Archive for October, 2014

Mommy Professor in India

In India, Mommy Professor wears a towel on his head and a diaper on his ass.

For two thousand years Indian Mommy Professors have been considered to be the Height of Wisdom. The Brahman sits in his diaper while around him children collapse in hunger, and every University rings with his praises.

When the Aryan warrior class invaded India and set up a culture, the warriors, the Tschatriya, were at the top of the Caste system. “Caste” means color in English, just as is the Indian Sanskrit term for caste was the same word as “color.”

Just before India began its slide into sub-third world status, the Brahman became the top caste.

The Brahman are the Priests, the Intellectuals.

The Mommy Professors.

The Indian civilization developed Kung Fu, Buddhism, and the aquatic rice we associate with Oriental countries and “the paddy culture.”  photo blueeyedbuddha.jpg

Buddhism originated in India, and Buddhists point out that the Buddha, “had eyes the color of blue lotus.” The man who brought Kung Fu to China also had bright blue eyes.

In a coincidence that is not historically unique, India’s Aryan conquerors devoted themselves to Wisdom, became brown and collapsed into a starving mess with only little brown Wise Men to show for it.

In the end period for White India, you might not have recognized the group that would be Wise Men of Colored India. They probably looked a great deal like Mommy Professor today rather than the little guy in the diaper with the begging bowl.

Mommy Professor in the White World has on a coat and tie and gets his money from taxation backed by force. When the Warrior Class gave the Brahman the top notch in the color system, the Brahman was probably as well financed as Mommy Professor is today.

In the future colored world, Mommy Professor will be trying to peddle his Wisdom on the streets, as anyone who reads Genseric’s “The Bubble” below will understand.




Many new and old school BUGSters have attended Bob Whitaker’s Saturday night PalTalk forum formally known as ‘Fight White Genocide.’ Prior to that project, Bob and Laura took to the interweb airwaves to tackle Professor Dean Scharf at his International Criminal MOOC conference on March 21. Bob, true to form, wasted no time and politely jabbed that the Good Professor had wandered outside of his university castle walls.

I never laughed so hard as I did at the Sharf moderator’s inaudible shriek of horror upon her realizing the implications of this obvious oversight.

Traditional Brick & Mortar Universities are collapsing under their own leviathan-like weight and bloated tuition fees. Google University and 24/7/365 instant access to The Political Priest Class’ Chained Book hasn’t helped Political Correctness’ cause one iota either. From old timey, leftist, anti-white propaganda all the way to pro-white philosophy and BUGS – for the first time in history you have the world at the tips of your fingers. Never has the universe felt so small for so many.

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Electronics giant Best Buy is still downsizing as they are continually crushed by Amazon’s virtual marketplace. In an effort to quell their bloodletting Household heavyweights Target Corp. and Walmart are now offering “Me Too” free shipping to online shoppers. Customers have spoken and their demands were heard. Wider variety, cost comparisons, shopping from the comfort of your home, instant access to inventory, automatically generated lead times, frequently free shipping and many times no sales tax, an Ebola-free environment, and the list goes on.

Similar to the case of consumers, internet users are gaining access to information on the ‘net that no institution would DARE let inside their castle walls, and at an alarming rate. Just take Bob’s revolutionary Underground Graduate Seminar for example. Practical politics has never seen such a daring and dedicated group. BUGS routinely proves it is downright deadly to the anti-white establishment and makes no apologies about it. Many of us have the death threats on file to prove it. The best part about it is the anti-white THUGS can’t get to us on the web.

However, there is one thing college can offer young hopefuls and nouveau yuppies right now that they can’t get online. They can sell you an ever-increasing and exorbitantly expensive certificate with mommy professor’s fancy calligraphy and her particular church’s patented, gold, embossed logo. Although, I just learned that ebay has started selling do-it-yourself college degree kits. I guess it is true that “Hope springs eternal in the human breast.”

So, free thought is on the horizon and on the heels of the education bubble, my friends. My fear is we won’t be able to tell each other apart once it finally bursts and the tidal wave of “Pro-Whites” washes ashore.



A Meme is a Million Miles From a Play on Words

Anti-whites base the history of technology on all mankind. The reason you have your computer is because All Mankind accumulated that knowledge and wrote it down. 

The white man’s half-clothed barbarian ancestors discovered this accumulated knowledge and, as Newton put it, “I saw far because I was standing on the shoulders of giants.”

Please remember that Newton was justifying himself to a bunch of superstitious idiots who thought they were Intellectuals.

Sound familiar?

In Newton’s time, a speaker or writer was FINED for contradicting Galen in any way! Like saying you shouldn’t take pints of blood out of a pneumonia patient.

Such were the “giants” Newton had to say he got his concepts from.  photo willis3.jpg

Our problem is that anti-white history says that “all mankind” built up, step by step, modern Western technology. So the only reason we have explosives is because the Chinese had black powder and some Chinese wrote it down and our primitive ancestors somehow got it from them.

According to anti-white history Egyptians had developed Brain Surgery before someone showed our half-naked barbarian ancestors how to take a bath. It turns out that this Egyptian neurosurgery was trepanation, opening the skull to take off pressure, a primitive procedure carried out by shaman for thousands of years.

Not only did Egyptians not invent brain surgery, they didn’t know there WAS a brain. It was a spare part and they had no idea of its functions, as their animal-headed gods demonstrate.

The brain was first described in the late 17th century in the Circle of Willis. Galen put all thought in the heart.

An engineering student will try to tell you that Calculus was actually just a natural development from Euclid. Like any serious knowledge of the brain, Calculus is entirely a product, not just of white civilization, but of white WESTERN CIVILIZATION.

Try to do Calculus with Roman Numerals.

But Mommy Professor not only spreads this crap, he DEPENDS on it.

No historian has the slightest interest in how, when Great Civilizations’ ships kept to the coasts or inside an inland sea, the illiterate savages of Northern Europe were navigating the open oceans. They only did that “on the shoulders of the giants” who rowed around the Mediterranean.

Romans got soap from the Gauls. But the Romans were supposed to be the Giants who taught Gauls how to bathe at all. One historian was so frustrated at this contradiction he said that “Romans found soap in ROMAN GAUL.”

A meme is a very serious thing. Thinking out the implications of a meme is a productive and endless process. A meme reflects what Germans call a Weltanschauung, a world view.



Untouchables II: In Group/Out Group & Input/Output

In my last article I wrote about Mommy Professor’s first class citizenry.

To state the obvious again, there must be a second class of citizens if there is to be a first. The second class of citizens in “Diversity”-addled Western Utopia has obviously become Europids.

As in the case of any second-class citizenry (out-group) in all of history, they are treated as poorly as the “in-group” is allowed to treat them. This “allowance” is quantified by measuring and expressing the amount of resistance at any given time.

Politicians refer to socioeconomic and sociopolitical resistance as the Overton Window. Electrical Engineers and Physicists refer to and measure resistance in ohms. Regardless of the discipline, the symbol for resistance is Omega (Ω).

Allow me to expand on Omega for a moment, the Greeks have said Omega’s quantitative value is 800 even. Coincidentally, there are almost exactly 800 million Europids left on the planet.

Power, or POTENTIAL, is the amount of energy it takes to overcome a resistance. The formula (Ohm’s Law) for power is a natural law and it can ONLY be expressed WITH resistance. The greater the resistance, the greater the power potential. Somehow this fits with what we are doing.

Thank you for that. Now back to the basics.  photo 5be47e65-1115-47e5-bd00-d7ad959d0a72.jpg

Since the baby boomer generation of Whites still has numbers in America and Europe, anti-whites can only go so far. Otherwise, they risk violent revolution should they overreach (or overload the system).

Anti-white screamers can only go so far with anti-white policy and anti-white thugs can only go so far with anti-white violence. Again, otherwise they risk overloading the system.

Tinley Park’s version of ‘Whack-a-Mole’ taught us that hammer-wielding, anti-white terrorists cannot go whole-hog into a suburban restaurant with guns a-blazin’ – at least not yet. Otherwise, they risk…. You get the picture.

So, PCO’s and their thought police take anti-white violence and turn it into a “game.” And they take anti-white policy and give it “Diversity” and “Multiculturalism” and “Tolerance” window dressing.

To do otherwise would be to fail at Inclusivity (capital “i”).

“Diversity” gurus want to pull back the Overton Window. However, anyone with a partially-functioning cerebral cortex can clearly see what both are designed to do.

Both vehicles are shaped to facilitate and streamline hunting down and replacing whites with the third world in-group.

These anti-white tactics serve to marginalize the severity of the crime committed against white victims and minimize any legal or social consequences for the assailants.

These anti-white criminals absolutely lust over placing limits on pro-white resistance.

And that is why we are GIVEN pressure check-valves like “Sarah Palin’s Tea Party” and “The Populist Party.”

These quote anti-racists unquote and their Respectable Conservative enablers say they have descended from the heavens to sow the culturally-enriched seeds of “Diversity” and “Tolerance.”

What these anti-whites really plant for our children is White Genocide.

Diversity is a code word for White Genocide

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White



This Aristotle Stuff Lets Me Make a Useful Overview of BUGS Outlook

Carloman was upset about my quotation on Aristotle (which I got from Joe Sobran’s Introduction to my last book).

As is usual for a pissed off new BUGSER, the more we explained how getting off onto Aristotle or the like is a classic disease we avoid like the plague, the more Carloman wrote about it.

He said, “I don’t know about you, but if a former Objectivist or a Roman Catholic wants to become a BUGSer, I certainly wouldn’t want to say or do anything that might send him away.”

Actually, if I am the expert on what BUGS is about, this is dead wrong.  photo aristotle.jpg

Jason stated our actual approach perfectly:
“…we are not a membership organization. THIS IS THE REASON BOB WILL GO OUT OF HIS WAY TO OFFEND SOMEONE IF HE THINKS THEY ARE A TTGH (Take Their Toys and Go Home) TYPE. People who are so sensitive about some issue, say abortion, that they can’t tolerate any other opinion, end up causing more trouble than they are worth.”

“We aren’t a political party. I agree with you about Aristotle, but if a person is actually going to get so bent out of shape over comment about him, well that person would never be a BUGSER anyway. Anyone who puts his opinion about guys who have been dead for 2,500 years above the survival of his race isn’t a potential recruit, IMO.”

Jason, a veteran BUGSER, is dead right.

Jews or Aristotle, we don’t want people who take attention away from the memes about our race just when we are making progress no one else has even approached for decades.

This approach is difficult, because we BUGSERS are the kind of people who have strong opinions across the board. It takes a LOT of lip biting to stick to the point on the web.

All BUGSERS have VERY strong opinions on many things, but there is only one MISSION.

It is unique, and it works for us.

That is why we are FEW, and probably always will be.
