Archive for August 29th, 2012

Mental Evolutions Begins with Basics

We’ve got ’em screaming!

One commenter quoted an anti-white saying “[Bob is] a senile old fanatic telling them exactly what to say.”

I also remember a thousand times WE used to complain about how THEY repeated the same things.

I also noted that all that time, THEY won.

Nobody is going to say, “Gee you pro-whites are doing GOOD.”

Do you remember the first basic course you had in anything? Every single time it was repetitive, it was BORING.

And you couldn’t get started any other way.

From doing the ABC’s in Kindergarten to being a writer is a long trip. You don’t invent until you have BEEN there. This is true of everything.

There is always a lot to unlearn. So it’s ein, zwei,drei, und so weiter, on and on and on. Your teacher can not tell you exactly when to start doing it in your head.

What the teacher DOES batter into your head is that you can’t make mathematics up.

My message has been “It is BROKE, so let’s FIX it.”

But first we have to get over what was BROKE. We’ve been LOSING. Our leaders have been attacked on respectability and have therefore desperately reacted to show they’re SMART.

The only alternative to all the errors we have been making is starting back at the very basic, for which I produced the Mantra. This is very hard for a child who loves to shout “ZILLIONS!!!” but it is the only way to the real world.

This is not about making a Name Leader Impressive. This is about effectiveness. You’ll never get to Calculus if you don’t start sighing and repeating the basics AGAIN.

Yes, the time comes when you begin to do the math in your head, when you can loosen up on exact repetition.

But that is after the repetition is down pat, then you know how to proceed from there.

You have to get out there and TRY the 1, 2, 3 basics. Evolution will happen, IS happening, while you all go out there and TRY them out. And again and again you need others to remind you not to yell “Zillions” and what, exactly, it is you are trying to do.

This is all being done in our Swarm.

If you’re not in the Swarm you’re part of the problem.

We are evolving, starting with REPEATED basics.
