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This Is Europa Podcast

Posted by Laura on January 24th, 2018 under Bob, BUGS Radio, Mantra

This Is Europa Podcast with Jimmy, Hans and Myself.

“Africa for the Africans. Asia for the Asians. White countries are for EVERYBODY. “Anti-Racist” is a code word for anti-White.

In today’s episode we chat with Laura Fitz-Gerald, one of the key activists behind the and BUGS (Bob’s Underground Seminar) project. We talk about the mantra movement and about its creator Bob Whitaker. Laura also gives us a quick update about the current situation in her homeland; Australia.

Robert Walker Whitaker, or Bob Whitaker as he was more commonly known as, (March 31, 1941-June 3, 2017) was an American professor, author, Reagan appointee and political activist for decades (we have partly him to thank for the fall of the Berlin wall). Before he died, he even ran for president in 2016 to get his messages out.  He is the creator of the mantra and he is the man who coined, or at least brought the term “anti-white” to the mainstream.

Few people know he was one of our biggest mentors and who inspired us to go into practical politics in the first place. He can rest in peace, knowing that his torched has passed on and now it’s up to all of us to finish the job. This one is for you, Bob!”

  1. #1 by WmWhite on 01/25/2018 - 9:52 am

    Good job Laura, but what is really impressive is you and your family left your homeland to come and help Bob in the US …that is dedication to the cause.

  2. #2 by Cat on 01/25/2018 - 4:24 pm

    A good refresher for me in staying on message. I love This is Europa videos, they are a great pick-me-up. I will keep an eye out for the stickers. This is a bit of a downer, but the mention of Bob’s work in keeping the IRS from imposing racial quotas on private schools brought it to mind. There may not be formal quotas but informal social pressure works pretty well. My formerly all-white church with a tiny co-op all-white school for parishioners had a bequest and wanted to expand and become more legitimate with the now anti-white city of Dallas. So, they hired a consultant to get some zoning approvals and what happens next? The annual fund-raiser goes to fund scholarships for “Syrians”. The school is now “diverse”. There are, for now, some things remaining to like about that church, but it is no longer the focus of my charitable giving.

  3. #3 by Wuntz Moore on 01/26/2018 - 5:39 pm

    Re our censored W. Va. billboard message, “White self-hatred is SICK,” that had been attacked by anti-whites as being “hateful,” Laura commented,

    “Telling whites not to hate themselves is ‘hate speech.'”

    Hans replied,

    “If you’re against hate, that’s also ‘hate speech.’ Whatever we say, it’s ‘hate speech.’

    The statement in bold illustrates the theme Hans kept returning to: the anti-white mentality has turned the bad guys (anti-whites) into good guys (“anti-racists”), and the good guys (pro-whites who oppose White Genocide) into bad guys (“racists’), and so long as that mentality rules, anti-whites’ programs can fail over and over and they still remain the “good guys,” and pro-whites remain the bad guys.

    But as Hans said,

    Bob’s methods “attack the anti-white mentality directly”: ‘They say they’re anti-racist, but what they are is anti-white. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.'”

    Assuming I understood Hans correctly, that’s a way of looking at what we do that’s a slightly new perspective for me — I found it helpful.

    Good job, Laura, and Hans and Jimmy too!

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