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“Religion” Repeals the Golden Rule

Posted by Bob on November 5th, 2014 under Coaching Session

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  This is the Law and the Prophets.”  — Jesus

So, would you rather be prosperous or starving?

Easy to answer, right?

Would you rather be beautiful or ugly?

“Well, DUHH!”   Right?

No!   Would you rather be BORN into a prosperous family or into the brown third world?

Churches today agree that giving an answer to this is a SIN.

Would you rather be born ugly or beautiful?

The churches say everybody’s beautiful.  SOMEBODY, they say, would love a face that had one eye sideways.

But come on now. How would you like a clerical nutcase who MEANS that to actually DESIGN the face you live with the rest of your life.  photo goldenrule.jpg

In fact, that is exactly what is happening. The Pope says we should all be brown. The preacher thunders out that his goal is to get black children adopted into the North Carolina mountains, because they are beautiful to SOMEBODY, and, country by country, Mommy Professor can explain why EACH and EVERY brown country  is poor and stagnant.

NOBODY would let a nut like that make any serious decision in real life.

Or in their OWN life.

Who would allow someone with the smiling “Looks don’t matter” attitude decide how THEY will look?

Diversity makes sense only because absolutely nobody believes brown people want to be brown forever. It is revelation for people to hear that it only relates to browns chasing down Whites because nobody can IMAGINE whites chasing down browns.

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  This is the Law and the Prophets.”  — Jesus

“Screw the kids.   Be Modern.”  — The Churches

  1. #1 by Mark WN on 11/05/2014 - 2:55 pm

    Bravo Bob!

    You’re on a roll with these past three columns.

    You’ve really stressed the urgency and this hole we must dig our way out of, especially with all the anti-White forces (including many White anti-White traitors).

    I cannot fathom the church barfing up this ridiculous nonsense a few short decades ago.

    • #2 by Jason on 11/06/2014 - 10:00 am

      The garbage that churches regularly puke up today will be held up as examples of senility in time.

      It’s the equivalent of those old doctors throwing leeches on a dying man.

  2. #3 by Carloman on 11/05/2014 - 11:27 pm

    Anti-White: The Golden Rule mandates that we take in unlimited immigration.
    Pro-White: Nobody is promoting the Golden Rule in Asian countries.
    Nobody is promoting the Golden Rule in African countries.
    The Golden Rule is promoted in ALL White countries and ONLY in White countries.
    The Golden Rule is a codeword for White genocide,
    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

    • #4 by Daniel Genseric on 11/06/2014 - 12:34 pm

      If the Golden Rule is a Universal Truth, when will “anti-racists” be sending TENS OF MILLIONS of non-Asians into China or TENS OF MILLIONS of non-blacks into Africa and have them force-assimilate, i.e. intermarry and have “anti-racist” SEX with all those “immigrants”?

      The answer is “Never” because “Liberal Diversity” is only meant to chase down every WHITE.

      Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white

      • #5 by Denounce Genocidists on 11/07/2014 - 9:44 am


        That fine fellow RobRoy reminded us just the other day that its a bad idea to use the other side`s stuff, especially when it displaces anti-white for no good reason.

        Think Google search results for anti-white.

      • #8 by Carloman on 11/07/2014 - 11:42 pm

        If you were to post this as a mini-Mantra, I think the word SEX in all capitals would distract attention from the message of White genocide. I think what many readers would take away from this is that you get burned up seeing a Black man with a White women and are envious of Black men’s sexual prowess. Plus you don’t mention genocide in it at all.

        I’m not sure whether you intended that as a mini-Mantra for us to use, though.

  3. #9 by Jason on 11/06/2014 - 10:24 am

    Modern religion doesn’t just advocate giving aid to the poor, the sick and the crippled; rather they see no reason the WHOLE world shouldn’t be that way.

    There is a suspicious sneer directed at the beautiful, the wealthy, and the healthy. We are told these people lack “depth” because they aren’t covered in warts and drinking from mud holes.

    THESE are the people you hand your children to for “moral guidance”.

  4. #10 by Denounce Genocidists on 11/07/2014 - 7:03 am

    As a follower of the sacred Priesthood I share the Divine Right to rid the world of whites.

    • #11 by WmWhite on 11/07/2014 - 10:11 am

      Is this just an attempt at a witty rejoinder or is (d. genocidists) off his meds again?

  5. #13 by Simmons on 11/07/2014 - 8:44 am

    “Wisdom quoters” That is what all our intellectuals want to be. True story I used to post at Chronicles website before I was banned as a “stormfronter” by that old intellectual Tom Fleming and basically he would write an essay and his pets would quote his and the ancient saint’s wisdom and that was that, repeat till dead. Sound familiar, it is because it is the template for the right wing scam your money machine.

    Bob has greatly simplified his message for those who wish to be effective at more than the money scam. In brief I’ll mention two rules 1) In polemical debate first throw the rhetorical PILUM, then proceed from there 2) If you want to be quoted be quotable

  6. #14 by WmWhite on 11/07/2014 - 9:55 am

    Bob’s earlier post on “white” Self-Hatred (Nov 2009) is a good supplement to his latest essay on the Golden Rule.

    excerpt: “For almost two millennia, Western Society made an ideal of someone who whipped himself bloody each night, who starved himself, and who, above all, was totally sterile.
    Now we sit around and shake our heads in wonder and ask how white self-hatred has become our highest ideal.
    Hey, stupid, IT ALWAYS WAS!”

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