Archive for November 4th, 2011

Appreciate Your Fellow BUGSERS

This does not mean be nice to them. This is a very, VERY hard ball team, and I rejoice when one of us gives another one hell for getting off track.

If it’s honest criticism, give it and give it good so they get clapped hard enough to remember it.

We do NOT need people who need careful handling and diplomacy. I have written a number of articles from painful experience about how the guys who get upset and take their ball and go home DESTROY movements.

The quicker we get rid of that kind, the better.

If our goal was recruitment, we would cajole and go out of our way to keep each person satisfied and uninsulted.

That is the way large-scale sites do.

The approach of those big sites has given them numbers to brag about, but it has LOST.

Over and over.

A few more big site victories and our race will be doomed.

What makes big sites doesn’t WORK.

Everything about BUGS requires “getting it,” and “Getting it” here is so different that it is almost impossible to explain it to outsiders. I don’t know about you, but I have never had a person suddenly get the concept of “All white countries and ONLY white countries” and its REAL implications

When you start using this phrase and the Mantra that goes with it, you suddenly find the forces that were blocking you breaking up in terror, and you think, “Lord, this is so obviously effective and true that it will be revelation to any pro-white.”


You will get the same cud-chewing stare I have seen thousands of times over tens of years.

That is why I am so glad G5 introduced a thread we really needed: an announcement pace for each new BUGSTER.

You have to BE a BUGSER to realize what it TAKES to become one of us. Those on the outside who give you a coweye when you discuss the Mantra are certainly not going to make the mental leap to realize what it takes to actually get in here, learn the discipline, and do the mental WORK and getting out in the field and getting combat experience.

Other sites count new people in hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands. We are very happy to count our new people one at a time. We know what it TAKES.

Horus set a goal of 300 to 500 of us in a few years, that’s about 250 more. Each new BUGster is a major achievement.

But you never realize what a power each new person is here until you get in here and SEE us at work out there where it counts.

It’s kind of a Catch-22 situation. You don’t realize how much you mean until you are in here and in action.

This is the opposite of the perfect recruiting situation. For recruiting, the ideal is that you come up with something that inspires people superficially.

The problem is that, when it comes to a real fight, what you need is a strategy that is not aimed at recruiting, but at WINNING. And our movement has too long been a product of what appeals rather than what WINS.

Which is a major reason every other strategy on our side has failed. It is a lot more fun to Reveal the Exciting Worldwide Conspiracy of Evil Jews than it is to hit people with the implications of what we all already know, over and over and over.

But the “Joo” thing doesn’t WORK.

I don’t care about punishing Jews or other Evil Groups, I am responsible for saving MY race.

So I don’t offer you a chance to show how much you know about details. I offer you hard work, hard work I put and that each BUGSER puts in to get RESULTS.

Be sure to appreciate our fellow BUGSERS. No one else CAN.

Until we win.
