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Discipline: No Tailgating, No Wandering

Posted by Bob on November 21st, 2011 under Coaching Session

One of the comments on my article about OWS, occupy wall street, began with the statement with the writer doesn’t like bankers either.

This no only has nothing to do with my article, it gets away from the exact point I was making. The whole article was about the fact that OWS has absolutely nothing whatever to do with Wall Street or bankers.

The whole point of the piece was that OWS is simply on the streets because it has lots and lots of money and lots and lots of robots. It doesn’t even claim to have a goal.

The commenter also said that OWS is what we want thousands of our people out doing. Once again, the point of the article was to show that anti-whites have gotten to the point where they have unlimited resources and no ideas at all.

There is an industry of “social activism.” But OWS has gotten it into a comedy stage.

The comment itself was fine, but I use it to make these points.

I am trying to figure out what my basic objection to these points is, and it keeps occurring to me that it is in a category like tailgating. The number of places which are happy to discuss how one feels about bankers is legion.

The point is not the comment, and I hope the commenter doesn’t launch into talking about he said that.

It doesn’t matter.

The point I am making here is that we must discipline ourselves to avoid statements others make all the time.

There is a very important point here that no one would mention outside of BUGS. For all the commentary on whatever the hell OWS is, and nobody knows, my explanation is the real one, that social activism has become such an industry that they just hit the streets regularly without even a pretense that they have anything to say.

This is important. Nobody else can explain OWS.

I get frustrated when anyone here gets off onto comments anybody could make anywhere. The best weapon the anti-whites have is the opposition they allow to speak out.

Remember that what the anti-whites has left now is irrelevance. Every time you slip off of the subject, you are working for them.

Trying to keep us on the subject, as in the case of the Mantra, often feels like trying to push toothpaste back into the tube.

BUT what I have noticed is that our experienced BUGSERS keep slamming anyone who strays even slightly from the point with a Roman Legionnaire kind of mercilessness.

No tailgating, no wandering off into debates over Hitler’s moustache. If anybody does that, no matter how much you like them, sic ‘em!

  1. #1 by Epiphany on 11/21/2011 - 8:18 am

    You are right. Even The Second World War is merely a detail, however important. The point is, the Survival of the White Race!

    • #2 by Gar5 on 11/21/2011 - 10:06 am

      No, the point is that White people are being subjected to a program of genocide by anti-Whites.

      We would normally survive, because we would never move non-Whites into our homes. However, anti-Whites in power did, and then they brainwashed us into mixing.

      We’ve been quoting those statistics that White people will be minorities in many countries by 2050. The anti-White’s immediate response was “Have more children.”

      The only response they have to the charge of genocide is to censor us. We’ve obviously hit a nerve.

      Epiphany and others, get out of your defensive way of thinking. If someone’s punching you, you can run away or you can punch back. But you aren’t going to win by running away.

  2. #3 by backbaygrouch on 11/21/2011 - 10:09 am

    Earlier today the Wall Street Journal published an article by Gordon Crovitz on the OWS and free speech. What follows in a comment I made under a different name. It incorporates some Mantra thinking and a view of the OWS compatible with Bob’s point. Off point? Flagellate me with wet noodles if you want. My excuse is that I feel it is appropriate to the venue.

    The Occupy movement is a joke. It is top down, well financed, and heavily touted by the MSM. And it is still going nowhere with all these advantages. It is a fraud.

    This is sad because it is against many real abuses. It has raised being inarticulate to an art form. Few Americans have any simpatico with it. They look grubby and probably smell.

    Its main problem is that it has no grass roots. Its “workers” never did a day’s work in their lives.

    The Occupy movement is a media event. It is famous for being famous, or, more accurately, for being on the evening news in place of damned near anything more important.

    Over a million Egyptians occupied Tahir Square in Cairo. Some 300,000 camped in Tel Aviv. A thousand or so buskers tent in Manhattan. This is not serious. Their marches start with a handful and end with a handful. No one joins along the way.

    America is sedated. The problems, the injustices are real. This response is silly. This is not a movement, it is a hired movie crew. Convicted felon, George Soros, et alii are wasting their ill-gotten gains on this sorry lot.

    As a partisan Republican, one very, very unhappy with my party, I’m thrilled that the donkeys and their supporters are embracing the Occupy movement. It is more votes for us.

    Or am I?

    If one or the other party can not be wrenched from the banksters then America needs a real alternative, a third party. It has to be rooted in the majority, that is, the Founding stock, which is still the majority. No way round it. The election system requires that a candidate get a plurality of the votes.

    In a nutshell, the Occupy movement is a symptom. but America is in desperate need of a cure.

  3. #4 by Simmons on 11/21/2011 - 10:33 am

    Never forget the Bob rule, “Why is this information produced?”

    OWS is IMO the basic scam of Radical Child raging so as to intimidate Big Momma Liberal into hectoring Conservative Papa into placating the Radical Child with a little bit of candy from the tax slaves.

  4. #5 by Simmons on 11/21/2011 - 10:53 am

    Race is everything and every leftist initative is dedicated to our genocide. I make this point at taki mag amongst people quibbling the details of some usual lefty crime spree.

    RobRoy is on message.

  5. #6 by Gavin on 11/21/2011 - 11:02 am

    “my explanation is the real one, that social activism has become such an industry that they just hit the streets regularly without even a pretense that they have anything to say.”

    The anti-whites have lots of industries, the “activism” industry, the immigration industry, the real estate industry etc….

    How do we develop our own industries that serve our needs? I like Bob’s idea of activists going after anti-whites and fining them for promoting genocide. We need to make being pro-white profitable.

    I post the mantra but I am wary of turning it into a rosary type exercise, where the prayer gets repeated a lot but nothing actually gets done.

  6. #7 by Genseric on 11/21/2011 - 11:18 am

    Once again, the point of the article was to show that anti-whites have gotten to the point where they have unlimited resources and no ideas at all.

    And this is evident by the fact that both ends of the mainstream media spectrum regularly display a general state of confusion as to What Really Matters to/with the OWS crowd.

    Now, either they are incapable of articulating their demands (or worse, there are none), as Bob says, or it’s another example of a Genius Conspiracy covering up the message. My thoughts are that it is the former.

    Our message? Well, I think it is crystal clear. We must put an end to White genocide and the reign of those who promote it in EVERY White country.

  7. #8 by Genseric on 11/21/2011 - 11:45 am


    Can OWS be transformed to carry the Mantra? Use that energy to our own benefit?

    After all, they lack a message. Can we make ours be theirs?

    • #9 by Gavin on 11/21/2011 - 11:57 am

      OWS is the same old “radical left-wing” anti-white crowd, not exactly mantra material. I have seen them protesting “greed & racism” lol they’ve always got to shoehorn their anti-white view into EVERYTHING.

      Either way they are basically a joke now anyways.

    • #10 by dungeoneer on 11/21/2011 - 1:38 pm

      Any event can be gate-crashed with white genocide opposition.

  8. #11 by BGLass on 11/21/2011 - 11:57 am

    Idk. OWS just seems like that old movie, The Blob. The rolling thing that mindlessly eats things in its path, the way industries can do.

    A lesson was in the fledgling emergence of a genuine grass root– the solidification into “tea party,” then the change of that into a circus affair, complete with stages, theme songs, costumes, inter-racial spokespersons of fame, and marching bands, in an effort not to be charged with racism.

    Then “End the Fed” rolling-blobbed into OWS. The idea was sort of “far rightest” at first, with founding-stock-costumes (or that’s what they call it), then blobbed, paid for by whom one knows not, into sort of “far lefist” (at least that’s what they call it), with topless chics, upside down life runes (peace signs), and nose rings.

    There’s a real senselessness to how public energy works, and the attempts to marshall it. At root, there do seem people with agendas— but most have the vague complaint… what most people mean by fascism (not even meaning the strict definition of corporatism here, but just the mindless mass focussing of unrelated bad-feel energies onto some object or another.) Orwell’s Two Minute Hates.

  9. #12 by Bob on 11/21/2011 - 11:57 am

    Genseric: The answer is No.

  10. #13 by Bob on 11/21/2011 - 4:56 pm

    Don’t worry, Gavin, I am not trying to turn you into a robot.

  11. #14 by Harumphty Dumpty on 11/21/2011 - 4:56 pm

    I may be the commenter Bob has in mind. I understand what he’s saying a little better after reading his present post.

    This will probably be what I mainly take away from this post:

    “The point I am making here is that we must discipline ourselves to avoid statements others make all the time…

    I get frustrated when anyone here gets off onto comments anybody could make anywhere. The best weapon the anti-whites have is the opposition they allow to speak out.

    Remember that what the anti-whites has left now is irrelevance. Every time you slip off of the subject, you are working for them.”
    OWS has realized it should have demands, maybe:

    “We are our demands.”

  12. #15 by Bob on 11/21/2011 - 6:06 pm

    Harumphty-Dumpty: Right on target!

  13. #16 by Dick_Whitman on 11/21/2011 - 7:36 pm

    I just tell OWS that they are NOT tolerant people. NO. They are anti-White to the bone. No “cause” of theirs takes priority over the anti-White cause.

    They are not “anti-establishment” and should be viciously ridiculed when claiming otherwise. The OWSers stand for the Establishment’s highest sacrament: The forced integration of the White West with the “developing world” under the threat of losses of economic opportunity, status, and even freedom for not complying.

    If the OWS Left was a little more tolerant, they would probably attract more of middle America (who have their own silly “movement” having something to do with Tea).

    If OWS Leftists want middle American behind them they’ll support freedom of association. People on the mainstream American Right, or ‘Middle America” will support more leftest programs in America if they don’t associate “progressives” with anti-White leftism.

    Middle Americans support the GOP because it allows them to live out the fantasy that they can escape forced diversity by “pulling yourself up by the bootstraps.” There’s hope in the American Right that if you get wealthy enough, you’ll be able to live in a fortress like Rush Limbaugh and not have to deal with it.

    What if someone tried to merge the tea party and the OWS movements? I would tell the OWS folks that middle Americans are not against public transportation, or more spending for education, or cleaning the environment, or sustainable urban spaces, they just don’t want to be forced blended out of existence.

    OWS of course could never handle this. All that “progressive” BS goes out the window when these people perceive a threat to the anti-White worldview. When they perceive a “racist” their programming takes them totally over.

    The people in the Tea Party are less programmed but lost and even a little cowardly. They know something is wrong but have no-one to show them the way. They have terrible options both politically and metaphysically. They have the GOP for politics and Fox news for media. They have Zionist Christianity and pro-war, flag-waving metaphysical meaning. That’s pretty much the program that the American Right offers.

    What middle America needs is a new program with BUGS and FTWR at its core.

  14. #17 by herrMajor on 11/23/2011 - 7:19 pm

    Hey bob, in every intro that your porch talk hits comes in with “The Untrained Eye” you open with the message that those people who look at the flat earth deny that the earth is round.

    Well, IF the earth is really round, how can we bring them to learn that they are wrong, and they are seeing a ROUND earth?

    I want to get learning on Social Engineering for BUGS and teach us on how to bring Anti-Whites and the crowd around us to the conclusion the Anti-Whites look at the FLAT earth and try to put the othodoxy that the earth is FLAT.

  15. #18 by Peter Whiterabbit on 11/24/2011 - 10:12 am

    herMajor, pick up Bob’s latest book, Why Johnny Can’t Think. You will find some answers there.

  16. #19 by Harumphty Dumpty on 11/24/2011 - 12:02 pm

    My own copy of Why Johnny Can’t Think should arrive any day.

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