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Is Genetic Degeneration HOLY?

Posted by Bob on January 24th, 2012 under Coaching Session

How exactly would racial survival be effected?

That depends totally on how each new generation is produced. No one seems to have recognized that that is one of the most undecided issues of the next century,

The fact is that absolutely nobody can be elected if he has the slightest interest in future generations.

The official line in Public Choice is that, if ghostly spirits of Future Generations COULD appear to us, naturally they would WANT the better looks and higher intelligence and the emphasis of breeding for creativity.

But what could they OFFER in return?


Since Public Choice is based on bargaining between real interests, the whole concept of doing unto others as you would have them do unto you is, in the case of genetics, nothing.,

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you has a personal element. I would rather be competent than incompetent, intelligent rather than mentally weak, look better rather than worse.

But the Golden Rule does not apply to a  future generation in religion.

Public Choice Theory explains this perfectly: a future generation has no POWER,

Jesus insisted that there would be no future generations

But had he understood we would still be here two millennia later, do you think he would have said that the new reality should also be dealt with on the basis of the Golden Rule?

The Church agrees with Political Correctness that, when it comes to genetics, the Golden Rule is repealed.

Jesus specifically stated that the Golden Rule is not just a nice rule. He said that it is the Law and of the Prophets. It is even more beyond question that a person wants to look better and be an integral part of more creative and better looking people.

The Pauline insistence that everybody was going to be made sterile in his generation is now strictly for really sick puppies.

  1. #1 by backbaygrouch on 01/24/2012 - 6:35 am

    Moral Theology teaches us that humans are responsible for their actions, individual and collective.

    Actions ought be guided by virtues of which there are deemed to be seven by Scholastic analysis. Four of these are described as Cardinal [Prudence, Justice, Restraint and Fortitude] and three as Theological [Faith, Hope and Charity]. The roots of this mode of thought stretch back to the early Church Fathers.

    When was the last time you heard a sermon on the virtue of Prudence as it applies to your corporate memberships, much less the those of your race? The other six are preached frequently with a heavy emphasis on race.

    The Mantra is the vital sermon about your obligation to your race that you will not hear from the pulpits of today’s Marxist infested clergy in all major Western Christian denominations.

    O Tempora! O Mores!

  2. #2 by BGLass on 01/24/2012 - 7:24 am

    another reason white birthrate is down. the future is ‘blended humanity’ with no history, coherent historical narrative, the debasement of real creativity, people as nothing from nowhere— however, they are exactly the same, equal, with “job opportunities” (or maybe… if they can be “brought [from god knows where] into the country.”

    Daddy always said, you make your own opportunities, sugar, and if other people jumped off a bridge, would you?– and then a real dose of johnny appleseed.

    It’s maybe smarter, or at least more honest, people who see that future and –apparently, as it is a fact– decide kids are probably better off not being born.

    Look at what people do with leisure. They actually watch t.v. football. The passing of somebody named paterno was a big deal for grown men. Two hours of lady gaga and girls are good to go, if only a grand official can “bring jobs to their country” to give them— a reveling in scarcity.

    So some live in fantasies. Others in a state of derealization. Everything seems “so crazy.” Those are the ones staring at reality, but in a state of invalidation.

    Invalidation is one way this goes on. Like, the experiments where the 99% of the people “electrocute” somebody just b/c they are told to.

    It’s not so much being “herd animals,” imo— but a weakness for tolerating invalidation. People can “go against the grain,” but they lack strategies for dealing with ‘standing alone,’ the feeling of invalidation. (It makes most “feel crazy” if they are the only one with a view.)

    Great use is made of this intolerance for invalidation.

    • #3 by Genseric on 01/24/2012 - 1:29 pm

      Invalid [noun]: someone who DEMANDS that it is Honest and Truthful to state to White couples that “kids are probably better off not being born” while the third world breeds them out of existence.

  3. #4 by Simmons on 01/24/2012 - 9:39 am

    Time is short so I’l solve this dilemna quickly. Fact 1, the American populace is bombarded from birth by simple biology of the competition for breeding by the lower animals. Fact 2, Mommy Prof’s transgressions against reality are legion, do I really need to list them?

    Just ask the prospective parents, do you want the best for your child and this includes genetics?

    Or we can write 10,000 word essays.

  4. #5 by Peter Whiterabbit on 01/24/2012 - 10:46 am

    When future parents chose their offspring’s traits in the genetic supermarket, I have a feeling they do unto their children as they would have wanted to do unto themselves.

  5. #6 by The Old Man of the Mountain on 01/24/2012 - 6:23 pm

    Every Leftist expects White Folks to feed the starving Africans.

    Why don’t the Africans with food feed the Africans that are starving?

    No one expects that, not even the starving Africans.

    But everyone seems to expect the White Man to feed the starving Africans.

    Feeding a starving African proves how good a White Man is, but assisting a poor White Child, or God forbid, a poor White Adult, proves just how evil and racist a White Man is.

    If the Communist Plan were to succeed, and there were no future generations of White Children, then who would feed the starving Africans?

    Would it suddenly be acceptable to just let them starve?

  6. #7 by herrMajor on 01/24/2012 - 9:49 pm

    Hey bob,

    The only thing ‘Special’ about the wiping out of the white genome, I.E. GENOCIDE. Is that they are white.

    You’ve been in 3rd world countries bob, (Africa?) remember the law of the jungle? They see KINDNESS as WEAKNESS.

    “The weak shall be eaten; NO EXCEPTIONS”

    The Jungle does not need it’s trees and beasts to eat the weak, now they have TVs to tenderize the Kindest-and-Tastiest-Meal, our race, The WHITE race.

    I don’t feel like becoming supper, or complaining about the cook while we are being grilled.

  7. #8 by Harumphty Dumpty on 01/25/2012 - 1:34 am

    “Remind Bob to come into the Board of Directors calls on Sundays.”

    Bob, Linda Kelso PM’d me that.

  8. #9 by ANOTHERWHITERABBIT on 01/28/2012 - 2:33 pm

    he also said to love thy neighbor and used the good samaritan as an example but did the good samaritan bring home the jew no be put him in an inn payed for his room and the jew went back home. In the old testiment it is said that other tribes are neighbors and your fellow tribesman are your brothers. so even the bible shows that segregation is part of the golden rule

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