Archive for November 30th, 2011

The New Creationism

BoardAd has an uncanny instinct for the exact things that interest me. In the Age of a Trillion Facts, this is quite a talent.

So our editor sent me a link to an article which explains how, for the first time in history, scientists literally created something from nothing:


I really just want to bring this to your attention, but I have also been trying to find a way to write a coherent article about it.

We used to think of electrons as orbiting the atomic nucleus in exactly the same way as planets orbit suns. Many a good science fiction story was made up of people getting so small they live on the infinitesimal planet orbiting the core of an atom in their fingernail, and then getting smaller and orbiting the core of an atom of THAT fingernail and so on ad infinitum.

But actually electrons do not orbit the atomic core. Electrons pop in and out of EXISTENCE around the core.

So these scientists simply took a vacuum, a totally empty space (DUHH!) and waited for some electrons in that empty space to pop into existence..

And they did.

Where there was nothing, a little patience found something.

This would be Super Front Line News if a Pope or Billy Graham, Jr. simply reported it. But it is merely a url link when scientists do it.

But BoardAd saw what it meant and reported it to me. To me I am more important than the Pope, and someone who can see the marvel here is more important than any Cardinal or Vice President of Billy Graham, Junior Enterprises.

The explanation of this creation of something from nothing is easy for those of use who are used to Whitakerisms”

Our universe is OUR universe.

Those electrons do not pop in and out of THE universe.

They pop in and out of OUR universe.

So where are they between poppings?

The easy answer is that there are parallel universes. But that is the kind of logic that led to the concept that electrons orbiting their core was the same as planets orbiting their sun.

We don’t know yet.

And for an Aryan, that is just fine.
