Archive for November 21st, 2011

Discipline: No Tailgating, No Wandering

One of the comments on my article about OWS, occupy wall street, began with the statement with the writer doesn’t like bankers either.

This no only has nothing to do with my article, it gets away from the exact point I was making. The whole article was about the fact that OWS has absolutely nothing whatever to do with Wall Street or bankers.

The whole point of the piece was that OWS is simply on the streets because it has lots and lots of money and lots and lots of robots. It doesn’t even claim to have a goal.

The commenter also said that OWS is what we want thousands of our people out doing. Once again, the point of the article was to show that anti-whites have gotten to the point where they have unlimited resources and no ideas at all.

There is an industry of “social activism.” But OWS has gotten it into a comedy stage.

The comment itself was fine, but I use it to make these points.

I am trying to figure out what my basic objection to these points is, and it keeps occurring to me that it is in a category like tailgating. The number of places which are happy to discuss how one feels about bankers is legion.

The point is not the comment, and I hope the commenter doesn’t launch into talking about he said that.

It doesn’t matter.

The point I am making here is that we must discipline ourselves to avoid statements others make all the time.

There is a very important point here that no one would mention outside of BUGS. For all the commentary on whatever the hell OWS is, and nobody knows, my explanation is the real one, that social activism has become such an industry that they just hit the streets regularly without even a pretense that they have anything to say.

This is important. Nobody else can explain OWS.

I get frustrated when anyone here gets off onto comments anybody could make anywhere. The best weapon the anti-whites have is the opposition they allow to speak out.

Remember that what the anti-whites has left now is irrelevance. Every time you slip off of the subject, you are working for them.

Trying to keep us on the subject, as in the case of the Mantra, often feels like trying to push toothpaste back into the tube.

BUT what I have noticed is that our experienced BUGSERS keep slamming anyone who strays even slightly from the point with a Roman Legionnaire kind of mercilessness.

No tailgating, no wandering off into debates over Hitler’s moustache. If anybody does that, no matter how much you like them, sic ‘em!
