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White Genocide is Historical Routine

Posted by Bob on October 17th, 2011 under Coaching Session

I wonder whether anti-whites have ever heard of the French Revolution, when the monarchical tyranny turned into a popular tyranny called the Terror?

Or about the Russian Revolution, where the Czarist tyranny was replaced by Lenin’s Terror and then Stalin’s Oriental Despotism?

Have they ever heard of how movements to stop Communism in Europe turned into Fascism and Nazism?

Have they ever heard of how a simple attempt to end the use of alcohol turned into Prohibition, or how monks who converted heathens were steadily replaced by those who burned people live for getting the words wrong?

Not only is it not surprising that a reaction to white rule would eventually turn into a movement to genocide the entire white race, it is historically routine.

These historical incidents of movements doing like the anti-whites and going nuts are numerous. You might want to suggest some more.

  1. #1 by Dick_Whitman on 10/17/2011 - 7:13 am

    I think we can learn a lot about the mentality of the anti-Whites by looking to addiction as a model. An addict does not think about consequences while living in their disease state. They are totally consumed by their desire for their drug of choice. It doesn’t matter how much evidence of destruction you present an addict. The addict will loose their job, house, and family and still try to get a fix.

    Anti-Whites are addicted to power. You can present evidence to them regarding the destruction they have caused and it doesn’t matter. Using non-Whites to flood White countries will lead to a loss of civilizational quality, but this does not enter the mind of the power addicted anti-Whites. They want to feel high (with power) and White genocide is how they prostitute themselves to get their drug of choice.

    We at BUGS are providing an intervention to the anti-Whites.

    To the anti-Whites reading this: I suggest you accept the help we’re offering before you cause any more destruction. You are sick people who desperately need help. You can’t do this on your own. You are high on power and cannot think rationally. Please understand that life will be much more rewarding once you get this addiction under control. First you must admit that you do have a problem before we can help you.

    Will you accept this gift of love from BUGS?

    • #2 by Kat on 10/20/2011 - 1:23 pm

      I also thought a bit about anti-Whites and addiction.
      When someone get into gambling addiction, its often triggered by a big win, anti-Whites experience big wins from teachers or other important grown-ups , in early years, by acting anti-White. The rewards will be stuff that build up their self-image (good grades, praise, and so on).

      The most skilled anti-White end up rewarded with high positions in society and false, extreme high self-images.

      When the addicted starts losing, the bets goes higher as the addicted gets more sucked into the spiral of addiction, the addicted must win more, as he loses more, and must gamble more(just to have the hope to get even). One mechanism that makes them go on, is that the loss of money, will not be realized/admitted, until the addicted gives up and stop gambling. So the addicted will continue until all is lost, or until somebody stops them.

      As the anti-Whites experience their faith and behavior results in bad, and not good, in real life, they have to go deeper into the brainwashing to manage to keep their false self-images up, and justify their actions, and their “bets” go higher. They become more extreme and fanatic, desperately holding on to their “truths”, to preserve their false self-image. Admitting they have done wrong, will destroy their false self-images completely. I believe it would be easier for them to stop, if they had had a gun held to their head.

      So they continue, until all is lost, or somebody stops them.

  2. #3 by Edwin on 10/17/2011 - 8:21 am

    Whites grow up hearing about how only white people are racist and understand history only in terms of how white people have hurt other races. They call themselves tolerant, which means they hate white people. Literally.

    This kind of one-sided understanding of history MUST lead to the most extreme approach. EVERY white country and ONLY white countries must be flooded with non-whites.

    The next time an anti-white calls you ‘racist’, just say : “I’m not racist, I hate white people just as much as you do!”

  3. #4 by BGLass on 10/17/2011 - 10:27 am

    History: how white people hurt other races.

    pithy definition, Edwin, and a visible testament as to the consciousness of “the other.”

    know we’re to give examples, but I learned history in school. Now, if I had to give 10 examples of where whites hurt others, I could do THAT easily. (Indian small pox blankets, slavery, probably introducing aids to people b/c they hate gays, using haarp device to hurt haiti probably, not putting research into things that would save other lives, sterilizing only other populations, (even as they abort their own and do ads showing themselves electing sterilization), lynchings, whatever, one could just go on for a full hour such as that, etc…)

    but can’t think of even one example from school history of people hurting whites.

    It’s why i’m hard on catholics. Imo, there’s the white jews, white catholics, wasps— pretty much. These groups have much deeper signifiers (past fights, language, religion, etc.) and coalesced around the various americans, making coalitions. But they are always at each others throats. You can see various ones thinking non-white groups “belong” to them, to their agendas, like proxy populations. If these groups would look at their own bullshit, it would be better.

    Like that book, “White Guilt” by the black escaping me, subtitled something like ‘how blacks and whites ruined america.’

    Better if the book was white wasps, catholics, and jews–and how they have 3 different irreconcilable visions for what a country (or world) should look like.

    In america— there’s essentially Jewish communism, Catholic theocracy welfare-warfare statist tax state model, or rural american pioneer remnant northern-european friendly wasp libertarianism. each feels the others way is a fate worse than death.

    to me, there’s a “left-right” coalition in the sense of Catholic economy (euro welfare statistm) but latched onto the jewish communist think-tanking for crowd control, socialization, media and education, etc. It’s a fascist-communist coalition country, really, in that way. A hybrid system, but with no room for making, products, creation, innovation at all.

    Innovators are to be “imported.” (to displace the northern-europeans pioneer stock and de-industrialized northern factory product-oriented workers) for the warfare-service economy “consumers’ relation with chinese (buying)

    Its gross that a country calls its people “Consumers.” Like they are big fat eaters.

    whatever, rant.

    But the point is—- this version of history (whites hurting others) has served various factions of whites. It also obscures what the whites are doing to each other behind the scenes, so to speak.

    • #5 by Edwin on 10/17/2011 - 3:44 pm

      On the issue of small pox blankets that pilgrims supposedly gave to Indians: I once heard someone absolutely demolish this story.

      The pilgrims are said to have knowingly given Indians blankets that had tiny little microscopic smallpox ‘germs’ on them. When? Around 1600 or 1700, right?

      One question : When was germ theory invented?

  4. #6 by Larry on 10/17/2011 - 11:12 am

    These historical routines have always ended in failure. This one is no exception.

  5. #7 by shari on 10/17/2011 - 1:36 pm

    It’s alright to believe that this one will end in failure. I think it will fail too. But that is not to be an excuse for apathy.

  6. #8 by OldBlighty on 10/17/2011 - 5:15 pm

    This reminds me of something Bob came up with a while back:

    What IS the difference between what anti-racists say about White people and what Hitler said about the Jews?

    Anti-racists say/Hitler said, The Jews or Whites are especially evil. Anti-racists say/Hitler said, Whites or the Jews are purely exploiters of others.

    I tried it on a highly resistant family member and it was the first time, I saw her beginning to doubt. She actually asked if it was true.

    Anyone who bothers to talk to the anti-whites, knows it is true.

  7. #9 by Dick_Whitman on 10/17/2011 - 9:00 pm

    “Not only is it not surprising that a reaction to white rule would eventually turn into a movement to genocide the entire white race, it is historically routine” (Bob)

    Something to keep in mind as well is scale. The scale of the attempted White genocide is global. It cuts across North America, Europe, Russia, S. Africa, Australia, and pockets elsewhere.

    Just imagine what the the reaction to this is going to look like?

    • #10 by Scythian on 10/18/2011 - 12:19 am

      “Just imagine what the the reaction to this is going to look like?”


      Is the world “ready” for the Mantra?

      I can’t wait to see when EVERYONE is clobbered over the head with the Mantra, who will dare justify White geNOcide then?

  8. #11 by BGLass on 10/18/2011 - 8:38 am

    Last night on VOR, Carolyn Yeager (who is an enjoyable listen for many reasons) also said, and more than once “Whites must come to have a unified Religion.”

    Wtf— is this white need to make everyone the same? Is subsumed white culture any better than “the human race?” (in a sense). In other words, it obviously wipes out white sub-groupness.

    I have no idea Miss Y’s background, but underlying this often is this idea that a “unified europe” under one of the churches was a good thing.

    In fact, though— once you sell that notion, it becomes the basis of genocide— no? Nothing opening the door for Internationalist Ideology than another Internationalist Ideology. (it is often argued that catholicism has been a real stop-guard against communism, to which one can only say, “um…exactly where.” The first thing the communist fleeing end of my family did, was lose the whole Internationalist shtik, including any globalist-totalist religion at all–as that end of family was from a catholic country that went communist) From the standpoint of propaganda, the hard-sell is one-world-think, NOT which kind.

    Totalitarian Consciousness sucks.

    Now…you could make Whiteness, in itself, (in a sense) the Religion. Ie– to worship glorifying all things white as the essence of God, and this would not simply be the hegemony of one white group over another. (ie–creativity). Only in that case, would the “religion” not wipe out viable and interesting sub-groups in a “Terror.”

    Like, some seem to argue that jews are not “white.” OK, FINE– but if they are a ruling group, and they say they are white, and the white religion is judaism… then what?

    WN is not even mainstream, and already some are calling for a unified thought pattern.

    Right there, some would argue, is seeds of The Terror. Miss Yeager morphed into mommy professor, and said We have been too free, must have rules even if we don’t like it, in a unified religion.

    When “wn” radio re-invokes msm images of dumb hicks, makes sweeping generalizations about “stupid americans,” it has jumped off its track, imo, and headed onto the Terror Track. This is not the support of fellow whites, the understanding and bonding of them as a group, who have undergone something together, and who actually see themselves as members of the same body, (imo) Sub-groups would better be configured as limbs on a body, all contributing something unique and viable— even the “stupid hicks” and “demoralized fat americans” and “uneducated” etc…right? (like who—the boers as they are portrayed, the appalachians, the kulaks, what?—

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