Archive for September 24th, 2013

I Have a Major Advantage Over You When It Comes to Keeping Going

In 1976, right after my first book was published, a well-financed group well out of the league of George Lincoln Rockwell’s little group, (he was murdered while doing his own laundry), called to ask me politely if they could use the version of “populism” in my just-published book.

I told them, no, I appreciated their asking first, but, with the help of the publisher of National Review who wrote the Foreword, I hoped to make this strategy mainline and actually bring down the USSR.

Yes, all that happened in one fairly routine phone call!

And, yes, we DID bring down the whole Soviet Empire!

The first formal announcement of the Southern Nationalist Movement was at a Philadelphia Society meeting.  It was announced that the agenda was secret and would take place in a separate room apart from the Society.   Society leaders were not informed what it was.

Two brothers introduced the Southern Nationalist Movement at that (SEPARATE) meeting.

Both brothers, it turns out, were thrilled to meet me and had read my book.    They really had.  They thought I was a hero.Image Hosted by

Like about everyone else who leads off as admiring my wisdom, they were soon off on their own.

James Edwards doesn’t know it, but his use of the term “populist” comes straight from my book.   He had me on for his first interview and then once more when his listeners demanded it eight years later.

Among many other examples I could point out again that one of my, as usual, simple concepts changed the 1980 Reagan campaign into a runaway winner.    Rusher gave it to him, and my name was probably not mentioned.

I bring all this up because you are on this particular ride with me.   Now that you have dealt with this for a little while, a lot of BUGSERS have asked how I managed to keep at the Mantra concept for about twenty years now, against the MADDENING inability of anybody to “get it.”

That is the reason I keep reminding you, and frankly ME, of the success of so many of my concepts on a national and world scale.   That is one advantage you do NOT have.

In my case, this is not faith, it is experience.
