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Political Correctness is the Party Line

Posted by Bob on September 12th, 2010 under Coaching Session

Does anybody remember the term Party Line? It was invented and used exclusively and openly by the Communist Party for decades. A Croatian told me that the word for it in Communist Yugoslavia was “political rectitude,” political correctness.

The Part Line on June 21, 1941 was militant neutrality between the Allies and the Axis. On June 22, 1941 the Party Line became militant anti-Axis. That was the day Germany invaded the USSR.

The Croatian did not realize until I explained it to him that political rectitude is political correctness. In English the term “rectitude” is too old fashioned for common use, but not in Croatian.

In Croatian, “rectitude” is relatively new. It is a Latin word. It was adopted very early in the Latin using West but later in the Slavic world. So we use it, and translate it from Russian, as “correctness.”

English is as far as I know the only language which adopted the term “Party Line.” The reason for this is obvious to us older folk. A party line meant a telephone line that several people used. You couldn’t call while someone else on the party line was speaking, and it was famous for gossipers to listen in on.

Political Correctness was entirely a Marxist term because other religions have other words for the same thing, like “orthodoxy,” but of course the term “orthodoxy” would be poison to a Marxist.

So they wrote each other about what is translated as “political correctness” or “political rectitude” which is translated into English from those letters dating back into the Stalin period as “political correctness.” The interpretations are not fooled by the nature of that term, but respectable conservatives show the usual cowlike blank face when one points it out.

Liberals don’t choose pet conservatives to point out that political correctness is the same thing as the Party Line, though every translator knows it. Party Line makes their direct association with Marxism too obvious.

Political Correctness is the Party Line. When Moscow represented the Party Line on Strategic Defense against Reagan, Teddy Kennedy committed treason so blatant it was actually reported after his death that he allied with Andropov to defeat Reagan on it.

It was a desperate and carefully forgotten campaign which united the entire left against what Kennedy called Star Wars. All the way from Peking to Saturday Night Line to Superman the Nuclear Freeze was a titanic campaign.

Jay Leno even talked about how the comedians had been mobilized in the solid leftist front. It is a secret kept only by conservatives who want liberal approval.

No translator is fooled. Jay Leno, no conservative himself, was not fooled.

No, one must have one’s livelihood on the line to miss that obvious point

  1. #1 by Dave on 09/12/2010 - 12:12 pm

    Law under the regime of Political Correctness is coherent: It must stamp out justice whenever and wherever it spontaneously rises. This is the essence of Political Correctness. It cannot tolerate any instance of justice to occur, for if where to allow an instance of justice of to occur it would have to relinquish its rule.

  2. #2 by Dick_Whitman on 09/12/2010 - 1:18 pm


    you’re talking about real justice, the kind seen in Anglo-Germanic societies before the anti-whites took control. This kind of justice comes natural to Whites, but can be easily taken advantage of. The White sense of fairness and justice is ingrained in the White soul.

    This is why the anti-whites constantly accuse Whites of unfairness and injustice. They use the tactic of accusing Whites of exactly the opposite of what they are. This is an effective tactic because Whites have a sense of honesty (which is a form of justice). Whites assume that since they are honest, that someone being critical of them is being honest as well. So when Susan Sontag proclaims that “Whites are cancer of history,” Whites assume that this must be true (because why would anyone lie?).

    This sense of honesty is what makes White societies a pleasure to live in, but is also the reason White societies are easy to subvert. The main group of subverters of White societies also happen to be the people with the least capacity for justice and/or truth themselves(which is a problem when they dominate the legal and information fields).

    Because of their propensity towards truth, Whites will start to see through the anti-white zeitgeist of the anti-whites. This is why political correctness is necessary. Its a tool for keeping Whites in line who speak the truth about anti-white society. Political correctness keeps Whites in line because saying something “un-PC,” will lead to accusations of being unjust (which as I said above, hurts the soul of White people).

    But this is also why it will eventually fail. You can’t build societies built on untruth with White mankind. It may work for awhile (because Whites have the ability to look critically at themselves), but after time a critical mass of Whites will discover the truth. And when this happens, Whites will want justice.

    And there will be justice.

  3. #3 by Gator61 on 09/12/2010 - 6:44 pm


    When you state the truth like that it scares the hell out of the anti-whites.

    Keep it up.

  4. #4 by OldBlighty on 09/12/2010 - 6:58 pm

    If only Whites would stop clinging to “Universal Fairness” and “Universal Truth” (Wordism) and start thinking in terms of what is best for our long term survival.

    Wordism is nothing but baggage weighing us down and as soon as we release it, we’ll make our next big leap forward.

  5. #5 by Dick_Whitman on 09/12/2010 - 9:12 pm

    There should be only one universal truth.

    That which is good for White-kind is the highest good. That which is bad for White-kind is the lowest bad.

  6. #6 by Creator on 09/13/2010 - 11:25 am

    You worded it very close Dick_Whitman.

    “What is good for the White Race is the highest virtue, what is bad for the White Race is the ultimate sin.”
    So, stated Ben Klassen, the golden rule for the White Racial Religion, Creativity.

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