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Just So Reporting Leads to Sucker Punches

Posted by Bob on June 24th, 2016 under Coaching Session, How Things Work

The British Public is Asking Why Pollsters Didn’t Warn Them of Brexit Vote.

52% of the British public voted to pull the UK out of the EU.  photo pollsters.jpg

Then there was this lead article saying that the “British public was upset at pollsters not telling them what THEY were about to do”.

WHICH British public did which?

Nobody else will notice this.

The answer is that the pollsters didn’t see anything coming because they have no idea who The British Public IS!

WHICH British public? The one that voted Brexit or the one that was astonished at what THEY did?

Every single article attacked Brexit.

Then the Brits voted for it.

It’s not at all surprising the pollsters got caught with their pants down.

And there doesn’t seem much hope pollsters will get anywhere by reporting on two different “British publics.”

Maybe they need to stop reinforcing each others ideas and start asking the PUBLIC about the public.

  1. #1 by Jason on 06/25/2016 - 5:45 am

    The governments in Europe make it a crime to dissent from PC Dogma. They call it Hate Speech and put you in prison. Then they wonder why they can’t get an authentic read on the public.

    A dumb enemy is a gift.

  2. #2 by time for freedom on 06/25/2016 - 5:54 am

    I like tweeting this one out:

    “The only ‘public’ the establishment tolerates is the one willing to accede to their policies of #WhiteGenoocide”

  3. #3 by Denounce Genocidists on 06/25/2016 - 7:22 am

    They got it so wrong but will keep their jobs.

  4. #4 by -cecilhenry- on 06/25/2016 - 4:21 pm

    Diversity means everyone MUST think alike about ‘diversity’.

    • #5 by Jason on 06/26/2016 - 12:28 am

      Yep, truly Orwellian. Diversity means no divergence.

  5. #6 by eyeslevel on 06/25/2016 - 10:10 pm

    Now the people who talked about the inevitability of Globalism look as foolish as the people who spoke about the inevitability of Communism.

  6. #7 by time for freedom on 06/26/2016 - 3:47 am

    #antiwhites say they’ll ensure our freedom by throwing in jail anyone who criticizes the policy of #whiteGenocide

    Slavery is one of the world’s evils, But Genocide is by far worse. #WhiteGenocide is the worst Genocide in history. Stop ignoring it.

    Civil LIbertarians are so busy worrying about racists and nazis, they missed the real cause: Fight Against #WhiteGenocide

    #antiwhites suppress diversity of opinion by criminalizing criticism of White force-integration, ie, #WhiteGenocide

    ‘Whiteness’ is the anti-white’s codeword for White people.
    ‘Destroying Whiteness’ = #WhiteGenocide

  7. #8 by Peter Cottontail on 06/27/2016 - 6:21 pm

    I was at a comedy show a few weeks ago. The warm-up act asked the crowd “Who voted for Bernie”? , followed by a few but loud, self-righteous yells of approval and claps. “Who voted for Hillary?” followed by a few polite claps. “Who voted for Trump” followed by several boos. (This after he won big in the state primary) Then he asked “Who voted for Hitler?” (which was the joke in case you missed it).

    Polls are NOT anonymous so they will never get an accurate poll.

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