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Short One

Posted by Bob on October 28th, 2011 under Coaching Session

Stockholm Syndrome — When toadying to bullies becomes sincere.

  1. #1 by Simmons on 10/28/2011 - 10:32 am

    These toadies abjure responsibility. When you heap the notion of personal responsibility upon the head of those you target with the Mantra you will get a hundred percent boost in its effectiveness.

  2. #2 by Gar5 on 10/28/2011 - 11:21 am

    That’s why I love the genocide charge. Whoever they are, it knocks the steam right out of their sails.

    Don’t EVER let them forget they support genocide of our people.

    Maybe we could stick a sign to their heads?

  3. #3 by Simmons on 10/28/2011 - 1:42 pm

    H a question of you, it’s a WAG on my part but it looks that the pinkies have taken to using chaos theory as their vehicle for maintaining their rackets.

    As for us if this is true can we find any advantage?

  4. #4 by Simmons on 10/28/2011 - 1:56 pm

    Speaking of Stochholm syndrome I found an interesting piece that I think gives us a good insight of the white anti-white’s pea sized mind. A Freeker sent this to me, might be one of our undercover brothers.

  5. #5 by BGLass on 10/29/2011 - 9:52 am

    “…Speaking of Stochholm syndrome I found an interesting piece that I think gives us a good insight of the white anti-white’s pea sized mind. A Freeker sent this to me, might be one of our undercover brothers….”

    Well, who SHOULD FEAR envy more than the blonde?

    One non-discussed aspect of the “fat, stupidity” (supposed) of the American type (the fact that they are fed raw sugar aside), is the pretense to dumbing down, the making oneself uglier, or seemingly stupider, as further way to ward off envy. “Fat Girl Syndrome.” The pretty girl who gets fat and ugly so as to be unattractive, to get some relief from the attention. the stalker victim, who beefs up. Then suddenly, the fat, dumbed down american can shift gears and come out with things everyone assumed had long been squished out of them.

    All this is not primitive magical thinking. Envy is real. En masse, it’s genocide. Like any kind of camo, like for a chameleon, it works. Until time for new defenses.

    Once they see their activity as a defense (against others envy and that they were always attempting to defend themselves without even knowing it) they will admit they are trying to survive and accept strategies more effective for the times.

    This shows that, deep down, they want to survive, no matter how suicidal they look.

    “It was a good strategy for you while it lasted, but now you should do something else…”

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