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The Pitfalls of Wordism Part 1

Posted by Bugs Contributor on May 4th, 2017 under General

By Krishna Dharma

I’ve been reading BUGS for a little over three years. I’ve tried writing before but never felt it was good enough for BUGS.

Reading BUGS almost every day for over three years I’ve absorbed a lot of Bob’s, and other great BUGSERS, talking-points and writing styles.

What I’ve written below isn’t totally original. I’ve read countless articles by Bob on these subjects but nonetheless this is my first writing that I think would be good enough for BUGS.

Here it is:

Catholic priests used to whip themselves bloody to prove their piety.

A good catholic was supposed to accept this idea that self-harm is holy.

The Professor-Priesthood of our established religion, Political Correctness, shares this sick idea of self-harm being holy.

The conviction that RACIAL self-harm is holy is what we got from the Wordist route.

Catholic Brazil brags that it is mixed-race, meaning its white population has been mixed away.

In Brazil’s early days, Jesuit priests made sure only those subscribing to the catholic doctrine set foot in Rio de Janiero. Race didn’t matter.

The only thing that mattered to the priesthood was that you knew how to repeat the WORDS of the Catholic Church. Brazil didn’t care about race or any other loyalty. Words were everything.

Brazil was based on the Catholic version of Wordism. Brazil is also a political and economic catastrophe, but so are all countries that brown out.

The Professor-Priesthood of our established PC religion similarly only has loyalty to its own doctrines, its own WORDS.

No Catholic priest would teach Christians to whip themselves bloody any more.

Our Professor-Priesthood on the other hand expects every white follower of Political Correctness to self-harm in the name of piety.

Self-harm as piety is sick. White self-hatred is sick. Loyalty to words rather than race is silly, but also it’s destructive.

Wordism is destructive.

  1. #1 by time for freedom on 05/05/2017 - 7:10 am

    #antiwhites have accepted a mindset of #NonWhitism

  2. #3 by time for freedom on 05/05/2017 - 8:06 am

    #NonWhitism is a problem

    • #4 by time for freedom on 05/06/2017 - 1:23 am

      #NonWhitism is a useless meme. I’m just throwing stuff around in my mind. Forget this silly meme.

  3. #5 by -scythian- on 05/06/2017 - 6:47 pm

    “In Brazil’s early days, Jesuit priests made sure only those subscribing to the catholic doctrine set foot in Rio de Janiero. Race didn’t matter.”

    Except it DID matter. When you make policy that “race must not matter” obviously race means a great deal to you. Anti-whites are always saying “race doesn’t matter” while specifically targeting only White people for “diversity”.

    It’s impossible to be an anti-white if race doesn’t matter to you. It’s impossible to be for “diversity” if race doesn’t matter to you.

    There whole world view is TWO FACED FAGGOTRY.

    The entire anti-white establishment tower is built on a heaping pile of HORSESHIT.

    • #6 by Krishna Dharma on 05/08/2017 - 12:28 pm

      >When you make policy that “race must not matter” obviously race means a great deal to you
      Good point. Antiwhites repeat endlessly race doesn’t matter all whilst enacting and enforcing racial laws (to benefit racial aliens in our countries and/or harming our race).

  4. #7 by Jason on 05/08/2017 - 3:00 am

    Great article!

    The belief that self-harm is pious is the sickness that enables White Genocide.

    And the power trip the Professor-Priesthood is on when they drive White students into fits of self-hatred is now obvious.

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