Archive for February, 2012

The Three or More Rule Again

Both Lenin and Hitler took power ENTIRELY because of the Three or More Rule. In a multi-strong party parliament which took over after the Czar’s collapse, Lenin joined his Communist Party with coalitions that expelled parties to their right from the Parliament, (I don’t know whether to call it the Duma or the Soviet).

These parties in turn formed rump majority coalitions that expelled yet more parties from the rump parliament.

The last coalition, Communist and Social Revolutionary, ended when Lenin started shooting the SR’s.

This is the way every single Eastern European country went Communist after World War II. In fact, the dubious distinction of being the only country to go Communist by majority vote is one most people have never heard of, but which exists today.

San Marino, about 300 square miles and 13,000 people, out in the middle of Italy, voted Communist in the 1930s. When Germany invaded the USSR, San Marino declared war on Germany, so Mussolini gave the Germans permission to send a platoon or two in to occupy San Marino, which they did.

Finally, I think in the 1960s, San Marino had a revolution which threw out the Commies that took place mostly inside one warehouse. Otherwise all states became Communist entirely by the Three or More Rule.

As we all know, the Communist and Nazi Parties together had a majority of the vote in 1933, so the only way to form a government was to make an agreement one of them. Hindenburg chose Hitler, and the Western media had paid him so little attention that they thought he was a Kaiserist!

In November of 1932 Time Magazine stated flatly that “Nothing on Heaven or Earth is surer than that the Kaiser will be returned to power in Germany.”

If you don’t understand the 3 or more rule, you are a fool about history.



BUGS and the Three or More Rule

A historian could write a huge, detailed book about three way elections, in extreme detail backed by years of research and thousands of footnotes, and not get the point.

At least three presidential elections were altered completely by having three strong candidates instead of two: the election of John Quincy Adams in 1825, that of Lincoln in 1860, and that of Wilson in 1912. There are hundreds of examples when you throw in all he states, and that is just in America.

It could be a New York Times Best Seller, only three or four people decide that, but this well-researched book would almost certainly miss the point.

It took the public decades to realize that running for the nomination INSIDE the Party is a very different animal from the General Election, so the entire implications of this three or more way election business will probably never be understood, least of all by the trained and obedient historian who writes it.

One of our most basic hopes lies in understanding this three or more way rule:

As long as the white race obeys the anti-whites and looks upon itself as a colonial power which sets the rules for ALL the world, we have a two-way race: Whites versus everybody.

In such a race, when most of the white race itself is anti-white, we cannot win.

But once the realization sets in that not only are we not the colonizers, but ONLY our lands are being colonized, that we are ONE power unit, the entire landscape will change. Instead of competing with the whole world for power, we will be transformed into the overwhelmingly powerful racial group in a world where EVERY race and religious group is fighting for ITS share.

I have visualized this as a political professional. No one else has even LOOKED at it, much less SEEN it.

I wrote a piece about picking the leadership in a group which has subconsciously accepted its role as a permanent extremist organization is very different from picking the leadership in one or two groups that are competing for actual power.

Ulysses S. Grant voted Democratic in 1856 because, like so many others, he saw the Republicans as so extreme that electing Fremont would cause the South to secede. But by 1860 the Democrats were divided into three strong groups, and his conviction was that we might as well go ahead and deal with the expansion of slavery.

Lincoln won with forty percent of the popular vote.

Neither John Quincy Adams nor Woodrow Wilson could have won at all in a two-way race. There are HUNDREDS of examples of this, but a historian would be likely to note that, but miss the basic point.

Applying this BASIC point to our present circumstances is exactly what Mantra Thinking does.



We are the Only One in the Real, Epoch-Making Fight. Part I

Senator Joseph McCarthy was dead right. In fact, the little time spent looking into the temporarily opened KGB NKVD files showed that not only was almost every one of McCarthy’s accused a Communist, but there were even MORE of these people in high places working for the Soviets.

Lately even the media broke stories about Teddy Kennedy meeting with Soviet leaders abroad in secret to work against the United States.

But the fact it is true doesn’t mean it is a truth you should throw in when you have the enemy cornered with the Mantra.

There is no secret about “Jews” being anti-white. Look at the definition of “Jewish opinion” in the mainline media and, by their definition, they have led the anti-white crusade.

They SAY so.

In fact, you will only get criticism if you use exactly the same term, “Jewish opinion,” that Jews do. Like calling blacks niggers, the reply is “That’s OUR word!”

The standard ADL discussion about whites in history is exactly the same as Goebbels would have made about Jews.

All that this now matters is that THEY knew how to do it. They did what BUGS is doing a century ago. They did not put out anti-white tracts.

NAACP types began their campaign by getting the word “negro” capitalized. You can tell about what year a book is published by when the writer puts in Negro instead of negro. That sounds exactly like our combing sites to see where “anti-racist is a code word for anti-white” or other key phrases.

No one could say that their aim in capitalizing a word was to destroy the white race.

But it was.

And so far it has WORKED.

So when you get specific about stopping the genocide, you are being a fool. We are just stating the legitimacy of our concern and demanding it be discussed openly. We know that once he concern is general, our race will be saved.



Cut the Crap and Burn the Cross

I am really upset when someone gets off white genocide in our WORK section or in our outside arguments and gets onto Jesus Saves or Jews or ANYTHING.

It is the one weapon that has caused me to lost my attack on anti-whites, because it comes from OUR side and then becomes a legitimate subject of the cornered anti-whites to escape to.

Verbal diarrhea is our ULTIMATE enemy.

The KKK’s burning cross has nothing to do with The Old Rugged Cross. It was adopted by a group that had Clan in its name (Dixon’s book was called the Clansman, not the Klansman) because the South identified with Scotland. When an English Army entered Scotland, every Scotsman up to the Northern Islands knew it because those who saw the English went to the top of a hill — in land filled with hills from top to bottom, and lit a huge cross.

That cross at the border was seen miles further north, where they also found the highest hill and lit a huge cross on it.

Now in a truly idiotic insane world, some kook who saw the burning cross might have said, “Well, it is very important that the English Army is attacking, but I am also pissed at the French for some of the things they do. I am going to put up an extra thing for that. It’ll take a few days to work it out and build it, but it’s IMPORTANT.”

No, that couldn’t have happened, you know it and I know it. Somebody like that would be put in a madhouse.

But with us, it happens ALL THE TIME. We are lighting the Mantra Cross on the hills while MOST of our fellows want to talk about crime statistics, Jews, or just how bad everything is getting.

Do these brain-damaged people actually go home and drool in the evenings?



Panic Sells — and Causes More Panics

Why is information produced? This question is pure Mantra Thinking because it goes directly to the base, it starts at the beginning, it is not premised on proving the person asking it is Up on Things or doing Complex Thinking or any of the other real motives people have for discussing a topic.

The information we receive most is panic. How many hours have we wasted reading about the latest cancer cause.

Demography is a branch of economics, but it is looked down on by serious economists as “Panic Studies” because the only demography anybody knows about is the stuff that gets published about how, since the population growth varied ten percent in the last decade, a projection of this shows the world will be elbow to elbow or else totally depopulated in a hundred years.

In fact, the news is made up almost entirely of crises that occurred because, when something could have been done about it, everybody was talking and thinking only about a crisis at that time which had reached crisis level precisely because nobody had been thinking about that problem because when something could have been done they were fascinated by another crisis from the same cyclical cause.

And, of course, there is never time to stop and think about this fundamental problem because people are concentrating on the latest frontline crises.

Which is why BUGS and Mantra Thinking can NEVER reach the heights of interest The Jewish Conspiracy or the Big Bad Bankers Conspiracy or the Communist Plot did.

People do not want to read about reality and Mantra Thinking on what can be done in the real world. They want to drool over the War in Iraq or the Latest…

Well, the Latest Anything.

And when a crisis occurs, who gets all the consulting money? The EXPERTS in the area where the crisis is occurring of course.

Try to think of a business surviving that way. One section of the company has become so bad that it is about to destroy the whole company.

Would the company then raise the pay of those who had been running that section and call ONLY the people who CAUSED the crisis to solve it?

“What we need to do about this disaster is to call in ONLY the people who CAUSED it to tell us what to do about it.“

In the real world, with real money, a company that called in the experts who formulated the policy disaster to solve it would be put under psychiatric observation.

We have a psychotic system because we do not do Mantra Thinking.
