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Posted by polydoros on February 3rd, 2016 under General, How Things Work

Real science is based on control of variables and repeatability.

A laboratory is the ideal setting for such an endeavor, because variables can be controlled and experiments can be repeated.

Obviously history isn’t a laboratory and neither are cultures. Actually the opposite: they are so complex and vast in scale that an observer cannot isolate and control variables. (Much less a repetition of history or a culture with one variable being different at the behest of the observer!)

Another way to appreciate the difference is this.

A real scientist can make accurate predictions based on understanding a subject.  photo frank.jpg

But no “Sovietologist” predicted the fall of the Soviet Union, and no “Diversity” consultant predicts the collapse of the “Diversity”/White Genocide system.


Yet despite all this obvious background, Mommy Professor still insists that when she preaches on history and culture that she is a Social “Scientist”.

No surprise there.

The priesthood of EVERY pseudoscience wants itself to appear scientific. That way their silliness may appear serious.

Whether an Early Victorian Thinker, Karl Marx’s “Scientific” Materialism, or L. Ron Hubbard’s Church of “Scientology”, or Mommy Professor’s Social “Science”.

It’s all the same:


  1. #1 by Henry Davenport on 02/04/2016 - 8:42 am

    NICE, polydoros! Exquisite, really.

    When I was in high school there was a course called “social studies,” which seems a reasonable term, but “social science”…the term always struck me as odd and pretentious, but i wondered if it was just snobbery on my part that was making me feel it was pretentious. But you’ve made it wonderfully clear!

  2. #2 by WmWhite on 02/04/2016 - 1:50 pm

    Well stated polydoros.

    To a certain degree all science is flawed but that, in a way, is its strength.
    Science, used properly is “self-correcting.” So, outside of a few LAW’s everything is based on ONLY what we know today.
    Tomorrow it will most certainly change as scientific knowledge continues.

    To state someone’s narrow research is a scientific FACT and ‘all’ must obey –turns science into a RELIGION (which would be horribly destructive).

    This is how anti-whites use science to justify White-genocide by basing their lies on personal anti-white prejudices and (selected) research data-mining.


  3. #3 by Yankee Rebel on 02/05/2016 - 12:45 am

    Even the real sciences like genetics are forced by these pseudoscientists/ priests of political correctness to hide facts, evidence, and research results if it contradicts the beliefs of The Church of PC. I can’t wait for the collapse of the Diversity/ White Genocide system. That will be Victory Day!

  4. #4 by Denounce Genocidists on 02/06/2016 - 4:04 am

    Sort of on topic of pseudoscience vis-a-vis falsifiability, Bob recently said on Paltalk when the anti-whites start trying to defend their objections to White Genocide discussion properly as opposed to screaming it`s just a conspiracy theory of supreemists, they`re basically done.

    Now, seeing as that genocide law lecturer whose conference BUGSers gate crashed had literally nothing to offer, how will they go about this unpleasant task?

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