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Propaganda That Never Misses

Posted by Bob on March 31st, 2014 under Coaching Session

Radix has a snob who is explaining propaganda to everybody. photo snob.png

He was also being a good toady to the anti-white bullies who ridiculed the White Man’s March.

In his wisdom, he said that the first rule of propaganda is that it “do no harm.”

The first rule of this hero of successful propaganda is that you shouldn’t say anything that might misfire!!

This is the motto of respectable conservatism:
Never say anything that may be misinterpreted by the New York Times!

As I keep pointing out, there is a giant difference about how one deals with people who are mistaken and those drooling idiocy.

  1. #1 by Jason on 03/31/2014 - 9:42 am

    It’s easy for most of us to have a faulty idea of how social/political/cultural change works. For the amateur (me), there is a strong temptation to think you have to go through “established channels”.

    And apparently people on the Inside laugh the hardest at that idea. They know they are barely treading water.

  2. #2 by Yankee Rebel on 03/31/2014 - 5:03 pm

    He sounds like another “disinformationist” trying to lead people astray.

  3. #3 by Denounce Genocidists on 03/31/2014 - 6:35 pm

    Twas all just a jolly jape and the anti-whites will live happily ever after.

    Unless we can find some knights in shining armor to murmur sweet cultural values essays into our people`s ears.

  4. #4 by Jason on 03/31/2014 - 10:01 pm

    What amazes me is that modern conservatives will repeat the EXACT same lines that Communists used in their propaganda.

    Communists said we are all “equal”
    Communists said “we all bleed red”
    Communists said “there are no races or nations, only Mankind”

    And yet today we hear not only NeoCons but Tea Party types repeating these lines to show their support for mass non-White immigration and forced integration.

  5. #5 by Horus on 03/31/2014 - 11:47 pm

    One of the challenges is that we are not just dealing with propaganda against Whites. We are dealing with Psychological Warfare. And that is the reason for the Mantras success. Bob took this basic into account. We cannot fight fire with essays.

    I find that these guys do not even know what we are a doing. Publicity stunts and trending hashtags are things they don’t cotton to. There has never been consistent message released writ large that did not get 3 reactions. Laughter, Confusion, Curiosity. And you can never be a successful propagandist IF you put appearances first. If you are worried about looking stupid or failure, you are going to fail for sure. Because you are never going to take enough risk to have a chance at being successful.

    On the REAL news front. Imgur just posted a sign with our message on their front page. I tweeted the below.

    “@imgur Thanks for posting “Anti-Racism is a Code Word for Anti-White” on the front page of your zillion dollar website. #WR #WhiteManMarch”

    Check out the link below ….it has about 450k views in only 2 days. LOVE free advertising. I wish more of these tools would make fun of our memes. Bob is old enough to remember how many Conservatives and everyone else laughed at words like Racism and Diversity way back when. The Conservatives were very sophisticated. They did not need the “basics”. And they got their asses kicked.


    • #6 by Yankee Rebel on 04/01/2014 - 6:07 am

      Thanks for the link,Horus. I enjoyed reading the comments.

  6. #7 by hidden in plain sight on 04/01/2014 - 9:14 am

    The distinction you are drawing between propaganda and psychological warfare really clarifies a lot. The author of that article in Radix is under the delusion that you can fight a war without anyone thinking bad thoughts about you or have soldiers that might be a little rough around the edges.
    What is required of course is the “full spectrum” approach of having the mantra penetrate the full range of cultural and intellectual levels.
    While I was commenting on one of Anna Merlans articles in the VV where she ridiculed the way it was noticed that she was Jewish, I wrote that it was no wonder that she did not care for the white man march because it addresses a purely White problem and that if she does not want to be overwhelmed with diversity there is an ethnostate made just for her. She actually wrote under my comment “but what about all the non Jews who made fun of you?” They really think that being made fun of is the ultimate defeat. The radix author and Anna Merlan both truly and honestly believe that.

    • #8 by SwampRabbit on 04/01/2014 - 4:50 pm

      I hope you asked her who brainwashed/indoctrinated so many White anti-Whites to willfully and joyfully accept and support the methodical destruction of their own race, White genocide.

      • #9 by Hidden In Plain Sight on 04/02/2014 - 10:22 am

        If I recall correctly my response was to point out how childish it is for someone to try to ridicule someone for being made fun of so much and then gave her that Schopenhauer quote about the four stages that truth goes through (rejected, ridiculed, violently opposed and accepted as self evident.)
        The charge of genocide is the sine quo non of the mantra of course, not in spite of, but because it sounds so strange and ridiculous (yet on reflection so obviously true). Credo quia absurdum. (I was lately looking through a book of latin quotations, sorry about that)

        • #10 by SwampRabbit on 04/02/2014 - 11:40 am

          That’s OK, my grandmother was a Latin teacher, so I was exposed at a very early age. I was slightly jesting, but upon further reflection, a better response might have been to ask her what they are laughing at. Maybe she would have repeated the Mantra talking points for you. Wouldn’t that have been helpful? LOL

  7. #11 by POLARBEAR87j on 04/02/2014 - 9:03 pm

    Let the people at RADIX say what they want,
    We do our thing and they do theirs.
    We are all on the same team anyway.

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