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None Dare Call Him Dumb

Posted by Bob on October 18th, 2010 under Coaching Session

There was a discussion of another book talking about Jefferson’s relationship with his female slave. Ben Stein’s father was a law professor at the University of Virginia, so he dared to defend Marse Tom. He pointed out that the DNA showed he OR one of his male kin fathered the kids.

Of the four discussants one remained silent for the whole half hour. He was the black one. At the end he stated that he hadn’t read the book, and he had only come on the program for one reason, to point out that the female slave was under age and Jefferson was also a child molester.

Nobody showed any surprise. I doubt anybody expected him to read the book.

Back when Jessie Jackson became a candidate for the Democratic nomination and the first debate was coming on, the other candidates OPENLY expressed their concern that if they came on strong they might make a complete fool of him.

But on the other hand, they couldn’t afford to be too patronizing.

This is the attitude of whites towards blacks, and it varies surprisingly little. What makes the difference is not our real belief about the races, but our attitude toward the present perversion of morality whereby, if we’re good, everything whites have is somebody else’s.

That is supposed to represent Self-Sacrifice.

America elected a Negro president. That is, it elected a black guy who talked good and wore a suit, like Sidney Poitiers or Jackie Robinson.

There is a lot of discussion about how he has fallen short. The real explanation is that he isn’t too bright.

Ever since the World War I Betas, we have known that blacks do far better on verbal skills and worse on math or other abstracts. A critical difference in learning is that blacks learn more by ear than by eye.

In short, black guys can talk very well, dance very well, run very well, but they fall short in the department our president is now falling short in. They do a good show, but they are not bright.

The liberal formulae for reviving the economy, the New Deal way, have run out. Normally a president would do what one Democrat after another has done since WWII, he would change his policies.

We run into a problem here that no one dares recognize: Obama CAN’T change his thinking. He has not been doing any.

There is a giant difference between someone who is repeating a line because he believes it and one who repeats a line because he can’t conceive of any other. Clinton could THINK. Carter could THINK.

This is the problem with black elected officials. They don’t have CONCEPTS. They have SCRIPTS. This is racial, no matter how many baths the individual black takes or how well he dresses.

I see exactly what is happening. I suspect a lot of people do now. It has cost us trillions and it will cost us more trillions, but no price is too great to avoid saying what is obviously the case.

  1. #1 by backbaygrouch on 10/18/2010 - 6:14 am

    The brain of POTUS is TOTUS.

  2. #2 by Dave on 10/18/2010 - 12:41 pm

    An actor faces three levels of development in skill: In the first level, he need not concern himself with dialog. His role is to act as a prop to support a narrative. He is instructed accordingly, and need only to faithfully follow his instruction. He need not concern himself with any oral utterances, as his acting involves only motions of the body.

    In the second level, he must recite a piece of dialog. But it is structured dialog in that he is not reciting dialog intending to mimic real conversation. Rather, it is the dialog of a structured transaction, inserted only as a prop to support a larger narrative. He needs only to utter it according to a precise instruction. Therefore, his first level acting is enhanced solely by the requirement that he multitask, nothing more.

    But the third level of acting is an order of difficulty quite above levels 1 and 2. This is because the actor must engage in conversations that mimic the fluid extemporaneous world. This involves calling upon emotions that are unruly in their ebb and flow, and mastery over unpredictable cadences and rhythms.

    To mimic real life, the actor must pretend that there is an absence of a governor on reality, where stimuli and responses irrepressibly usher forth in unforeseeable chains of surprises. Accordingly the actor must fool the audience into believing he does not have foreknowledge of these surprises (i.e. that tomorrow he will be clobbered).

    To live real life in level 3 is hard because you have to confront the fact that reality is ungovernable. You have to count on being surprised and to have an impromptu response readily at hand.

    It is so much easier to be properly focused in levels 1 and 2. In those levels, being properly focused just takes a lot less skill than the skill that is required in level 3.

    Like all black people, Obama cannot rise above level 2. Level 3 is where the white race lives, but to ask black people to function at level 3 is like asking a dog to pick a lock.

    Obama is a scripted multitasker, that’s all…

  3. #3 by richard on 10/18/2010 - 5:34 pm

    Bob, every one of your posts is like a highly polished jewel. I come back to them again and again, and they give me more intellectual sustenance than a whole library of books.

  4. #4 by shari on 10/18/2010 - 6:06 pm

    I can’t say the same thing as Richard, but I can say that Bob’s posts keep me centered. They help when I read other things.

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