    Speech Codes are especially

    I am glad that things are tending
    to turn around, too. I doubt that
    most professors can contain the
    slightest thing in their little minds.
    It is just a matter of us, systematically
    thinking through what they are actually
    saying– and, taking it to its logical

  3. #3 by Epiphany on 08/21/2010 - 7:29 am

    I often tend to wonder
    if the Professors, themselves,
    actually believe all the Multicult
    tripe they are telling their students.
    I doubt it!

  4. #4 by Dave on 08/21/2010 - 11:20 am

    Aldous Huxley said: “People are so different from each other that it is astonishing they breathe the same air.”

    Bullies can’t tolerate this truth because it challenges their legitimacy.

    Instead, they insist through manifold ways that you BELIEVE.

  5. #5 by Simmons on 08/21/2010 - 11:36 am

    Cult root word of Culture. This month’s AmRen has as its main piece an article by a young white lady about an anti-white cult she put herself thru.

    Cults are fairly predictable in that they become provincial, its the only way they retain any viability. Insular and provincial, and living in the great fear that someone will ask them a question(s).

    Prediction time; In a few years even the Limbaugh’s of the world will be saying things like, “Oh that is just an anti-white cult.”

    There is power in them thar two words “Anti-White.”

  6. #6 by seriouswon on 08/21/2010 - 1:34 pm

    “Ironically, nothing is changing more rapidly today than history”

    This is a very, very good reason for us to stay (or try to be) very, very humble.

    backbaygrouch…always enjoy reading your posts…do you have a blog?

    I like your perediction Simmons.

    Epiphany – the multi-cults spewers are in a trance. They don’t have to believe or disbelieve what they are saying. They just have to remember it. If called on the carpet they have an arsenal of mean names to call you that amount to calling you a heretic (I stole that from Bob, of course).

    My goal for today is to stay on message…and to engage in no pointless arguments with the spewers!

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