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Chasing Down Dead Whites

Posted by -backbaygrouch- on November 3rd, 2014 under Coaching Session

On a Southern California beach there’s a stranded, expiring, stinking great white shark. This near dead leviathan is the anti-White LA Times, a major American newspaper. Today it announced another ploy to resuscitate the franchise., an online gossip column/blog. It will be called Finding Marlowe. It is introduced with a noir storyline.|california|House-Ad||||||cal

The shtick is that it will mimic the career of a Magic Negro, Samuel Benjamin Marlowe, Sr., the first Black P.I., who was the real genius behind two great White detective writers Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett.  photo latimes.jpg

In itself this is a cutesy PR debut but it is also part of a systemic problem that Whites face. The effort to belittle any White accomplishment is relentless. Everything, one way or another, is Out of Africa.

It would be inaccurate to assert that Blacks are responsible for or the chroniclers of the lurid, perverted lifestyles oozing from the septic tank known as Hollywood. That dishonor belongs to the hostile elite that dominates the news and entertainment media of our society.

That establishment seeks to chase Whites into an abyss from which they will never emerge. To do this it is necessary to control today in order to dictate tomorrow in part by means of altering yesterday. You cannot really alter the past but you can change the perception of it.

WWII was rewritten in it’s aftermath. A hated war in Europe was transformed into the Good War through a concerted effort to disguise the causes and to hide many of the crimes committed by the victors. This practice is more universal than is understood. No opportunity is missed to steal credit from Whites and to demonize them in the process.

The author of the introductory spoof is one Daniel Miller, a show business journalist. He’s young, but he knows what his string pullers want. He understands what they fantasize while Portnoying – White Genocide. So he takes their pieces of silver by denigrating two accomplished White authors. The product is a skilled aping of the hardboiled detective prose genre.

A lot of readers will believe it to be gospel. More will internalize it as true while knowing it to be made up. This sort of White put down happens one way or another at every opportunity as Whites are portrayed as fools, weaklings and buffoons in movies and on TV. Much of it is clever and amusing.

Viewed as a stand alone theft this is unimportant. As a process it is deadly to our people. It is not accidental. Crediting Whites with the attainments of others is rare and always deemed to be “hate” per se. This standard operating procedure is one of our enemy’s most effective tools.

The purpose of pointing out this example is to bring home the truth that we are up against a vast host of anti-Whites. They are everywhere. In newspapers, radio, television, theaters, classrooms, perfume ads, magazines, junk mail, books, the Internet, even the churches. To counter this tsunami of haters we need to form a solid phalanx of Mantra posters and more.

We have had a good success popularizing, “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White”. Just as Coca-Cola knows that it takes more than “Things Go Better With Coke” to flog their flavored fizzy water in an ever changing marketplace, we need new weapons..

Bob has suggested “Chasing Down Whites”. The proof of the pudding is in the tasting. So get to it. Don’t forget to think up a new idea yourself. Try it and report back. If we don’t break ranks we will prevail.

  1. #1 by Daniel Genseric on 11/03/2014 - 1:38 pm

    The quotable bit below the hash marks is an adaptation of “The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”

    I posted this in Bob’s piece from yesterday, “Diversity=Chasing Down Whites”. It fits in twitter, it makes three points, scares the hell out of anti-whites and seeds the main meme. So, just as I do with everything that works – I will repeat it.
    The problem with “Diversity” is that you eventually run out of white children to chase down.

    “Diversity” is a code word for white genocide.

  2. #3 by time for freedom on 11/03/2014 - 9:25 pm

    It’s relatively easy to deal with those anti-whites who belittle white accomplishments:

    “How on earth does any of that justify the system of White Genocide right now??”

    Everything has to be brought back to White Genocide.

    Also, I’ve stopped using the term “Mantra.” Rather, I use the term “White Genocide Message.”

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