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Beware the Concern Troll!

Posted by eyeslevel on June 12th, 2018 under Coaching Session

A concern troll is someone who pretends to be on your side but tries to convince you to do something ineffective or even counter-productive. For us, that means someone trying to get people to talk about anything BUT white genocide. They’re trying to steer away people who might be willing to help us. That means they’re not only trying to convince people not to use our methods, but also to not support us in any way, such as with money or word of mouth praise or by directing people to our websites.

How to respond to concern trolls?

We developed our methods through thousands of hours of interacting with anti-whites in the field. If you think you have something better, try it out and get back to us.

White genocide is a tough sell? What made you think taking power would be easy?

We have to appeal to normies? The reason the anti-whites are in power is because people think the way anti-whites want them to think. If you want to take power you have to CHANGE the way people think, not just appeal to them the way they are. Our job is to IMPOSE terminology.

Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton mentioned white genocide.

White genocide immediately gives you the moral high ground.

There is already a law on the books against genocide. There is no international law against replacement or any other euphemism you can concoct because you don’t want to say genocide.

Bob Whitaker brought down one evil empire. What’s your track record?

Why should we do something that’s been tried for 80 years and failed?

Why should anyone trust someone who won’t use their real name, you ask? We’re fighting the power structure. Our people are fired, deplatformed and even jailed for political activity. Of course we may want to stay anonymous. In fact, anyone who ISN’T anonymous is suspect until proven otherwise.

  1. #1 by Wuntz Moore on 06/15/2018 - 10:01 pm

    My favorite:

    There is already a law on the books against genocide. There is no international law against replacement or any other euphemism you can concoct because you don’t want to say genocide.

    That’s excellent, and really shows how insipid those other words are!

    My least favorite:

    Bob Whitaker brought down one evil empire. What’s your track record?

    I’ve heard ever since I came here that when Bob wrote for Voice of America he authored a meme that was spread behind the Iron Curtain, something like “If we live in a workers’ paradise, why are there armed guards at the border to shoot us if we try to leave?” I don’t have any trouble believing Bob wrote that, since it’s pure Bob! (But the historian in me would still like to know if there’s a record anywhere of his reporting that, either in print or to some person. I’m going to make a wild guess that Horus may have first quoted it?)

    I think we go too far to claim that it brought down the Soviet empire. I could be wrong of course…maybe it was being repeated widely behind the iron curtain and it was decisive in flicking the switch, and that has just never been studied or if it has, I haven’t come across it. I think it’s more likely that there were many factors that contributed (there were of course, as in any historical transition), and that some, like the factor of Gorbachev, were probably necessary (I’m no student of all this), but that even without that meme the empire would have fallen. But my mind is open. If Bob has reliably reported that he looked at it closely and came to that conclusion, I’ll protest nevermore. But true or false, I think it’s a statement that makes us look very cultish, unless there’s some easy way to back it up.

    • #2 by time for freedom on 06/16/2018 - 6:12 pm

      We know that the Imperial system that sponsors White Genocide will fall eventually without our help. That’s a certainty. What is needed is a mindset among White people that justifies their existence. They don’t have that right now because of White self hatred and guilt. The Mantra remedies this. This is vital because, although the anti-White system will surely fall, that in itself doesn’t mean that White people will survive, or even want to survive. Without the Mantra, White people would have lacked the moral impetus to fight for their survival post fall. I hope this makes sense.

  2. #3 by Wuntz Moore on 06/15/2018 - 10:15 pm

    The others, I like, except maybe that the very last one could be redone a bit, I think.

    These will serve not only against the concern trolls, but against the much more numerous AMPWs — the “anti-Mantra pro-whites” — who don’t have much concern at all. The only difference between the two groups is the tone in which they tell us we are doing it all wrong and here’s how it should be done.

    Well, some of us tell them the same thing. Which is a habit I personally am going to try to give up, since finally I’m very tired of it. If they fire first, I’m just going to respond with eyeslevel’s excellent first suggestion,

    “We developed our methods through thousands of hours of interacting with anti-whites in the field. If you think you have something better, try it out and get back to us.”

  3. #5 by time for freedom on 06/18/2018 - 5:38 am

    “Denying the existence of White Genocide is part of White Genocide”

    “Nothing based upon the truth is a hard sell if YOU are a good salesperson.”

    “White Genocide is only a hard sell because you haven’t used our best sales techniques, that is, the Mantra”

    “Refusing to talk about White Genocide is part of White Genocide”

    “Refusing to talk about White Genocide is what the anti-whites do”

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