Archive for June 13th, 2013

You Are the Cavalry to Ole Bob!

We have reached a new stage in BUGS.

At the beginning I was the Source, and every person who got into action with the Mantra WANTED me to be the Source, the Boss, the Final Word. There was one single reason for this, and only one:

I had invented and developed the Mantra, but That was NOT the reason you looked to me as the Authority. You looked to me as the Authority because I was the only person who had USED the Mantra. photo charge_zpse91c6840.jpg

Those of you who used it found that it was dynamite, but that, like dynamite, you had to learn to handle it. But it was exhilarating for you when you DID use it right.

AT LAST, using this magic formula, you could slam dunk the truth right down their throats.

But you got sidetracked and lost out when you went into your old mode.

You greatly preferred winning and so you decided Bob could tell you how to keep winning.

Over the years a dream has come true for me. There is now a core of BUGS stalwarts who have won with the Mantra out there in the real world many, many times.

A few years back I was the only one who had ever used the Mantra. I single-handedly cleared out the accusations of “Racism” and the regular apologies and denials of “Racism” in the Opposing Views section of Stormfront.

Everybody admitted that.

But, until Lord Nelson finally came along, nobody else USED the Mantra!

Yes, I invented the Mantra. Yes, I developed it and I was the only expert on it.

But being the only one was NOT fun. I HATED it. It was suffering to be the only one who was out there using this wonderful weapon. These were years of suffering with which you can easily identify. Back then EVERYBODY on our side was an anti-Mantra pro-white(AMPW).

You have had far more than enough dealings with the AMPWs to fully realize what it felt like when EVERYBODY was AMPW and I had to deal with them alone!

It was every bit as bad as you think!

If you empathize with my long, lone campaign, you will realize that this “change” in our relationship is an absolute joy to me.

I don’t WANT to be the only Mantra expert, or even the chief Mantra expert, any more.

This is a celebration.

You cannot easily imagine what a pleasure it is for me to bitch when you don’t come up with the right answer that we have learned in the field to some standard anti-white argument!

You can see how bad it was to be alone with the Mantra.

But now I want you to fully understand what a joy it is for me to read YOUR experiences, for me to be corrected by you, as fellow professionals.

The cavalry has arrived!
