Archive for November 9th, 2011

Looking AT the Dam

I made the point in “Looking Over the Dam” that anyone ought to get SOMETHING out of my writings because I am treading on ground regular writers are forbidden to tread on.

But please note the word “OVER” here.

Too many otherwise brilliant minds on our side spend all their time looking AT the dam. They give full descriptions of HOW our ideas are banned by the establishment. But they get so tied up in describing the Evil Jews or the Illuminati or the leftist establishment or its other arm, the kept conservatives, that they make no more observations.

For example, the whole concept of Wordism comes from looking OVER the dam of censorship we face today. If the concept of racism has flaws, what flaws are there in racism’s opposite?

The fact is that only by looking OVER the dam against thought called “racism” I have actually seen that there IS an opposite.

The person who says that no loyalty should be based on natural feelings is saying that all our problems can be solved by transferring our loyalties to a set of words.

That concept was tried out thoroughly in the Religious Wars of mid-millennial Europe. The horror and slaughter of those years put previous tribal conflicts to shame.

Wordist Communism, in fact, each branch of Wordist Communism, caused such horror and intellectual atrophy that only a fascist country at war could be compared to it at all, and that only by outlawing any questioning of the victor’s statistics.

Pol Pot killed a third of his own population and abolished its cities. Mao Tse Tung’s death totals dwarf even Stalin’s

And the Communist killings did not take place in wartime. The only emergency that did the killing was Marxism itself.

Wordism is a horror.

But it is a horror that those who spend all their time describing the dam will never see.
