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Was Pro-Slavery Anti-Black?

Posted by Bob on June 17th, 2011 under General

This seems rather obvious, since all the slaves were black.

But slavery remained in Brazil until 1889, and racial intermarriage there was officially encouraged because all that mattered was that a person was Catholic. The official policy throughout the Latin colonies was assimilation or, in Brazil’s case, asimilacion.

But you would still play hell arguing that being pro-slavery did not imply one hell of an attitude toward blacks. You would be LAUGHED at for even hinting that it showed no racial attitude.


Because all the slaves were black, of course!

Today nobody but BUGS laughs when someone says that the push for immigration and assimilation , even though it is only white majority countries, and ALL white majority countries, that are under international pressure to take in mass third world immigration and assimilate with it.

  1. #1 by Dave on 06/17/2011 - 10:06 am

    Where does intent come from?

    Don’t bother answering the question. You are white and under siege and that is all you need to know.

    The Politically Correct minions of the white population seem that think that the hordes of Guatemalans, Salvadorians, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Arabs, Pacific Islanders, Filipinos, Asians, East Indians, Black Africans and so on entering America and other white countries has something to do with us all being “humanity”.

    Where does intent come from?

    Don’t bother answering the question. You are white and under siege and that is all you need to know.

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