Archive for August, 2014

Forget the Nerds, Talk About the THUGS!

I looked at one of the YouTubes cited in the comments. It was an anti-White speaking on campus.

One commenter on the You Tube said he was a “nerd.”

Boy, was that ever a telling blow!

BUGSERS have come far along in this business to wonder something with me:

How is it that membership group types unfailingly manage to find the least telling points conceivable to say?  photo mobrooks.jpg

Only now that BUGS had been at it do we see ANYBODY saying anything that hits home with the anti-whites. The War Against Whites did not spring up out of nowhere. In fact one of those brains that hasn’t been mushed in News and Jews might wonder if it was accidental that that congressman’s phrase seemed to sound like those a former professional speechwriter for congressmen pushed.

So this guy with the mashed brain says “nerd.”

Meanwhile, back on Planet Earth, here is a guy like Tim Wise who hides behind the thugs who run campuses. They never have to come from behind their thugs and face people like me, so they declare themselves the winners.  All totalitarian toadies do that.

But  none of us would ever expect anybody outside BUGS to mention the thugs everyone knows about who rules the campuses.

The term thugs might get people to realize what is going on.

But so what? People who join up and pay dues don’t want to WORK for what they call their Cause, too. They stop when the fun stops.



Socialism Versus Communism, Pro-White Versus Nazi

When I went to college, one of the things professors pounded in was the difference between socialism and communism.

It was held then as an absolute certainty that some form of socialism was inevitable on all university campuses.

The flavor of those times is demonstrated by a quote  from the  most popular world history of the time, which referred to one historical figure as being “current as the Webbs and as modern as Marx.”

The Webbs were the founders of what is now called “Old Labor” in Britain, a post-World War II  policy that produced a nightmare bureaucracy, stopped the post-War recovery and made Britain the Poor Man of Europe.

The Communist brand of socialism made the Russian economy what it is today.

Socialism then meant abandoning all markets and having bureaucrats dictate every detail of production, distribution, and consumption, in the name of efficiency.

Even the socialists have abandoned that crap.

But Old Labor and American advocates of socialism, pretty well every professor, emphasized that they were socialists, not Communists.

Every student was trained to point out that Communism and democratic socialism were totally different.

“The goals are the same but the MEANS are different, and that makes ALL the difference.”

Socialists were good guys who  wanted a democrat way to socialism and keeping individual  freedom.

Communists demanded violent revolution.

So Britain’s Labor Party was a part of NATO.

Only an ignoramus would confuse the Social Democratic Party of West Germany with Communists. photo dday.jpg

On the other hand, in order to be allowed to speak on any of our thug-controlled campuses, you must declare that the US Army that invaded Normandy was a Nazi Army.  There was not a single black man in it.

The ADL has declared that BUGS is “neo-Nazi”. The ADL says that all pro-whites are “neo-Nazis,” no matter what means they advocate.  And the campus thugs will not  allow anyone to speak if they are not approved by the ADL.

The last people who would dare deny this ADL declaration were the American troops who hit the Normandy beaches in 1944.

Anyone who follows the cringing slavish reaction of Americans when Roswell became a one-day police state will see how obedient Americans were made by World War II. I am NOT talking about the Roswell Incident — PLEASE!

My point is that if you read the record of the event at Roswell, you will see that the Feds went in there in exactly the same way the KGB or the Gestapo would have gone in, exactly — EXACTLY!

I am NOT talking about Moonmen.  I am  talking about officials acting exactly like  any other totalitarian  forces, openly threatening  to destroy anyone who talked out of turn, crashing into homes Soviet-style.

That was our first experience with the enslaved, neutered World War II Generation attitude.

Half of the self-styled “heroes” of World War II went to college on the G.I. Bill.

That was when the thugs took over campus.




paltalk_fwg_chat_room_banner_jazzy_background is up and running and the guys at FWG are ready to have BUGSERS spread the word that WGP has a new sister site called

The aim of FWG is to compile all White Genocide activism in one place so it can be easily accessed by everyone, it will also be home to a large collection of White Genocide material so people can easily find material without having to search multiple sites to find what they need.

FWG has a PayPal fundraising button so people can donate directly towards White Genocide Awareness Projects that will be listed on FWG under the Current Projects tab. People can donate via PayPal or email for instructions on donating anonymously.

At the moment donations are being raised for a new billboard in the Pacific NW that is being spearheaded by Bugsers from the very start to its completion. The guys already have a mock billboard design which can be viewed under the projects tab at FWG. With the help from Bugsers we hope to gain attention as a site that does not propose activism but gets out there and makes it happen.

If you have any White Genocide activism that you don’t see displayed on FWG, please send it through so it can be uploaded for everyone to see. These contributions from our team as well as other pro-whites will help FWG enormously in compiling the massive amount on White Genocide activism in circulation already and a step towards making FWG an invaluable resource.

For information regarding this site or to submit White Genocide activism information please email:

For project ideas and funding please email:paltalk_fwg_avatar

For donation information please email:



Ending the Rule By Billionaires

Hitler said in Mein Kampf  that he had no interest whatever in economics or economic theory.

When Hitler took power, he almost magically ended the German Depression, which was, even in the 1930s, the world’s worst.

Roosevelt, whose basic ideology was economic, was still struggling with the Depression in 1940. Under the New Deal the Depression would have gone on another ten years at least.

Communism is based entirely on an economic theory. The entire Soviet system finally collapsed simply because the system was ridiculous.

China still had people starving until the last twentieth century under Communism. Japan had long since achieved a Western standard of living.

China is still very poor compared to Japan.

Hitler was a wizard in economics because he just used what worked. What destroyed him was the area where he DID have an ideology, the Lebensraum Doctrine. As Lenin obsessed with economics, Hitler was obsessed with his military.

There is, as usual, a simple rule here which academics get paid to ignore:

You can’t solve real problems with solutions that are fixed by some old ideology you are obsessed with.

Hitler ended the Depression which brought him into power, and he did it efficiently and quickly. In 1936 it was generally agreed that he was the most popular leader any country on earth had.

Now let us jump abruptly from the 1930s to today.

If we take power, the first thing we would do is solve the problem of Rule by Billionaires. photo billionaires.jpg

We are the ONLY group who would end the rule by billionaires without getting obsessed with it. All the other solutions to the billionaire problem are part and parcel of socialist nonsense that would screw up the economy and almost certainly leave the leftist billionaires in control.

Our billionaire extermination program, like all successful big moves like this,  is a practical step on the road to what we are really after, which is to punish, purely for PREVENTIVE purposes, traitors who have used their success to destroy our kind.

We have no interest in redistribution or economic ideology. So our solution, heavy rewards to those who report what those rich people were doing all these years to our race, right back to the earliest anti-white movement, will not be based on some halfwit economic philosophy.

Audio Bob
