No, I am not dying anytime soon.
But I am old, and from my heart I have one request.
The title comes from Stephen King’s book, “Thinner.” In it the gypsy who put the death curse on the protagonist called him “white man from the city,” and the gypsy would say, “Die clean, white man from the city”
I am 74, and at least since I was fourteen I have had to join those who kept making the survival of my race a junior partner in some “coalition.” The survival of our race was a subordinate of libertarianism, conservatism, religious fanaticism, anti-abortionist, opposition to gun control Dixiecrats in the Holy Democratic Party, conservatives in Republicans Party, Patriotic immigration control — “nothing to do with race” — intellectual and objective discussion of race, and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.
It failed.
If Trump were nominated he would do exactly what the Militia did when they were accused of “racism” — he will shove his nose so far up the anti-white blowhole that his shoulders won’t be seen.
I am all for this little reaction Trump represents.
We are probably a major reason he decided to go this way.
A commenter said he might deign to vote for me if it didn’t threaten the enormous influence of his vote on the second amendment.
Even BBG has patiently explained to me what a “news link” is. I was a fully qualified professional writer for the Voice of America, I KNOW what a news link is.
No matter how often I explain that the Mantra purposely voids News links, he keeps sending me news links “we might use.”
No more news links.
No more “conservatism.”
No more Jews.
You can do as you wish, but please SPARE me the sensation of almost puking when “traditional values” are mentioned!
It took me years to assemble a tiny group which can use all our meager ammunition to FINALLY fight EFFECTIVELY for the survival of our race.
It makes me feel CLEAN!
This is about race, my whole race, and NOTHING BUT my race.
It is about slamming our points home without any reference to news about celebrity farts.
I may die alone, but by God, I will die CLEAN for the only thing in politics that ever made any real difference to me.
I love my BUGS comrades dearly and honestly. You are what I dreamed of and worked for so hopelessly and so alone.
Following my little plan and getting up to 0.1% in the polls wound up to be far more important than a two term Trump presidency, and the little concentration I beg of you would make no difference at all to the success or failure of Trump’s campaign or the defense of the second amendment when America switches over to Spanish.
Our cause is the only one that has ever influenced real human history: the use of the right words at the right time.
You can have your torchlight parades and your news links and your breathless discussion of how the current hero of pro-whites is doing on Twitter.
I have had a lifetime of that crap.
I watched it get us where we are today.
Just leave me out of it.
In a few years I will pass and pro-whites can get back to what they were doing.
And failing.
Until then, go do your Trump campaigning or second amendment stuff.
Use your news links.
Just let this white man die clean.

#1 by Steadiness on 11/09/2015 - 3:36 pm
Trump might have run without BUGS, but without the word anti-White, who would have supported an anti-immigration candidate? Would he have run as an anti-immigration candidate, or would he have run as a political outsider with no views that differ from the normal cuckservative views expressed every day on Fox?
BUGS gives Trump meaning, the only meaning his campaign could possibly have. Renegotiating some trade deals when there aren’t going to be any Whites left to trade is meaningless.
Without Bob Whitaker telling Whites that it’s okay not to be anti-White and to oppose White genocide, I don’t think Trump can even tell Mygyn Kylly that he doesn’t have time for political correctness.
I’m still voting AFP, unless the SPLC decides that Trump is an official hater.
#2 by Jason on 11/09/2015 - 7:53 pm
Having a few thousand pro-Whites vote for Whitaker/Bowie would be a big deal. Having them vote for Trump doesn’t mean a Goddamn thing.
#3 by shari on 11/09/2015 - 5:26 pm
The very hardest thing is to get people to recognize, is that if white children do not survive and thrive, NOTHING else will matter. They may see that policies are anti-white, but they still don’t recognize that. Maybe that can’t be done. I don’t know.
#4 by Jason on 11/09/2015 - 7:48 pm
This is about race, my whole race, and NOTHING BUT my race.
Getting pro-Whites to be pro-White turned out to be more of a challenge than I would have believed!
#5 by wretched Whiterabbit on 11/09/2015 - 8:21 pm
sub basic:
Humanity is just a social construct.
Race is real.
#6 by Jason on 11/09/2015 - 8:44 pm
You mean you aren’t a slice of “mankind”?
#7 by Undercover Lover on 11/09/2015 - 8:58 pm
LOL. I recently thought of that line a little while ago too. “Humanity” is a white genocide concept since whites aren’t considered “human” under it.
#8 by -scythian- on 11/14/2015 - 6:27 pm
I have been posting your mini-mantra, that you posted under BBG’s article in the exact same form on any article I see on that has anything to do with “black lives matter” or non-white on White crime. The positive responses, especially in the form of likes to dislikes is astronomically in our favor. Granted some of the people don’t know what they’re agreeing with: e.g. one person replied: “yes, blacks are the real racists”. Which is obviously not the point of the mini-mantra. Still, the fact that I’ve posted it 100 times under 100 different articles and getting such one sided results shows how astoundingly out of touch the media is with the masses they are supposed to represent – who READ their articles and comment on their articles. And even though I certainly don’t judge the effectiveness of a mini-mantra on how many likes it gets, the fact you created something that is relevant to so many articles written and yet to be written while at the same time making everyone of our main points and having the White masses agree with it is in my opinion quite an accomplishment and proves your mini-mantra is a brilliant propaganda piece. And the reason your mini-mantra is agreed upon by so many is because BUGS has been posting so many mini-mantras that the very same people who disagreed not so long ago now agree. Even the truth has to be incessantly drilled into people’s heads before they recognize it as such.
Isn’t this a form of polling data?
And this is just the tip of the iceberg, wait until people REALLY understand, REALLY comprehend what we are charging the anti-white establishment and their propaganda wings (the media and academia) with. I cannot for the life of me understand why academia and the media feel so secure behind their walls – that I think more than anything really makes me despise them and makes me want to make them pay. White genocide is bigger than their little security staffs and their suburban police chiefs. Nobody can protect anti-whites. And let’s face it, we advocate against violence because quite frankly violence is not needed to stop White genocide, but we can’t ultimately control how our truthful free speech manifests itself in the future – God knows people have been riled up into violent frenzies over total bullshit, over some ideology. I can only imagine if anti-whites push this too far, what kind of violence will be wrought upon them when White people realize they are fighting for their families’ survival on this earth – this is personal, this is not ideological, this is blood, this family.
#9 by jo3w on 11/09/2015 - 10:58 pm
“In a few years I will pass and pro-whites can get back to what they were doing.
And failing”
The people who will keep this train rolling are the ones busy raising families right now, you’re not taking this to the grave with you.
#10 by Henry Davenport on 11/10/2015 - 12:26 am
This comment may be on a slightly different topic (I hope!) than Bob’s blog, or maybe not. printed this entire mini-mantra that was in the form of a White House “petition” only because it used Trump as a hook, and they want to show that people with our views love Trump :
White GeNOcide Project honors Donald Trump for opposing White Genocide, and asks President Obama to honor him also. ALL White countries and ONLY White countries are being flooded with third worlders, and Whites are forced by law to integrate with them so as to “assimilate,” i.e. intermarry and be blended out of existence. Massive immigration and forced assimilation is genocide when done in Tibet, and is genocide when done in White countries, by UN Convention: ‘Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.’ Those carrying out White Genocide say they’re anti-racist. What they are is anti-White. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White. Diversity is a code word for White Genocide.
When we started having petitions that worked off of Trump, I hadn’t seen ahead that the media’s pouncing on pro-Whites’ support of Trump would be how his publicity would overflow to us. I just felt that hooking Mantra to his coattails was likely to get us some of his publicity somehow.
Laura reminded me that Bob was running for president also 🙂 I took that to heart and we started having a petition about Bob every month, which we’ll continue for the length of the campaign. (In fact the intention is that that will now be the only petition…it’s gotten too hard to get the 150 initials that make them visible at the end of each month; we need your help on that, folks, truly, even to get just one up!)
With Bob’s campaign in mind, and now understanding clearly that the media wants to show pro-Whites’ love for Trump, we’re planning on this one for Dec. 1:
Join presidential candidate Bob Whitaker in approving Donald Trump to head Department of Deportation NOW!
Make Donald Trump Secretary of that new Department to do the job NOW!
Mr. Trump understands what candidate Bob Whitaker says:
ALL White countries and ONLY White countries are being flooded with third world non-Whites, and Whites are forced by law to integrate with them so as to “assimilate,” i.e. intermarry and be blended out of existence.
Mr. Trump’s legal staff will have informed him that that’s genocide by UN Convention:
“Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part”
Join with candidates Whitaker and Trump to stop anti-Whites flooding third world non-Whites into every White town, neighborhood, school, etc.
“Diversity” means chasing down the last White person!
“Diversity” is a code word for White Genocide!
#11 by Henry Davenport on 11/11/2015 - 4:19 am
I forgot that we had a Bob/Trump petition in October. I think we should postpone the petition above until January, and just have a pure Bob one in December as we’re having this month, so we don’t seem to be clinging to Trump too much.
If anyone has any criticisms or suggestions about the White House meme messages ever, please post them or let me know.
#12 by Henry Davenport on 11/11/2015 - 11:57 pm
“When we started having petitions that worked off of Trump, I hadn’t seen ahead that the media’s pouncing on pro-Whites’ support of Trump would be how his publicity would overflow to us. I just felt that hooking Mantra to his coattails was likely to get us some of his publicity somehow.”
But looking back over the past three years of displaying our memes at the White House, I’m not sure at all that overall it might not have been best to just post mini-mantras that had no hook to news stories or to other matters at all (In the context of the White House petition site, there was no pressing need for “filler.” Including something extra was just a choice, intended to get more readers. But maybe 2 or 3 years of doggedly posting pure mini-Mantras would have made a story of News interest in itself).
Our very early petition that got Wash Post MSNBC publicity was a pure mini-Mantra, but I’ve always ascribed its getting publicity to its novelty at that time.
The single petition we’ll have each month from now on will be a mini-Mantra that includes reference to Bob, or will be a Mantrified treatment of one of Bob’s campaign issues, but I do think it could be helpful to get Trump into the act with Bob a few times. If anyone disagrees with the one of those done in October, or with the future one proposed above, please discuss it with me here.
For reference, Bob petitions, including likely future ones, will be collected in this archive:
Our monthly White House broadcasts on AFP presidential candidate Bob Whitaker
#13 by Yankee Rebel on 11/10/2015 - 12:46 am
I became very pro-2nd Amendment when Obama first got elected and I always voted for the NRA candidates. Now, I realize that White Genocide is the number one issue because the anti- Whites will take away our gun rights as soon as they can in order to genocide us more quickly. That’s why this pro- gun advocate is voting Bob Whitaker for president.
#14 by -scythian- on 11/10/2015 - 11:39 pm
That half negro elpresidente SHUCK & JIVE hates both races.
New Yorkers believe there’s magic dirt in New York. You can bring any third worlder onto New York and make him a “true new yorker”. Never in their wildest dreams could they imagine Whites fleeing New York b/c there’s too many third worlders LIVING there!
#15 by Henry Davenport on 11/12/2015 - 12:47 pm
I would very much appreciate feedback on this idea I brought up in the “Mantra in the News” thread:
#16 by Jason on 11/18/2015 - 12:06 am
White Genocide can be perpetrated using code words. In fact it needs them.
But White Genocide cannot be stopped using code words. It can’t be stopped using proxy issues (Traditional Values, Gun Rights, etc).
Nothing short of NAMING the crime will work.
#17 by Lord Nelson on 11/24/2015 - 10:05 pm
Hey where do you think you’re going coach? I am putting Pro-White memes on my facebook today, that a few years ago I would not even put on SF. (Including the mantra) And ordinary everyday people are likeing and sharing.
So stick around. I know your tired. But this world is only just starting to get interesting. 😉
Anti-Racist is a CODE word for Anti-White!
#18 by Fred R on 11/24/2015 - 11:33 pm
He’s going to be around for a long time. 😉
#19 by Denounce Genocidists on 11/25/2015 - 1:03 am
We may not be in the cryogenic aristocracy but if they want an end to the Mantra they`ll still have to prise it out of the cold dead brains of millions of White folks.