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When the Black Voters Are On Leave

Posted by Bob on February 20th, 2016 under Coaching Session, How Things Work, Politics

Bernie is appealing to the Black vote.  Hillary is where it counts, dealing with its owners.

Where the owners don’t have specific names on the cards, wild fantasies about “getting the Black vote” are conjured up.

In 1952 and 1956 the National Democrats didn’t have a dog’s chance of beating Eisenhower, so instructions didn’t go out on that race. Moderate Republicans promptly moved dreams on these episodes.

Every single election you would get the old refrain a hundred times:

“This time we will get the ‘Negro’ vote!”

These pinheads would then breathlessly announce that Eisenhower got over forty percent of “the Black vote.” All Republicans had to do was what they wanted to do anyway:   Reject all appeals to protect the White race and American borders, and that independent Black vote would rush to their side.

That went on for DECADES!

Actually, “getting the Black vote” meant they could reject any candidates the media told them made them look like Rednecks instead of Suburbanites.

But there were also some candidates with brains and a spine.

On those candidates, the Black “voters” had their orders.

The Black “vote” never backed any Republicans when the race was close.

The 2010 election demonstrated what every newsman knows; a nonentity got nominated because the list that was handed out was wrong.

Any newsman who reported that would ruin his career. There is the same ban on it that has been enforced coast-to-coast against any sign saying “Diversity” is a code word for White Genocide.

But my favorite real piece of art by the owners of the Black vote took in the 1966 Democratic Senate Primary.  At that time the South Carolina candidate did not want to be the “Black candidate.”  photo hollings.jpg

How many Black votes a candidate got was calculated by looking at two wards, one in Charleston and one in Columbia, each of which happened to be “Ward 9” where the population was almost entirely Black.

The successful Democratic nominee had to face a serious Republican in the coming election.

So he had to stick his opponent with getting the two Wards.

So Fritz Hollings went straight to the owners of the Black vote and had the cards handed out so that he got the entire Black vote, except for the two Wards 9.   It was a work of ART!

The cards handed out in the tax deductible Black churches had Hollings’ OPPONENT only in the two Ward 9s!   Outside the two Ward 9s, the statewide Black vote was solidly for Hollings, but Hollings won in November by claiming he did NOT get the Black “vote.”


And the media dared not even mention it, then as now.

So Bernie can “appeal to minorities” until his little heart bursts, but Hillary has channels to the real Black “vote.”

Keep watching.

  1. #1 by shari on 02/20/2016 - 1:56 pm

    I think the Red Ice interview with Bob and Tom Bowie is going to be a big help. It was so clear about white genocide.

  2. #2 by richard on 02/20/2016 - 7:41 pm

    Back about ten years ago, I remember Bob trying to get people on Stormfront to use the term ‘antiwhite’ instead of ‘anti’. He used to talk about the importance of the word, and how we had to make it part of the mainstream. In those days it sounded like an impossible dream. Today Ann Coulter, one of the biggest conservative voices, is tweeting things like this –

  3. #3 by -backbaygrouch- on 02/21/2016 - 4:48 am

    Trump carried every county but Charleston and Richland. What does that, if anything, say, Bob? He came in second in both of those, losing to Rubio. Is it just the power of the state party bureaucracy in those venues?

  4. #4 by Simmons on 02/21/2016 - 8:32 am

    I hate to disagree even slightly with Bob, but why don’t we ask those churches and the people who attend those churches if they would show us those cards? We will ask this type of question in front of the Bern supporters, and the word “black” won’t even be in the question, just churches and voter cards innocently as innocent as the boy who pointed out the king’s new clothes.

    Democratic party politics is the act of smiling, caring and shoving a dagger into the throat of the person you are smiling and caring about.

  5. #5 by Bob on 02/21/2016 - 11:19 am

    Simmons, you may missed the big point: you could walk into CBS News with a hundred of those cards, and they would ignore you.
    No reporter could touch it.
    It is incredible how all us pros know this, but the prowhite leadership honestly doesn’t.
    The reporter who touched could forget about another job.

    • #6 by Henry Davenport on 02/21/2016 - 4:37 pm

      “…the prowhite leadership…”

      The thick leading the thick, to nowhere.

      Sorry to be off-topic.

    • #7 by Secret Squirrel on 02/21/2016 - 10:01 pm

      We’ve got Youtube and Twitter. Twitter is like having your own newspaper, without the losses. That’s why they’re fighting to kick us off it.

    • #8 by Simmons on 02/22/2016 - 7:56 am

      Sorry Bob I hijacked the thread from your lesson.
      I get it perfectly, but I have always had a way with demoralizing people from their fantasies or in other words I have always been a sly asshole

      My point was the new media can be used to plant doubt about the fantasies of that religion Political Correctness amongst the followers of Political Correctness

  6. #9 by -backbaygrouch- on 02/21/2016 - 12:41 pm

    The role of “walking around money” and the Black churches in politics is willfully not reported. At the end of the 19th century, a generation after the passage of Black suffrage, there was a wave of measures in the South to limit the role of Black voters. It was acceded to in the North because it came not from racists but from goo-goos, i. e., good government types. These laws were anti-corruption measures.

    A similar news story meme, during election campaigns one often hears calls for right wing White churches to be deprived of their tax status by the IRS but one never hears such calls for Black churches which are active politically all the time. The connection between Black voters being disproportionately female is never analyzed. It comes from church attendance and the role of the Black ministry in voter turnout. With the increased use of absentee ballots and the concomitant decline of the Australian ballot, some Black churches have voting parties where all the congregants get together and fill out the ballots with the minister’s watchful assistance – another non-story. Journalists and reality never meet on basics.

  7. #10 by Henry Davenport on 02/22/2016 - 11:21 pm

    I’m listening to the recent red ice interview with Bob and Tom Bowie

    This statement by Bob makes a good tweet IMO:

    Have you ever heard diversity being discussed when it didn’t mean “less White people”?

    • #11 by Henry Davenport on 02/23/2016 - 9:34 pm

      This was great to listen to! Tom was great…I really liked what he said about the AFP…made me feel like a petulant child…and I always understand what we’re doing more deeply after I hear Bob’s voice talking about it.

      Am I able to listen to the second hour without having to pay? 🙂

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