Archive for January 2nd, 2012

A Set of Comments I loved!

“Mrs. Kelso, the Mantra and A3P” elicited comments that made me feel that all my efforts have been worth while.  When you are dealing with Coach Bob, this is a hell of a accomplishment.

The Coach asks a LOT.

In dealing with any regular Leader, however sincere, what is expected is that you learn the rote lesson he has for you.

The Coach is trying to train you to run your own damned plays

I am not criticizing Leaders . In fact when a person has the obstinacy and intelligence and sheer guts tell the truth and pay for it when he could prosper by selling out I am, in all honesty, in awe of him or her.

But I have been in this fight at the highest levels for longer than almost anyone other anti-white, and I WON lot of battles against entrenched positions

So I criticize some of our Leader’s approaches, not least because I have the seniority and track record that even David Duke and he late Humphrey Ireland and even Carleton Coon and his cousin Carleton Putnam respected..

In fifty years no one has regretted using my advice. Carleton Coon used a quote of mine in a 1960 Comment in Life Magazine when I was still a teenager.

A True Hero would poo-poo all this and say he wasn’t all that great.

But if I am not that great, how dare I criticize giants like Duke and Kelso? — and if you don’t see Kelso as a hero because he is so easy going and available you need a lesson in greatness.

Now back the comments this piece is about.

I have fought for this cause for a lifetime, and being a big guy is not enough. In fact, as William Pierce said on his deathbed all he did was damned near nothing if you don’t leave successors.

So in the discussion of financing cheap and broadly heard versions of the Mantra the Kelsos and I worked out, the first comment was the to question whether the commenter could spread the word about using AP3 to cheaply repeat the Mantra and not compromise the Kelsos..

But he proposed that HE do it, he did not use that killing phrase, “maybe somebody should…” Lord it makes me feel good that you have dropped that sterile ”somebody” crap.

Dammit, you’re bugsers. “Somebody” is YOU.

But I didn’t have to answer his question. The very next commenter did that.

To me, the critical point here was that another bugser answered the question. I have successors.

Timeforfreedom raised bloody hell about giving money to Kelso, in caps. According to another earlier commenter, timeforfreedom has been working his butt of on the Mantra and Kelso doesn’t bring it up in his broadcasts.

Frankly I was too glad to see timeforfreedom make this point too, rather than not to avoid offending Kelso. If Kelso was thin-skinned he would be in a strait jacket by now.

Timeforfreedom is an active bugser and he has a right to shout his opinion here. And Kelso or a Whitaker or Duke has taken much crap from anti-white putzes that the sincere declaration of a real bugser is listened to with respect.

Mrs. Linda Kelso came on and told us she would make sure we are not forgotten. I don’t think the Mantra will actually do the Party any particular good. As I told Kelso, it will probably be considered a peculiar thing for a party to put in a campaign. But I see it as a way to get it out there, and, as many a bugser has said, it was YEARS before he got the relevancy of it.


Kelso, as I said, is very busy, and I am happy to have the stability of Linda as reassurance.

But back to the important subject, which is me. What is critical to me is that this discussion made all the points and I wasn’t necessary

I also noticed that Bianco, who has had some criticism, stayed with us in this, and timeforfreedom raised hell but didn’t threaten to take his toys and go home. My long experience tells me that the ones who blow up and go home, in m considerable experience, are people you need to get out as fast as you can.

But I treasure those who don’t hesitate to raise hell and stay in there fighting.

Soldiers always bitch.

Then they very often turn out the be the ones who jump on the grenade.
