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When It Happens, I Hear Silence

Posted by Bob on February 8th, 2016 under Coaching Session

IT has happened!

“White genocide” is now officially viral.

I am sitting in the same room I have been in for the last 18 years where we developed the pro-white writing and memes.

My brother was shocked when the SPLC, through CNN, informed him that “Bob Whitaker has the most dangerous Hate Site in America.”

And when you translate that Anti-White language into English, they were dead right.

Ann Coulter has actually specifically endorsed the concept of White Genocide in plain English.  photo trump2016A.png

As for Trump, this is how I think it will play out. I was South Carolina’s first Young Republican chairman in 1962. By then, over fifty years ago, all of us were familiar with the standard operation of all Republican nomination candidates.

They come in and take the lead by making semi-heretical statements, as Trump has. They keep right on the edge of heresy until the primaries and caucuses are over.

Then they have to get the Republican Leadership to nominate them. That’s when they start denouncing all outright heresy.

What has Trump done on White Genocide? He retweeted a White Genocide tweet.

Exactly half of the people I talk to say this means he has accepted the White Genocide concept. Counter stated it herself and endorsed it.

If the world stays the way it has always been, Trump will denounce the concept of white genocide once the primaries have passed.

Watch for Trump and Lindsay Graham, the classic pro-immigration senator from South Carolina, shaking hands on some modified Path to Citizenship legislation.

If and when Trump endorses the deadly heresy of White Genocide in so many words, I will be the happiest man who was ever mistaken.

Meanwhile, Trump is right there where all Republicans have always been:  On the edge of outright heresy and ready to denounce it when the time comes.

  1. #1 by Secret Squirrel on 02/08/2016 - 10:06 am

    “On the edge of outright heresy and ready to denounce it when the time comes.”

    He chooses his words so they can be interpreted, depending on the issues a voter most cares about. For example he did a reading of the Vicious Snake recently. The anti-immigration crowd took it to be about Islam. A libertarian I saw on YT took it to be about the dangers of big government.

    Unlike Bob, Trump leaves important things unsaid, so he can *disavow* them later. The Republicans wouldn’t keep using these tactics, if they didn’t work.

    With the retweeting of White Genocide, timing was important. The day before National Review released their manifesto against Trump and I suspect it was a way to steal their headlines. Remember Trump loves controversy. Its how he gets free publicity.

    I fear our people are going very disappointed, if they don’t dog Trump with the White Genocide Mantra all the way to the White House. If hes using us to get elected, shouldn’t we use him too?

  2. #2 by Daniel Genseric on 02/08/2016 - 10:10 am

    What if…now hear me out Bob… what if instead of denouncing or endorsing the message, Trump simply selected Ms. Coulter for his VP or a cabinet position?

    Coulter has appeared and opened for Trump at no less than two rallies. She said our plight is genocide. Where would that land us in terms of an executive heretical imbalance? Does that land us on new or dangerous ground? Would you have experienced anything similar if that becomes the case?

    I know this might damage the likelihood of your predictions coming true, but he hasn’t capitulated on anything that I’m aware of.

    Post scriptase: Your citation above is not the only quiet endorsement Trump has made. He has quoted 4 or 5 pro-White dissidents, including yours truly. Also, he’s the only candidate in my 30 or so years who has ever bothered to quote the always-ignored preamble’s “to ourselves and our Posterity” (see my email).

  3. #3 by Henry Davenport on 02/08/2016 - 10:37 am

    I may sadly be proven naive and gullible once again, but I think Trump is a different kind of critter. I’m reading his “Art of the Deal” from decades ago…his ego seems too huge and healthy to be satisfied just by being president for the sake of being president and nothing more. I think he would experience that as too much of a demotion.

    In any case, I think we all have our heads on straight that our job is to use him, use him, use him, not sit around and moon about him like so many doe-eyed pro-Whites are doing.

    Some pro-Whites, pretty close to home, seem to think that Trump’s election hinges on whether or not they rah rah him enough, and they want to spend their resources and the precious opportunity he offers rah rahing him. Crazy inflated senses of self-importance, but par for the course in crazy pro-Whitesville.

    I’d guess that Trump will never outrightly endorse the concept of White Genocide if he’s elected, although it’s at least conceivable that he might, eventually, if we do our job. I’m just saying that he would likely still turn the place upside down to make some changes, and that it’s likely he has some desire that there not be a successful White genocide and will act on that desire.

    “Watch for Trump and Lindsay Graham, the classic pro-immigration senator from South Carolina, shaking hands on some modified Path to Citizenship legislation.”

    If he goes that way, maybe some pro-White bigwigs who are presently continuing to be idiots will finally get serious.

    Thanks, Bob, for having been serious all along and having taught the rest of us here to be serious.

  4. #4 by Henry Davenport on 02/09/2016 - 4:22 am

    My own plan for using Trump is to tweet as much as I can,

    #Trump’s “Stop #WhiteGenocide Wall”

    TWEET NOW: #ILLEGALS are flooding north to build #Trump’s “Stop #WhiteGenocide Wall”!
    YOU can help build Trump’s “STOP WHITE GENOCIDE Wall”

    And probably to have that phrase in our monthly White House meme messages from now on.

    If in the opinion of those in the know, my preceding post was too harsh to be politically serious, feel free to edit it…I don’t have the heart to.

  5. #8 by Bob on 02/09/2016 - 11:03 am

    Genseric, give me a break, man!
    I said that I would LOVE to be wrong!
    I have been wrong so many times I can eat crow raw.
    But this would be the first time I EVER saw a Republican candidate get to the election without groveling and peeing on himself. Compared to that, being wrong again would be NOTHING!

  6. #13 by Secret Squirrel on 02/09/2016 - 5:19 pm

    Meanwhile in Germany, the pot is boiling and the frogs are jumping.

  7. #14 by Denounce Genocidists on 02/12/2016 - 12:26 am

    What is not up for debate:

    2016 is the last gasp for the Republicans.

    Everyone knows about White Genocide.

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