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Sez Who?

Posted by Bob on July 24th, 2016 under Coaching Session

At least thirty years ago I was making a set of confirmation calls checking to be sure that my list had a proper perspective about how an issue was to be handled when we all came to the meeting, I was telling them what was to be “our” approach on a question.

One guy I called was no vaguer than most.

He called me back and in the course of this second talk he told me I had the wrong person.

I asked why he had not told me that before and he replied, “It was very interesting, so I got interested.”

This confirmed a couple of things for me. The first was that you have a Sophisticated Conspiracy going, include me OUT.

The second was that I routinely bring complicated things down to a level of understanding that makes complicated stuff clear enough for an intelligent generalist to get the whole question, a point which really disgusts those whose ambition is to be one of the snobs.

Given all this, I find it sadly humorous when someone decides I am withholding information in some complicated way.  photo spiderman.jpg

Accusing an old man on disability of being a Machiavellian is much like accusing a wheelchair person of climbing up into your high rise in the dead of night.

It hurts. It has long since ceased to be funny and it hurts.

I have to keep checking the page to try to remember who this is going to.

I am beyond embarrassment on that point.

I have more than once expressed my distrust of X in a note that turned out to be going to X.

My sole concern is that it might hurt X’s feelings, which I did not want.

On the other hand, it does clear the air.

But “Honesty” and “Frankness” is not an excuse to offend or hurt someone. “Frank” and Honest” is no excuse for cruelty. Those who say God forbids untruthfulness need to go back and read that Commandment.

Honest sadism is still sadism.

Yes, I will be dishonest in that I may try to avoid saying something that may hurt someone who values my opinion. To me, that is simple humanity.

But no, there is no way I am withholding things from you in some subtle way.

I can’t and I won’t.

It hurts me to hurt people. It is especially agonizing for me to hurt someone who especially values my opinion of them.

It is a cripple who stumbled. Only White Trash would consider that funny.

  1. #1 by time for freedom on 07/24/2016 - 3:54 pm

    Interesting article…I just wish I knew what the hell you are talking about. I haven’t seen anyone here make any such accusation toward you Mr. Whitaker. And what could you be withholding from us anyways? If you think about it, there’s nothing that you could have withheld on this issue of White Genocide. Once, it is out of the bag, everything just naturally follows. So I don’t get how someone could even make such a goofy accusation.

    • #2 by Henry Davenport on 07/25/2016 - 8:37 pm

      “I just wish I knew what the hell you are talking about.”

      When you’re older and tired-er, you’ll be glad you don’t! 🙂

  2. #3 by Jason on 07/26/2016 - 4:57 am

    Conspiracy Lovers want juicy gossip. Not a plain explanation.

  3. #4 by time for freedom on 07/26/2016 - 2:43 pm

    Shit, you guys are brighter than me. I still don’t get it. But I do get the Mantra and the issue of White Genocide, and that’s all that matters to me.

    Hell, I like a little gossip, but it’s no excuse to deviate from repeating our points over and over, and thereby forcing a discussion on the criminal act of White Genocide.

    • #5 by Jason on 08/03/2016 - 9:31 am

      Oh FYI, I don’t know what it’s all out either. I just jumped one part to make a point. 🙂

  4. #6 by Jason on 07/29/2016 - 8:25 am

    Bob tweeted

    “For you to have clean water and products that work, you have to live among people who will accept nothing less.”

    I think that is worth reflecting on. The conservatives and libertarians I’ve known thought they could live well as long as they got rich. And had a bunch of guns.

    They forget they are social animals.

    • #7 by WmWhite on 07/29/2016 - 11:34 am

      Jason, another perfect example of Bob’s ability to take what could be a complicated subject (with a multitude of explanations) and reduce it to a simple, short, logical statement.

      In the upper middle class white and wealthy communities both the cuckservatives who advocate the 2nd Amendment and the libtards who adopt non-white children and push for more diversity, don’t have a clue what their anti-white stupidity has in store for their white children’s future.
      —nor do I believe they really care or have the foresight to see the consequences of their present materialistic lust.

      • #8 by Secret Squirrel on 07/29/2016 - 12:29 pm

        I know conservatives of a certain age that don’t care. As long as they have their good food and fun, they don’t care what happens to the ones that come after them. They are not the ones that built the Roman Empire, they are the ones that destroyed it.

    • #10 by Secret Squirrel on 07/29/2016 - 12:26 pm

      The non-Whites will take their jobs, their guns and tax them into poverty. Their grandchildren will be living in squatter camps, like the poor Whites in South Africa.

  5. #11 by Jason on 07/30/2016 - 5:56 am

    On the issue of loyalty, has anyone noticed that anti-Whites (and I guess race-traitors in general) talk about WHAT they are loyal to, but never WHO?

    They are loyal to words and institutions as Bob said. They are loyal to a WHAT – some thing but never a people. They are proud of their lack of loyalty to anybody.

    Paul Krugman just wrote how conservatives have never been patriots, because they were just loyal to their tribe, not to his multicultural vision of America (wish that were true!).

    This conflict is getting more and more obvious.

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