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The Mantra World

Posted by Bob on September 10th, 2010 under Coaching Session

In the 1950s anti-whites would insist my racist stance was because I was a provincial. They would point out that the world population was overwhelmingly non-white, so Americans could not afford to concentrate on saving the white race.

Regular as clockwork, I would say what nobody else ever said, “That is exactly the reason I am a segregationist.. If we don’t fight miscegenation our race will disappear.”

Then, regular as clockwork, they would go from me being a provincial to me being an alarmist. As Senator Edward Kennedy said in the debate over removing the national origins provisions from the Immigration Act, “If we are being overwhelmed, we’ll just change it.”

They laughed their asses off at me when I predicted in high school that Federal troops would be used to enforce integration. They laughed at the idea that the third world would pour in.

Even then I knew how weak Europeans were. If America set the standard, Europe would open its borders. But at a time when the fight was over one black entering a Southern University, the idea of hordes of non-whites pouring in was laughed at.

So here we are.

Our language was not sophisticated but it was dead accurate:

“Give a nigger an inch and he’ll take a mile.”

“Integration is like pregnancy. There’s no such thing as a little pregnancy.”

What scared me was the MENTALITY I saw behind the race-mixers.

They used to argue that all that was needed was little bit of integration, let black students attend white schools if they wanted to. The courts got rid of THAT right quick. But I was known as Federal Troops when I predicted in high school that the Feds would have to send Federal troops at us.

No one remembers any of that.

And no one ever reminds them.

I spoke the Mantra in my early teens.

Those who fight the Mantra lean heavily on their own provinciality. They say they are only advocating open borders and assimilation in the countries where they live, so it is not an attack on the white race.

Many a self-styled British Patriot has wrapped himself in his flag and said he loves anybody who is British, whatever their color. You have to recite that crap to get promoted in the US Army.

But nobody in Japan is required to insist that he is for open borders. Nobody in Singapore says the world is welcome there. It’s funny how the “Patriots” are in WHITE countries.

  1. #1 by Dave on 09/10/2010 - 10:37 am

    Per capita real incomes are not going to increase any more in America on account of the fact that America is no longer a white country. By screwing us out of our country, the anti-white white traitors killed the basis of American trade with the nonwhite world that has been in effect for the last 40 years. If you are going to have a trading system based on finance as opposed to exports, you have got to have ever growing per capita real incomes to service that debt. America can no longer pull this off because it is no longer a white country so all these asymmetrical trading relationships we have with the nonwhite world are no longer working. There is no way in hell Asians will open their markets in an attempt to save the system. They couldn’t even if they wanted to. It is not doable.

    The future can be intuited from this because the welfare system is starting to crack and America’s enormous nonwhite populations are feeling this pressure horribly right now this very day. The only thing that keeps all these poor nonwhites in check is that fact that we got a black President, but once that fact changes American cities may be set on fire. It is not white people who will be doing this. It will be brown and black skinned people who are plumb out of cash and up a creek without a paddle.

    The whole Politically Correct race relations shtick in America is going to turn into a real shindig if this starts happening. There is no way Political Correctness is going to succeed in parsing this one. This is not the 1960s. There is not going to be any growing economy to hose the thing down.

    It seems like it is the 19th century all over again. We white people will likely have to go back to being Indian fighters.

    The anti-white whites mucked the whole thing up but good. They screwed it up so bad that the political system will never recover. It’s a goner. Permanently.

    Better come to terms with that.

  2. #2 by Dick_Whitman on 09/10/2010 - 2:49 pm

    Anti-Whites will often accuse pro-Whites of being homicidal maniacs who want to gas Jews, shoot Mexicans, and hang blacks.

    But when I ask them if they support using violence to force-integrate White communities, they say “of course” without a second thought.

    This is how you know we’re dealing with people who are programmed. And I’m using the word “programmed” in the literal sense, and not as just an insult.

    The Mantra is a deprogramming tool.

  3. #3 by Simmons on 09/10/2010 - 3:32 pm

    They are blind by provinciality.

    In Chicago the non-whites are lining up to rule whitelandia the same whitelandia with hundreds of millions short on the coming budget.

    But even the white libs at the Trib realize that “liberalism” has edged over into Idiocracy, but they are clueless as to what taboos to inflict next.

  4. #4 by shari on 09/10/2010 - 5:04 pm

    “clueless as to what taboos to inflict next” According to our “commander -in-chief, we should really worry about al quiada, our real enemy. If it weren’t for the last couple years of BUGS, I might worry . I’m sure that will catch on big.

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