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Short One

Posted by Bob on October 24th, 2011 under Coaching Session

Ambrose Bierce defined the word “mulatto” as,”A child of two races, ashamed of both.”

  1. #1 by herrMajor on 10/24/2011 - 8:56 pm

    I knew a mulatto friend of mine we played videogames together. (I was 13 years old in highschool), he tried to commit suicide because of his mixed race biology.

    He told me before moving away to northern bazil, that when you are a mulatto you have FAR FAR more hatred for the black race, than any Klu klux klansmen could ever have, his foaming hatred for black men who date white women, surprised even a skinhead friend of mine who thought that he met the worst and most violent racist in the country. And this man had to LIVE as this violent racist against blacks.

    I wonder if Obama feels the same way?

  2. #2 by shari on 10/26/2011 - 11:51 am

    A mulatto might feel ashamed of both races, if he has a little humility. If he is a psycho-sociopath he just hates them all. Think that Obama just hates them all. Probably Holder does too.

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