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If We Are Heretics, Who is Your Pope?

Posted by Bob on August 3rd, 2016 under Coaching Session

Respectable Conservatives make their livings by avoiding the questions that matter.

Respectables make liberal interviewers feel comfortable.

I can’t get an interview because I ask nothing BUT the wrong questions.

So we have an endless barrage of respectable and liberals shouting that Trump is heresy.

But the way to not be interviewed is to demand to know exactly WHAT Trump is a rebel AGAINST.

Libs and cucks only shout “heresy.”

But to get specific about that heresy they must not only talk about Trump, they must talk about THEMSELVES.

Who IS Trump offending? That must be our establishment/Pope.

They do not dare to not be clear about who THEY are. They would have to admit that THEY are America’s ruling establishment.

They openly suppress anyone who insists on knowing what THEY are. Where do they get this power to declare heresy from?

The establishment power rests on their Popish ability to declare things heresy.

Their “diversity” simply means locating too many White people in one place and chasing them down.

A country with too may Whites is ordered to bring in colored immigrants.  A community with too many Whites is FORCED to become more colored.

And we are specifically BANNED from saying “diversity” means chasing down whites.

Diversity” is their Holy Word.

Trump says America is being overwhelmed, not by immigration, but by third world immigration.

Anti-Whites are required to talk about the Great Culture and wisdom of the third world.

No one is allowed to point out that the reason those immigrants desperately needed to leave the third world is because the third world is a disaster THEY let happen.

I stated in the New Right Papers that “Mexico is poor because it is inhabited by Mexicans.”  photo estab.jpg

The definition of insanity is to do the same thing and expect different results.

Establishment types are always bitching about how Bible Belt religion is the reason for the bigotries and evil of the South.

Trump says that we can’t afford Islam here for the exact same reasons the establishment uses to attack Jimmy Swaggert.  Their spokesmen regularly say how great it would be if they seceded from the South.

In other words, anybody who demands that the establishment say openly just WHO it is that Trump is offending and WHAT it is he is being heretical about will force the establishment to ADMIT IT IS AN ESTABLISHMENT.

Three months to the election, and that is the time we have to force the establishment to state exactly who they ARE.

Nothing could be more important.

They scream that someone cannot SAY this or that.

So who ARE you?


  1. #1 by Yankee Rebel on 08/04/2016 - 12:43 am

    I’ve noticed the “Establishment” newspapers in my state of Maine have been relentless lately in their attacks on Trump. Half the paper is devoted to the attacks, from op-eds to letters to the editor and everywhere in between. The establishment is running scared of a Trump win and is amping up all the same old tactics and media power they can in desperation. All the respectable conservatives are showing their true colors and joining in the attacks. At least, they leave us no doubt about who the traitors are in our government.

    • #2 by Secret Squirrel on 08/04/2016 - 6:06 am

      They are not scared of 1930s comic book nazis taking them off to concentration camps. They know this will not happen under Trump.

      What they are deathly afraid of is they will no longer be The Establishment if Trump gets in.

      No more getting a lot for doing very little. No more controlling other people’s thoughts.

  2. #3 by Jason on 08/04/2016 - 9:06 am

    Make them say who and what Trump is offending. Just making them admit it is a victory.

    We only have a short time to the election. Now, if he gets elected, we’ll need to figure out how to take advantage of that.

  3. #4 by Simmons on 08/04/2016 - 9:22 am

    The bully system for Political Correctness requires outcasts with dubious charges laid against them and Respectable Conservatives have now for decades been defense lawyers for the accused (whites).

    So nearly everyone played the game except Bob, he alone challenged the all important phony authority of the anti-white prosecutors and the hand picked defense lawyers.

  4. #5 by Henry Davenport on 08/06/2016 - 5:26 pm

    I don’t understand this paragraph:

    Trump says that we can’t afford Islam here for the exact same reasons the establishment uses to attack Jimmy Swaggert. Their spokesmen regularly say how great it would be if they seceded from the South.

    • #6 by Secret Squirrel on 08/07/2016 - 3:10 am

      Its a hard one. I associate Swaggert with a hypocritical sex scandal, but I will take a stab at it.

      From his wiki entry Swaggert is an evangelical Christian concerned with enforcing other people’s morality. The left don’t want right wing Christians telling them what they can and can’t do. So they say “People that cling to Guns, Bibles and the Constitution”, are holding them back from their Progressive Nirvana and they want them gone from America.

      Well Trump doesn’t want Muslims in America for the same reasons lefties don’t want Conservative Christians AKA Southerners in America. Muslims are so damned conservative they are Medieval. They use terrorism to force their particular brand of morality on everyone else. But the idiotic Marxists want Islam in and Southerners gone and they say Trump is Hitler for wanting the same as them.

      • #7 by Secret Squirrel on 08/07/2016 - 3:50 am

        The left say right wing Christians are holding back Progress, so to counter them they import 10s of millions of people who will vote to cut their limbs off, or execute them for moral crimes.

        On a scale of epic fails, it rates along side this:

        Be Careful What You Ask For – the 1932 GERMAN Election

      • #8 by Henry Davenport on 08/09/2016 - 8:17 pm

        Thanks, SS, that seems to clear it up very nicely.

        “Three months to the election, and that is the time we have to force the establishment to state exactly who they ARE.

        Nothing could be more important”

        I’m not clear what Bob is hoping from us here.

        Maybe repetition of Bob’s title for this blog? It might be a pretty good meme.

        • #9 by Secret Squirrel on 08/13/2016 - 11:41 am

          In the oppressive PC tyranny, racist means heretic. If I am a Heretic who is your Pope?

          Search Bob’s Twitter for mentions of “religion”.

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